Weekly Bulldog Bits
for the week of October 21st
Reminder Parents/Guardians!
Attention parents/guardians!!! Students need to wait to get out of cars at the loading area or wait until a staff member gets them out of the car at drop off. The loading/unloading area is clearly marked with signs and we need to work together to get everyone to school safely. Please remember the Valet Loop is only for students in grades 1-5; TK/Kindergarten must be walked to the gate/Adults are unable to use the Loop to enter/exit cars.
Also, parents/guardians are not allowed past the school gate. If your child needs a forgotten item please bring it to the front office. All volunteers must check in first before coming onto campus. Thank you for your cooperation in helping to maintain a safe campus.
Balanced Budget Input Sessions
On October 29th at 6:30 pm, Ms. Arroyo will be hosting a Zoom family/community session on the topic of Balanced Budget Input. This is an opportunity to hear a live version of the information as well as provide thoughts/ideas on how to have a balanced budget. If you cannot attend the session but still want to provide feedback, click on the link below for the district webpage which provides more information. In addition, on slide 11, there is a recording of the presentation if you would like to hear it on your own time. Thank you in advance for providing your thoughts and ideas.
LINK TO DISTRICT WEBSITE (Spanish and Chinese version of slides available on the district website.)
Christina Arroyo is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Christina Arroyo's Personal Meeting Room
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 807 004 6382
Passcode: bulldogs
Red Ribbon Week 10/28-11/1
We are celebrating Red Ribbon Week from October 28th to November 1st. Red Ribbon Week is a time to celebrate and practice making healthy choices to promote a happy and healthy lifestyle. We will be joining in fun activities such as dress-up days and doing activities in our classes to highlight the importance of living a drug-free life and making healthy choices!
Great California ShakeOut
On October 17th at 10:17 we participated in the district wide earthquake drill called the Great California Shake Out. We encourage families to practice earthquake safety at home and download the attached earthquake info sheet flyer.
Grade 4 and 5 Basketball
Basketball Tryouts
Will your grade 4/5 student be trying out for basketball team this year? Tryouts will be taking place this November. Please try to schedule your student's physical as quickly as possible and outside of school hours. As a reminder, a student is unable to try out without having a completed physical with the documentation. There are no exceptions to the timeline as this is a district policy.
Due to scheduling challenges with Horner, we will be unable to hold the basketball clinic. An announcement will be made soon at school so our interested Grade 4 & 5 students can pick up a paper packet.
Girls Basketball Tryouts:
November 5th, 3:00-4:30 PM at Horner Middle School MUR
Boys Basketball Tryouts:
November 6th, 3:00-4:30 PM at Horner Middle School MUR
School Attendance Awareness
Thank you for being on time and coming to school daily! Our gates open for our Grade 1-5 students at 8:05. School begins promptly at 8:20.
Family Picnic Day
Thank you to everyone who came out to make family picnic day such a special event. If you were unable to attend this fall look out for our flyer invite for our spring family picnic day!!!
Book Character Day-October 31st
Book character day is almost here. Students are invited to come to school dressed as their favorite book character on Thursday, October 31st. Students should bring a copy of the book their character is from if they have it or they can bring another favorite book. Please download the flyer for details about the parade and guidelines.
October 22nd At the Ghost House in the Fremont Hub
Have you ever visited the Ghost House in the Fremont Hub? Candle Lighters is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to raising funds for non-profit groups and community-based projects in the Tri-City Community (Fremont, Newark & Union City). They consider themselves a service and a social organization. and raise money solely through their annual Ghost House. We will have at least 2 Hirsch staff attending this evening event from 6-9 pm! Check out the website for more information. We look forward to seeing you there!
Fremont Education Foundation: Run for Education - November 3rd
FEF’s annual Run for Education event will be held on 11/3 at Quarry Lakes park. All proceeds raised from the run will support all 43 FUSD schools’ athletic related programs. Registration is open! Here is the registration link or you can scan the QR code on the attached flyer to participate. What a great way to practice healthy habits!
PTA Links
If you haven’t joined our Hirsch PTA social media already, here are the links to our Facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/groups/hrsch/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF
And our Hirsch Family whatsapp group- https://chat.whatsapp.com/FNg6wn9coPvFLiYN0dNNEo
Hirsch PTA WeChat : Scan the QR code to join the Group
Math Kangaroo
Hirsch PTA is excited to bring back Math Competitions for 2024-25 to our school. Please join the respective WhatsApp groups for registration details.
*Math Kangaroo (1st - 5th Graders):* https://chat.whatsapp.com/DyWS0BUv5rlFyJW0MJg4Ot Exam Date: Mar 20,2025 - 3:00pm to 4.15pm
*Math Olympiad MOEMS (4th & 5th Graders):* https://chat.whatsapp.com/DFx26HtCB75K2LrjrLtpSk
Registration Details: https://hirsch-pta-math-olympiad-2024-2025.cheddarup.com Please contact Hirsch PTA for any additional questions: @Shweta Shah, 415-265-8463
Fremont Robotics Academy:
Weekly FLL Challenge Classes will be offered at Hirsch to 4th and 5th grade students. Classes will be held Wednesdays from 5:15 pm to 6:45 pm, beginning September 11 and ending October 30th. If you would like to join please use the Google form to sign up.
Hirsch Chess Club update:
Registration is now open. We are using cheddarup this year for both signup & payment.
Here is the link: