SHMS Family Newsletter
May 26, 2024
Principal's Message
Greetings Stuart-Hobson community,
I hope this finds everyone enjoying their holiday weekend and finding some time to remember and celebrate friends and family who have served our country. We only have 14 school days remaining and just one 5-day school week. Term 4 progress reports have been published and mailed home and these last few weeks together will mark our final push in the school year and will be busy with events and celebrations. Please see the calendars and updates below for flyers and other information about the many events that will keep us busy at the end of the school year!
Our rising 7th graders are leading the pack with 80% of students already re-enrolled for next year! You helped us hit our May 3rd goal and hope that everyone can also help us meet our next goal of having 90% of students enrolled by Memorial Day weekend.
I hope to see many of you at this coming weekend's Spring musical performances and thank you for supporting the SHMS Drama Players again this season! Let's have another great week together working to finish the year strong!
Warm regards,
Eric Fraser
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As a reminder, all current and past newsletters are posted on our website for your reference.
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Weekly Calendar & Upcoming Dates
- Memorial Day observed, schools closed
- A great instructional day!
- Lockdown Drill, 9:00 AM
- SHMS Jazz Ensemble plays Peabody Garden event
- Culture & Operations Meeting, 3:45-4:30 PM
- A great instructional day!
- SHMS Musical: James & The Giant Peach, 6:30 PM
- SHMS Musical: James & The Giant Peach, 1:00 & 6:30 PM
- SHMS Musical: James & The Giant Peach, 3:00 PM
Upcoming Dates
- June 4, Election Day, no school for students or teachers
- June 5, Spring Concert (SHMS Band programs), 6:00 PM
- June 6, Terrific Taco Party for Incoming Students and Families, 5:00-7:00 PM
- June 6 & 7, 8th Grade Class Trip
- June 10, 8th Grade Dinner Dance & Cruise
- June 11, LSAT Meeting, 6:30-8:00 (virtual)
- June 12, 6th Grade Climate Symposium (Mr. Herr's Science classes), 3:30-4:30 PM
- June 13, 7th Grade Class Trip
- June 13, 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony, 10:00 AM
- June 17, Last day of school for students
- June 17, DC Go-Go Legends Summer Send-Off Concert for students & families, SHMS field, 2:00 PM
- June 18, Records-Keeping & PD Day for teachers, last day for teachers
Athletics Schedule
We would like to send a huge SHOUT OUT to our UNDEFEATED co-ed Baseball Team who ended their regular season with a win against Hardy and a record of 8-0. Play-offs will begin on Thursday, May 30th and we would really appreciate everyone coming out to cheer them on and show support.
Also on Thursday, May 30th, the track team will compete in the championship meet at Spingarn from noon-4 p.m.
Our unified basketball team had a great game against Brookland on Thursday. The Panthers and Breeze will meet again for a final game on Friday, May 31st at Brookland.
Football workouts will be on hold until further notice.
Thank you to everyone who came out to the Athletics Banquet on Thursday evening and special thanks to AP Turner for organizing a great celebration of our amazing student athletes.
The 2024-2025 Athletics’ Participation packet has been released. If your student’s UHC has been updated recently, you are encouraged to complete the participation packet as soon as possible.
Please note that it is not necessary to submit a new participation packet for each season. A complete packet includes the DCIAA forms filled out in their entirety along with a Universal Health Certificate that was completed within the last year.
Coaching Openings:
Boys’ Outdoor Track Head Coach
Boys’ Outdoor Track Assistant Coach
Girls’ Outdoor Track Assistant Coach
Football Head Coach (Fall)
All students must complete a participation packet every school year. Additionally, the medical forms must be completed within the prior 365 days. We encourage you to have your healthcare provider complete these forms before the school year and attach them to your participation packet.
