RAMS Raider's Den for Oct 3, 2024

Thursday, October 3, 2024
Message from RAMS Principal - Heidi George
Dear Roseville Area Middle School Families,
As we step into October, we’re excited to celebrate Anti-Bullying Month by spreading kindness throughout our school community. This month, we are introducing a Student Kindness Wall and a Staff Kindness Wall, highlighting our commitment to creating a supportive environment. Students and staff will write on post-it notes acts of kindness that happen to them and then post them on the designated walls in the building.
Our initiatives include:
Teaching Kindness: We will focus on what it means to show and spread kindness in our classrooms and beyond.
Modeling Kindness: Our educators will actively demonstrate kindness towards one another, setting an example for our students.
Recognizing Kindness: We will be using Raider Pride Tickets to provide specific feedback, acknowledge and celebrate students who exhibit kindness and make positive choices.
We’re also connecting our kindness initiative to this year’s theme: the Ripple Effect. Kindness creates ripples that positively impact our school culture and foster a sense of belonging—an essential element that research shows can enhance school attendance, especially in middle school. Here is the video that we watched in STAR earlier this year: Kindness: Ripple Effect Video
Thank you for your continued partnership at home. We look forward to seeing you at STAR Conferences next week!
Learning for ALL,
Heidi George
🎉Raving About RAMS!🎉
8th grade AVID Team Building
Our 8th grade AVID classes finally came together and did some team building (collaborating) Friday with playing the games Spoons. This was one of our top favorite games last year in AVID and is always a fun interaction between all our students. Even Mr. Lau and Mrs. Hall got to play and enjoy time with our students.
- Thursday, October 3 - FTA Meeting - RAMS Team Office (next to the Media Center) - 7:00p
- Friday, October 4 - Spirit Week Wraps Up - Raider Wear Day
- Friday, October 4 - RAHS Homecoming! Go Raiders!!!
- Tuesday, October 8 - Fall Conferences with STAR Teacher - 3:30-7:30pm - see below for more information
- Wednesday, September 9 - School Picture Retake Day - during all lunches
- Thursday, October 10 - Fall Conferences with STAR Teacher - 3:30-7:30pm - see below for more information
- Monday, October 14 - Indigenous Peoples Day
- Unity Day - Wear Orange - Send a visible message of building commUNITY through kindness, acceptance, and inclusion to prevent bullying.
- Wednesday, October 16 - No School - Teacher Workshop Day
- Thursday, October 17 - No School - Fall Break
- Friday, October 18 - No School Fall Break
Raider Athletics & Activities: Reminder for Children 8th Grade & Younger
As we approach the Homecoming game on Friday night, please remember that all children 8th grade and younger are welcome but MUST be accompanied by an adult at all Roseville Area High School athletics and activities events. No exceptions.
RAMS Fall Book Fair
RAMS students will have the opportunity to purchase books at the FTA hosted Scholastic Book Fair! Teachers will sign-up to bring their students to the Book Fair in the Media Center during the week of Oct 7-11. It will also be open during conferences on Tuesday, October 8 and Thursday, Oct 10 between 3:30-7:30pm.
If you would like to set your student up with an eWallet please visit the Scholastic Book Fair website here: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/rosevilleareamiddleschool
Sign-Up to Help at the Book Fair
RAMS FTA needs your help to run the book fair the week of Oct 7-11.
Please consider signing up for a shift.
Click HERE for the Sign-Up Genius.
All families attending conferences in person or on Zoom should plan to bring their student with them.
RAMS will hold fall conferences on:
- Tuesday, October 8 - 3:30-7:30pm
- Thursday, October 10 - 3:30-7:30pm
Families will sign-up to meet with their students STAR teacher either in-person or in a Zoom mtg. STAR Teachers sent out their personal sign-up link this week. It can also be found on our Facebook Page.
You can also find it HERE. You will find your student(s) STAR teacher in a grade level folder.
We look forward to connecting with you and your student next week!
Feed the RAMS Staff for Conferences!
RAMS Family Teacher Association invites you to help feed the staff for the Tuesday, October 8th and Thursday, October 10th Conferences.
