Raider Review
WELCOME BACK 2023 - 2024
Ms. Moreland
Associate Principal and Principal of Magellan
Mrs. Ruhsam
Mr. Stanley
Associate Principal
Welcome back to school Raider Families! As the new academic year begins, we want to extend a warm greeting to all as we hope you had wonderful summer months and are ready for an exciting and successful school year ahead.
We understand that the partnership between families and educators plays a crucial role in a student's educational journey. Together, we can work to create an environment where every child has the tools to reach their full potential. We encourage open communication between families and teachers. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, please don't hesitate to reach out. Regular updates and parent-teacher conferences will be scheduled throughout the year to keep you informed about your child's progress and development.
Let's work together to create a supportive and enriching experience for our students. Your involvement, encouragement, and support make a significant difference in their educational success. We look forward to a year filled with learning, growth, and meaningful connections.
Once again, welcome back to school, and here's to a fantastic year ahead!
Kristin Ruhsam, Jared Stanley, and Deb Moreland
We look forward to seeing you all on August 30th!
This is an opportunity for your student to put things in their lockers and walk the building.
Here are a few things that you will need to know to make this a successful evening:
- Please see the diagram on the right as to where you should enter with your student.
- Students will have access to their lockers, so bring your supplies.
- You will have an opportunity to sign the Walking Field Trip Form and the Chromebook Acknowledgement Form and turn them into the Main Office.
- You will receive a paper copy of your student's schedule.
- This is a free-flowing night so come anytime between 4:30 and 6:30 pm.
If you cannot make it, stop by the building anytime on August 29th between 9:00 and 3:00.
We will have an additional night for families to get to know our building and the staff on September 11th where you will walk your student's schedule and meet their teachers.
Kristin Ruhsam, Jared Stanley, and Deb Moreland
If your student is participating in the morning breakfast program they are to enter the school at Door R nearest the Cafeteria starting at 7:30. Food will be expected to stay in that area and finished before heading into the hallways and off to their CORE 1.
Washington Street will become very busy during those times with construction equipment. Bus and Cab parking will be utilizing the space on Badger Avenue past the Main Entrance to the corner and will be marked as "No Parking" zones. Please remember that school parking lots are not drop-off and pick-up locations for students unless prior arrangements have been made with administration.
Students connecting with one another in person is vitally more important during school than students connecting to their phones. Access to smartphones, texts, and social media magnifies behaviors and attitudes that harm inclusion and acceptance. In pursuit of our core values of Perseverance, Resilience, Integrity, Determination, and Excellence cell phones do not support these values and habits.
For these reasons, and because we want all students to be present, successful, and participatory in their time at Wilson Middle and Magellan Magnet School, students must have their phones in their locker at all times during the school day with the exception of before/after school and during students’ designated lunch time.
We understand that there are events or situations in which you need to get in touch with your student during the school day. We encourage you to contact the Main Office at (920) 852-5435 if there is an emergency.
Click HERE to view the full policy.
If you need a translated copy, connect with the Main Office.
Breakfast and Lunch will be free for ALL WILSON students for the 2023 - 2024 school year.
Lunch will be served during each grade level’s lunch period and students are free to bring their own lunch if desired. After eating lunch ALL students will get 15-20 minutes outside, so please make sure your child dresses appropriately for the weather. There will also be the option for students to utilize the LMC at that time, but they will need their student ID to obtain an LMC pass.
If you have not done so, please complete the Free and Reduced Paperwork even if you may not think that you qualify as this is also how other programs in our district and building are funded.
Families can apply for Free/Reduced meals on their Infinite Campus portal.
Click on "More" and then click on "Meal Benefits"
The Wilson School Supply List can be found HERE.
The Magellan School Supply List can be found HERE.
BOYS and GIRLS CLUB - Wilson Location
After School - Open Until 6:00 pm
*Closed the First Friday of Every Month
Boys & Girls Club Registration:
Boys & Girls Club information:
- Please call our attendance line 920-852-5435 (press 1) to report all absences.
- If you have a medical note, please have your student turn it into the MAIN OFFICE.
Locker Organization Night
Wednesday, Aug 30, 2023, 04:30 PM
Wilson Middle School, North Badger Avenue, Appleton, WI, USA
Family Listening Session
Wednesday, Aug 30, 2023, 05:00 PM
Wilson Middle School, North Badger Avenue, Appleton, WI, USA
Parent Meet and Greet Night
Monday, Sep 11, 2023, 05:30 PM
Wilson Middle School, North Badger Avenue, Appleton, WI, USA
Raider Community Supporters
RCS is the Wilson/Magellan version of a PTA and includes Wilson/Magellan parents and guardians, teachers, and administration. This year we have the goal of also including community businesses.
Here are some reasons to join RCS:
- Continue your engagement in your child's education as they move to middle school. It's needed now more than ever!
- Get connected by meeting other parents/guardians.
- It's a great way to keep informed about what is going on at Wilson/Magellan and share your input.
- Share your talents, skills, and hobbies to help make the Wilson/Magellan community even stronger for your child and all the children in the community.
Please email Deb Moreland ( with your questions.
Tuesday, Sep 12, 2023, 06:00 PM
Wilson Middle School, North Badger Avenue, Appleton, WI, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Picture Day
Tuesday, Sep 19, 2023, 08:00 AM
Panda Express Fundraising Night
Thursday, Sep 28, 2023, 04:00 PM
Panda Express, West College Avenue, Appleton, WI, USA
Connect with Wilson
Location: Wilson Middle School, North Badger Avenue, Appleton, WI, USA
Phone: (920) 832-6226
Twitter: @wilsonraiders
Connect with Magellan
Location: Wilson Middle School, North Badger Avenue, Appleton, WI, USA
Phone: (920) 832-6226