Universal Health Certificate (UHC). Students with certain medical conditions may also need to complete an Asthma Action Plan or an Anaphylaxis Action Plan
SHMS Athletics is seeking to hire coaches for the following teams. Professional and coaching résumés can be sent directly to Ms. Swann:
Athletic Director
Please see below for team specific QR codes and sites and direct any questions about athletics to our new Athletic Director, Ms. Dreka Swann, dreka.swann@k12.dc.gov
DCPS Calendar & Meal Menus
Updated calendars for DCPS are available at this link.
All school meal menus can be found here and the middle and high school menus are here.
Shout Outs and Celebrations
Congratulations to all of our families and athletes and thank you for coming out last week to celebrate together during our annual Athletics Banquet! Thank you to Ms. Green, AP Turner, and Ms. Swann for leading the organization of the event!
Shout out to Counselor Williams and AP Taylor for organizing a family meeting for our 7th graders to begin wrapping up the year and previewing what to expect during 8th grade.. Thank you to the many students and families who attended!
Returning students and families are maintaining the lead in our enrollment race and we are 72% of the way to our goal of 459 students for next year! 82% of rising 7th grade families have already completed their enrollment paperwork and are leading the charge! We plan to have 90% of all students enrolled by Memorial Day weekend, please take a few moments to submit your paperwork before then!
New Information and Important Updates
SHMS Spring Musical: Tickets On Sale Now!
Tickets now on sale for this spring's musical presented by the Stuart Hobson Dramaplayers: James & the Giant Peach
May 31st 6:30pm
June 1st 1pm & 6:30pm
June 2nd 3pm
Tickets on sale here: tinyurl.com/sh-drama-players-2024
Yearbook Orders!
Yearbooks are on their way and we expect them to be delivered later on this month. If you did not order online, you can pay for and reserve one by bringing in $21 (cash-exact change) to Ms. Smith at morning entry OR afterschool in room 314.
Eastern HS 2024-25 Cheer Information
My name is Tiffany Jenifer, and I am an Eastern High School (EHS) Cheer Coach and the Recruitment Coordinator. EHS cheer recruiting for its 2024-2025 season is underway, and we are looking for talented individuals who can meet the high-level academic and athletic demands of our challenging, yet rewarding, program.
In preparation for the upcoming season, the staff will be hosting and invite you to attend the upcoming events:
Community Field Day – June 22, 2024, at 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Eastern High School (Lower-Level Field)
Offering: Enrollment or re-enrollment, Meet the EHS Cheer coaches, cheerleaders and alums, Food, Games, Prizes, Fun
Cheer Interest/Information Session – September 6, 2024, at 3:30 PM
Eastern High School, 4th Floor Atrium
Try-outs for incoming students – September 9 - 12, 2024, at 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Eastern Hight School, 4th Floor Atrium
Contact the EHS cheer staff at theasternhscheerleaders@gmail.com or me directly at 240-354-4085 if there are any questions or concerns.
We look forward to meeting and working with you.
EHS Cheer Staff
REMINDER: Lockdown Drill - May 29, 10:00 AM
May Emergency Drills: Evacuation & Lockdown
Dear Stuart-Hobson MS Parents and Families:
The safety of our students is always a high priority for us here at Stuart-Hobson Middle School. One of the best ways to ensure a safe school environment is to practice our emergency drills and procedures. District of Columbia law requires our school conduct several drills throughout the school year, one of which is a Lockdown Drill.
A Lockdown Drill is used to secure our school building and campus during incidents that pose an immediate threat of violence in and around the school. During a lockdown, teachers and staff quickly clear hallways and lock or secure classroom doors. Additionally, no one is allowed to enter or exit the building. Parents and/or guardians will not be permitted to enter and should not come to the school during a lockdown.
While we cannot always inform parents when we conduct a drill, this message is to inform you that our school will conduct a Lockdown Drill on Friday, May 29th around 10:00 AM. This routine exercise protects our school community from potential dangers in the building or campus. Please know that every school in DCPS is required to complete two lockdown drills per year.
We are sharing the information in advance so families will not be alarmed if they hear about the drill from their child during the day or when they come home from school. We encourage you to talk to your child about the exercise and reassure them that this is being done to help keep them safe and that they should not be scared or stressed about practicing these emergency procedures. We hope there will never be a time when we must face an actual emergency. However, by practicing drills, we prepare our students and staff to remain calm and take proper action if an emergency arises.
The safety of our students is our priority, and drills like this one help our school community prepare in case of an emergency. Please call the school office with questions at 202-671-6010 or contact me via email at eric.fraser@k12.dc.gov
I appreciate your support.
Eric Fraser
Analyzing maps in geography!
Stuart-Hobson Panthers
6th Graders Speaking for Social Justice!
Previous Announcements & Resources
**The information below is new or an updated version of something announced previously! **
All Newsletters
You can find previously released newsletters and information here.
The most current version of the Student & Family Handbook is linked on our website.
Student Attendance Updates
We want to thank Ms. Clara Hargrove for her many years of service to the students, staff, and families of Stuart-Hobson Middle School and congratulate her on a new opportunity at Eastern High School!
To provide continuity of support with student attendance documentation and data entry, please make note of the following changes to procedures at school for communicating and capturing student attendance:
1. Please submit any excuse notes/requests to Ms. Swann (dreka.swann@k12.dc.gov). Families are encouraged to copy guidance counselors and/or grade level APs on those updates and requests so we can assist with informing teachers and locating student work for students who are absent.
2. Our guidance counselors and social workers, Ms. Smith and Ms. Wittschen, will assist students and families who experience patterns of challenge with regular school attendance. Please reach out to any of them proactively if your student is struggling to attend school or class regularly.
Math 6 Readiness Summer Workshop - Limited Space!
Math 6 Readiness is an in-person course for rising 6th graders attending Stuart-Hobson next school year. Students will revisit essential skills in preparation for Math 6 in the fall and get an early introduction to math class expectations at Stuart-Hobson.
The course runs from Monday, July 22 - Thursday, July 25 and Monday, July 29 - Thursday, August 1, from 9:30 - 11:30am. Students meet at Stuart-Hobson and are expected to attend each day.
The class has a maximum of 25 students. After the first 25 students have registered, additional students will be placed on a waitlist. Families will be contacted when space opens.
Please register here. Registration closes on Friday, June 21 at 5pm.
Final details will be emailed to families in early July.
Please email Ms. Latagan at mariecrist.latagan@k12.dc.gov with any questions.
MS Summer Enrichment Programs
We are excited to offer Grades 5-8 DCPS students a host of summer enrichment opportunities. Families can register their children here. Programs run 3-5 weeks. Please encourage families to sign up; many seats are still remaining.
Share your ideas for the SY 26-29 calendars! (Deadline: May 31, 2024)
As we launch engagement for the SY 26-29 calendars, DCPS invites school leaders, staff, families, and students to submit calendar proposals! Submitted proposals will be used to inform the draft calendars that are shared publicly for feedback in Fall 2024. Learn more about how to submit your calendar proposal here.
Enrolling with DCPS for SY 2024-25
Greetings DCPS Families!
As we prepare for the launch of online enrollment, the District will be centrally resetting the passwords for all users who have not accessed the ASPEN Parent Portal on March 25. The email will be titled "Welcome to the ASPEN Parent Portal". Please test and save these credentials, as families will use the same log in ID email and password to access the online enrollment platform starting March 29. If you have any questions, please contact your school enrollment team (Ms. Swann, Mr. Howard, or AP Turner).
Eighth Annual Everyday DC Exhibition (3/28-6/7)
DCPS Arts is excited to announce that this year’s Everyday DC exhibition will take place from Thursday, March 28, to Friday, June 7 at the Charles Sumner Museum and Archives. The culminating showcase of our middle school Cornerstone unit, Everyday DC, presents a visual narrative of everyday life in Washington, D.C. through the eyes of more than 130 DCPS middle school students from all four quadrants of the city. More information can be found here.
