Friendly Friday Update
The weekly newsletter for the FHMS Community - 5/17/24
Mr. Hiti's Message
Please check around for school library materials that you may have at home. We are in the process of gathering all items and getting them back to school. Any help you can give us is greatly appreciated and you can drop any item off in the main office during the school day.
Students are busy wrapping up their FAST testing in Math and Reading. They have done an excellent job taking their time, and staying focused over the past month with the various assessments.
Upcoming Dates
- May 22 - Tea with the Principal for AAPI, 8 a.m.
- May 27 - Memorial Day, No School
- June 6 - Last Day of School
- June 6 - 8th Grade Recognition, 1:30 p.m.
Summer Book Club
We are proud to offer Summer Book Club again this year for current 5th and 6th grade students. There is no cost to participate in this program and all books will be provided to participants before the end of the school year.
Friendly Hills teachers Mrs. St. Fleur, Mrs. Walburg, and Mr. Wittmann are leading the meetings, which will happen on June 18th, July 17th, and August 7th at the Wescott Library in Eagan.
Click here to learn more and sign up. The deadline is Wednesday, May 22!
Middle School Football (Fall 2024)
This fall, tackle football will no longer be offered at the Middle School level.
All students entering 8th grade who do not already have association teams they play for (such as TRAA, EAA, or West Side Boosters), will be immediately absorbed into the Two Rivers High School program. We are thrilled to have them and will provide equipment, facilities, game options, and a coaching staff as well as transportation to and from practices (District Activities bus).
All students entering 7th grade who are not already involved in association football, are strongly encouraged to join the tackle program through our local Two Rivers Athletic Association. Program registration begins in summer (and will be shared through multiple avenues) and practices begin in August prior to the start of school. The high school program and TRAA are working together to provide accessible and competitive opportunities aligned with our high school philosophies and skill development.
Please see the flyer below for more information.
Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month
We want your input on our FH celebration of Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. All students and family members are welcome to provide ideas and feedback with what you'd like to see at our school community and / or volunteer to lead an activity! If you would like to help us plan out what you would like to see in your school to honor AAPI Heritage Month, please complete this form.
Middle School Summer Enrichment Opportunities
Join us this summer for athletics, aquatics and activities for middle schoolers in District 197! For information on all our camps/classes and to register click HERE or email us at youthenrichment@isd197.org if you have any questions!
Warriors Athletic Summer Camps - Taught by TRHS Coaches: Girls Basketball Camp, Football, Soccer, Speed & Agility, Track and Field, Baseball, Gymnastics, Dance Camp
Activities: Speech & Debate Camps with TRHS Teacher Mr. Geiger
Aquatics: Water Instructor Aide Course, Artistic Swimming Course & Swim Lessons
Music Camps: Summer Jazz Band & Intro to Songwriting and Music Production
Craft Supply Request
Counselors and Cultural Liaisons are planning projects with our students in honor of Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Please consider donating new (or gently used) origami paper, kits, and/or other supplies. Thank you!
About Friendly Hills
Respect. Readiness. Relationships. Responsibility.
Follow ISD197 on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
Email: christopher.hiti@isd197.org
Website: friendlyhills.isd197.org
Location: 701 Mendota Heights Road, Mendota Heights, MN, USA
Phone: 651-403-7600
Facebook: facebook.com/FriendlyHillsMS
Instagram: @friendlyhillsmiddle