- October 8th - Nacho Bar
- October 10th - Asian Theme
Click HERE to fill out the Sign-Up Genius
Student MCA Reports Now Available
You can now see your student’s 2024 Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) Individual Student Report in Synergy ParentVue. This report shows your child’s overall score in each subject that was tested last year, as well as information about achievement level and their past performance. There is also a QR code for a video explaining the results in more detail. For information on accessing the report, click here.
Important Notice: New Immunization Requirements for Roseville Area Schools
Starting Monday, October 21, 2024, Roseville Area Schools will enforce the Minnesota immunization law. This is crucial for maintaining healthy and safe school communities. Here's what you need to know:
Students must meet one of the following criteria to continue attending school:
- Have received all required immunizations
- Have a scheduled immunization appointment
- Have submitted a notarized exemption form
Starting October 21, 2024:
- Students who do not meet the immunization requirements will be instructed to stay home until the requirements are met.
- These absences will be marked as unexcused.
Why this matters:
- This policy helps protect our most vulnerable students, who are unable to receive vaccines.
- It minimizes the time students miss due to disease outbreaks, as those not immunized may be required to stay home per the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).
If your student is missing any immunizations, you will receive a notice from the school's health office. Please respond promptly to ensure your student can remain in school.
For questions or concerns, contact your school’s health office.
Congratulations SuperNova Student's of the Month
Vivienne Boyd
Mia Gutierrez Rizo
Briza Mendoza Garcia (absent from photo)
Daniel Pitts
Vilis Wegener
Jared Zamora
Technology Information
Checking Grades
Conferences are coming up and it is a good time to check your student’s grades and reach out to teachers. You will need access to both Schoology and ParentVue to do this. If you do not have access to either of these accounts, please email kathryn.obrien@isd623.org.
Health Office Information
Immunization Update
Students who are not compliant with required immunizations by 10/15/2024 will be excluded from school starting 10/21/2024. Parents and guardians of students who are not compliant have received multiple phone calls, letters and emails regarding this. If you have received a letter or phone call, please call the school nurse (Joan Tighe) at 651-724-6680 before 10/15/2024 to discuss a plan to avoid exclusion from school.
RAMS Health Office is staffed from 7:30am-3:30pm on student contact days
P: 651-482-5291
F: 651-288-5034
RAMS School Nurse - Joan Tighe: 📨 joan.tighe@isd623.org
RAMS Health Assistant - Linsey Saxon: 📨 linsey.saxton@isd623.org
Athletics & Activities
Change in After School Activity Buses
We are so grateful to have buses for students who participate in after school athletics and activities. For the past few decades the activity buses have operated more like a public bus system having students alert the drivers of where they would like to be dropped off. To streamline the drop off process we have now implemented specific stops for each of the activity buses. Click on the links below to see the maps or each specific routes stops. These are also posted outside of the main office as you enter RAMS for students to find their bus and stop.
4:00pm Activity Bus Route Stops
5:00pm Activity Bus Route Stops
- Sports Physical Form (Found here in English, Spanish Hmong & Somali)
- Online Registration
- Activity Bus Routes
- Information on Free Sports Physicals at Twin Cities Orthopedics
*7-12th sports in the district are run by the RAHS coaches and activities office. More information can be found at www.rosevilleraiders.org. RAHS fall sports start Monday, August 12th.
RAHS activities office contacts:
📨 Natalie Crosby or 📨 Andrea Schmidt
AD Office Contacts: 📨 Tanysha Scott and 📨 Susan Garland or call 651-482-5290
In the past, RAMS has offered academic clubs like Science Club, International Club, Hmong Writing; academic teams like Destination Imagination, Future Problem Solvers, Math Counts; performing arts like Morning Choir, Jazz Band, Theater; creative arts like Pottery Club, Painting Club, Anime Club; athletic activities like Rock Climbing, Weight Lifting, Ski Trips, and Horseback Riding; game clubs like Chess Club, Trading Card Club. Anyone in the community who is interested in offering an extra-curricular activity contact 651-482-5290 for more information.
Yearbook Club
Room: B100
Advisor: Ms. Rogers (kelly.rogers@isd623.org)
Dates: September 30 – May 26
Cost: FREE
Are you interested in being a part of our Yearbook Crew at RAMS and creating this year's Yearbook? Please complete this form. If you have questions, email Ms. Rogers or stop and see her in her ROOM B100.
Yearbook is a yearlong activity that meets every 2 - 3 weeks. Students who participate in other activities are still welcome to join the yearbook club!
Room: C101
Advisor: Mr. Larson (anthony.larson@isd623.org)
Dates: September 9th until
Meets: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays immediately after school until 4:00 PM
Cost: $10
Get ready for an action-packed season of First Tech Challenge! We're forming a competitive robotics team and are seeking dedicated students who are ready to push their limits in the world of engineering and robotics.
Team Details:
• Commitment: Consistent attendance at all meetings is required. We're building a strong team, and every member's presence is essential.
• Team Size: Limited to 15 students.
• Selection: If more than 15 students are interested, a selection process will be used to finalize the team.
We're looking forward to a fantastic season! Go Team!
Room: Choir Room D304
Advisor: Ms. Caudle (amanda.caudle@isd623.org) and Ms. Wuerffel (deborah.wuerffel@isd623.org) + other teachers throughout the year
Starts: Wednesday Sept 25th
Meets: Bi-Weekly as announced through Schoology
Time: 2:50-4:00
Who: Anyone accepting of or identifying with 2SLGBTQIA+ identities.
A safe space for students to meet and discuss topics and build community specifically surrounding LGBTQ+ identities and experiences at RAMS. Students will participate in activities, crafts, service projects, advocacy and possible field trips. No attendance requirement, come whenever you can!
Latinx Club
Room: A217
Advisor: Ms. Siliva Vasquez (silvia.vasquez@isd623.org)
Starts: Tuesday, September 24
Meets: Tuesday and Thursday
Time: 2:50 pm until 4:30 pm.
Who: Everyone is welcome to attend, we learn about who we are as Latinx today. We learn about Latinx Culture. We have fiestas, celebrate some of our holidays, we cook, sing, dance and build pride in our Latinx identity.
Students 8th grade and younger must be accompanied by an adult AND that adult must stay and monitor those students. Students and parents who don't follow these expectations will be subject to loss of entry to future RAHS events.
Nutrition Services
Important Changes to School Meal Procedures for Roseville Area Schools Students
Roseville Area Schools will continue to offer free meals for all students during the school day, including healthy breakfasts, lunches, and after-school "super" snacks. To ensure our meal programs remain effective and equitable, we are implementing some changes to our procedures, specifically regarding second meals and additional lunch servings.
Changes to Meal Procedures
Elementary Schools:
- Elementary students will no longer be able to purchase additional items such as entrées or sides. However, milk may still be purchased separately.
- We encourage students to make the most of our meal offerings by eating breakfast, utilizing the share cart, and enjoying the "all-you-care-to-eat" fresh fruit and vegetable options available with their lunch serving.
Secondary Schools:
- Secondary students may purchase additional entrées, sides, or milk if they have money in their meal account.
- To purchase additional items, students must check in at the designated cashier, receive a food tray, return to the serving line for the additional items, and check out at the designated register.
- Students with negative meal balances will not be permitted to purchase additional items.
We encourage all students to take advantage of the free breakfast and lunch offerings, which include unlimited fruits and vegetables and access to the share cart. Secondary students also have the opportunity to enjoy free super snacks at the end of each school day.
Thank you for your understanding as we make these adjustments to better serve our students.
RAMS Menus
Menus at the secondary level will no longer be provide for each month in a calendar format. Please click on the grey button below to access the menus online. Make sure you change the school to be Roseville Area Middle School and check that you are in the week you would like to look at the menus.
FTA Information
RAMS 2024-25 FTA Meetings
🕐 7:00pm
📍 RAMS Team Office (next to Media Center)
📅 TONIGHT!! Thursday, October 3
📅 Thursday, November 7
📅 Thursday, December 5
📅 Thursday, February 6
📅 Thursday, March 6
📅 Thursday, April 3
📅 Thursday, May 8
From the District
Community Flyers
Community Ed Updates
Limited Edition Apparel - Support Community Ed! 👕 🎉
Looking for fun Roseville Area Schools apparel? Choose from this selection of limited edition shirts! Your purchase will support Roseville Area Schools Community Education programs and services.