Last Day of School
Given the additional instructional hours built into the school year calendar, DCPS will not have to extend the school year for SY 23-24 to accommodate snow closures. The last day of school for students will remain Monday, June 17 and the last day for teachers, a Records/PD Day will remain Tuesday, June 18.
Policy Reminder: Classroom & Facility Maintenance
Please support us in helping students uphold the school policies outlined below. This week, our student support team and administration will begin confiscating food and drink that students are sharing, distributing, and consuming outside of assigned locations and meal times (e.g. hallways, classrooms, offices, bathrooms). Families can help by keeping large bags of snacks, especially candy and chips, at home and teachers and staff will strictly supervise food that is shared and consumed outside of student lunch periods and the cafeteria. By refocusing on this policy together we believe we can maintain a cleaner and healthier school environment for everyone. As always, if your student needs any dietary accommodations or restrictions please reach out to the school nurse and/or a member of the administrative team. The policy from our handbook is copied and pasted below.
Students are encouraged to promote and help maintain the cleanliness and well-being of the classrooms and other spaces in the school. Trash cans and recycling bins are located throughout the building in classrooms, offices, and other communal spaces. Students are expected to dispose of trash properly, eat in assigned locations, and refrain from the long-term storage of food in lockers.
Students will eat only in designated areas in the school building, including the cafeteria. Students may NOT eat in classrooms, the gymnasium/field, teachers’ lounges, or other spaces without permission from an administrator. Further, students are not allowed to use microwaves, refrigerators, or vending machines which are intended solely for staff use. Students should not store food or drinks in their lockers overnight.
Sunflower seeds are NOT permitted anywhere on school grounds.
Are you new to the community and are finding it challenging to find the time and space to get to know the community? Are you looking to get to know other families at Stuart Hobson Middle School? Do you have questions for families with children in different grades about their experience? Help us, help you to build community at Stuart Hobson Middle School, and volunteer to be a Grade-Level Caregiver Liaison!
Join the Grade-Level Caregiver Liaison Program and help to develop connections and continue to create an inclusive environment at Stuart Hobson Middle School!
SIGN UP HERE: https://forms.gle/75oVMRmHb6FyYokMA
Thank you – The SHMS Grade-Level Caregiver Liaison Team
Free Color Printing at D.C. Public Library Branches
Many students are working on displays for their National History Day and Science Fair projects and may not have access to a color printer at home. With their D.C. One or public library card, they can print up to 20 pages per day in color or black and white at no cost at any branch of the D.C. Public Library.
Print jobs must be sent via email with only the word "PRINT" in the subject line. The email address for the public library closest to Stuart-Hobson is northeastlibrary@dc.gov. Here are the email addresses for all public library branches if students want to print at another location. That link also has additional info about remote printing services, including instructions on how to pick up a print job at the library.
One thing to note: the library prints all pages double-sided. If a student wants to print photos for display on a board, then they need to leave a blank page between each image.
Launching the Winter/Spring 2024 Parent University Calendar!
We are excited to bring families six amazing sessions to answer questions from how to enroll in DCPS to how to support children during key transitions. All sessions provide live access to education experts across the district and more! The sessions are always virtual and on Tuesday evenings. Families can register here to send questions in advance and request interpretation services, or they can just tune-in the day-of the event via this link.
Every Day Counts: Attendance Tips
Powerful learning happens every day, but students must be in class to maximize their growth.
DCPS is committed to promoting a culture of strong attendance, and you can help! Visit attendanceworks.org for more ways to show up together so every student can thrive. The following attendance tips can help:
Set a regular bedtime and morning routine;
Lay out clothes and backpacks the night before;
Create a back-up plan for commuting to school in the morning;
Avoid scheduling appointments and trips during school hours;
Reach out to your school for support with overcoming attendance barriers.
Referral Form for Mental Health and Counseling Support at SHMS
Please fill this form out to refer a student for mental health, behavioral health, or MTSS services at Stuart-Hobson Middle School. Referrals are reviewed weekly and a counseling team member reach out to you.