🔺 Heather black long sleeve ($20)
🔺 Heather red long sleeve ($20)
🔺 Gray short sleeve with school mascots ($15)
These shirts are a soft, comfortable tri-blend fabric (50/37/13 poly/cotton/rayon) in a unisex fit. Sizes are available in adult S - 3XL and youth S - XL.
Orders are due by October 4, 2024. ⏰ 🗓️ Shirt orders will arrive near the end of October! To place an order, call 651-604-3770 or CLICK HERE.
Parents - Try an Enrichment Class! 💡
Roseville Community Education offers a wide variety of enrichment classes for adults ages 18+. Check out some of our upcoming classes, such as:
Introduction to Online Genealogy
Psychic Development and Mediumship
How to Travel Free and Make Money Traveling
Watercolor Painting
Self Defense Fundamentals for Adults
...and many more!
Open Swim and Lap Swim at Aŋpétu Téča Education Center! 💧
Looking for a fun family activity? Searching for a way to prioritize your fitness as the days get darker and colder outside this fall? Jump on into the pool at Aŋpétu Téča Education Center! Our heated indoor pool is a warm 86 degrees year-round.
We offer numerous open swim and lap swim times throughout the week. View our montly calendars and more information online at isd623.org/aquatics.
School Supply Spotlight
Important RAMS Phone Numbers and Email addresses (click on any staff members name below to send an email)
- Main Office - 651-482-5280
- 📨 Attendance Email or leave a message at 651-482-5281
- Principal - 📨 Heidi George - 651-482-5284
- Assoc. Principal Grade 7 - 📨 Garin Bogenholm - 651-482-5287
- Assoc. Principal Grade 8 - 📨 Joseph Bue - 651-482-5297
- Building/Administrative Support Staff - 📨 Linsey Owen - 651-482-5284
- Registrar / Student Records Support Staff - 📨 Rebecca Thompson - 651-482-5288
- Athletics/Activities - 651-482-5290
- 📨 Tanysha Scott - Activities Director
- 📨 Susan Garland - Activities Clerical
- Student Support Services Office - 651-482-5289
- 📨 Julie Gabos - Grade 7 - Counselor
- 📨 Todd Richter - Grade 8 - Counselor
- 📨 Amy Grengs - School Psychologist
- 📨 Lisa Valerius - School Psychologist
- 📨 Angie Feigal - Social Worker
- 📨 Duane Woeste - SEL Teacher
- 📨 Melanie Cogan - Student Services Support Staff
- Health Office - 651-482-5291
- 📨 Joan Tighe - School Nurse
- 📨 Linsey Saxton - Health Assistant
- Special Education - 651-288-5000
- 📨 Jodi Walker - Special Education Lead Teacher
- 📨 Nancy Boulay - Special Education Clerical
- Centerline Bus - 651-482-1794
- District Transportation - 📨 Kristen Donaldson - 651-635-1638
- Tech Support - 651-288-5001
- 📨 Kathryn O'Brien - Media Specialist
- 📨 Kaolee Yang - District Tech Integrationist
- School Fax - 651-482-5299
- Spanish Liaison - 📨 Cecilia Martino - 651-235-3426
- American Indian Liaison - 📨 Savannah Rojas - 651-332-6513
- Somali Liaison - 📨 Kowthar Ismail - 651-322-0468
- Karen Liaison - 📨 Hsar Htoo - 651-332-6929
- Bhutanese/Nepali Liaison - 📨 Indira Kharel - 651-307-7471
- Hmong Liaison - 📨 Maider Lee - 651-210-7821
- African American Liaison - 📨 K’Lynn Lewis - 651-239-2826
Pre-order your RAMS 2024-25 yearbook online directly from JOSTENS.
Questions about Yearbook? Reach out to our Yearbook Coordinator Kelly Rogers.
RAMS Back to School Email
RAMS sent out a Back to School email the past two weeks that had a lot of great school information. If you missed those emails please CLICK HERE to find the most recent email.
Change in Information?
Has any of your contact information changed over the summer? Address, phone numbers, emergency contact information, etc? If so, please contact the office by calling 651-482-5288 or email
📨 rebecca.thompson@isd623.org and we will update our records