If you need assistance with this form, please contact Ms. Molly Smith at molly.smith@k12.dc.gov.
For mental health or behavioral health emergencies, contact ChAMPS at 202-481-1440, the DBH Access Helpline at 1-888-7WE-HELP, the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988, or call 911.
Sportsmanship at SHMS
While we were excited to kick-off the winter sports season last week and had our monthly pep assembly on Friday, we were also reminded of the need to work together to remind our students about the level of sportsmanship and positivity that we promote and project in our school community. On the whole, our experiences at recent sporting events and pep assemblies have been positive, however, we ask that everyone work to remind scholars of our expectations and why they are important to our reputation as individuals and a school community.
Below you will find some general expectations that we share with students at SHMS. More specifically, please remind students that the following behaviors are unacceptable at school events and during competitions with other schools, for competitors and spectators alike.
- Booing and jeering
- Taunting or antagonizing opposing players, fans, or staff/coaches
- Organizing disruptions or unsanctioned performances during scheduled events or competitions
During pep assemblies specifically, students are reminded that we all uphold the following expectations:
- Stay in your seat unless scheduled to perform or participate
- Do not cross the (base/side) line in front of assigned bleachers
- Remain in seats until prompted to leave/dismiss from the gym and walk out calmly
We remain confident that upholding these expectations will ensure that SHMS remains a place where students are known as scholar athletes and our community is one that is joyful and safe, even during intense competition. Thank you in advance for having conversations with our students about these expectations.
Parent/Guardian Requirement at SHMS Sporting Events
To maintain everyone's safety, maintain safe gym capacity, and align with other DCPS middle school's we maintain a policy that spectators under the age of 18, including SHMS students, must be accompanied by their parent/guardian. Unaccompanied students will not be allowed to attend indoor sporting events at SHMS or most other DCPS schools. Further, staff and other families cannot be responsible for supervising or escorting another student to any games/events.
Thank you all for adhering to this policy and helping us to maintain an environment that is safe and allows for an enjoyable experience for spectators and guests.
Attention Medicaid Beneficiaries!
Did you know all District residents who access healthcare services via DC Medicaid, Alliance, or the Immigrant Children’s Program must start renewing their health coverage again? Don’t miss out on important information- take time today to update your address, phone number, and email at districtdirect.dc.gov so the Department of Health Care Finance knows where to send your Medicaid renewal letter. If you need help, please call the Public Benefits Call Center at 202-727-5355.
¡Atención beneficiarios de Medicaid!
¿Sabía que todos los residentes del Distrito que acceden a los servicios de atención médica a través de DC Medicaid, Alliance o el Programa de Niños Inmigrantes (Immigrant Childrens’ Program) deben comenzar a renovar su cobertura de salud nuevamente? No se pierda información importante - tómese el tiempo hoy para actualizar su dirección, número de teléfono y correo electrónico en el sitio districtdirect.dc.gov para que el Departamento de finanzas de atención médica sepa a dónde enviar su carta de renovación de Medicaid. Si necesita ayuda, llame al Centro de llamadas de beneficios públicos al 202-727-5355.
Digital Citizenship & Online Safety Tips
While social media and technology offer students new opportunities, they can also amplify the typical stresses of growing up. Families can help their children develop strong digital citizenship skills and stay safe online by taking the steps below.
Make screen time social with young scholars by watching or playing together.
Talk with your student about the difference between personal and public information.
Together, explore the features on their devices and in their apps that can help them use technology more intentionally.
Visit the DCPS Digital Citizenship Family Portal for more tips!
Stay Connected: Internet Access
Looking for ways to pay for home internet? Families may be eligible to receive discounted, high-speed internet through the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Affordable Connectivity Program. Eligibility is based on household income or participation in government assistance programs like SNAP or WIC. Apply at getinternet.gov.
Student Clubs & Extra-Curriculars
Policies & Daily Operations
DCPS COVID Protocols & Updates for SY 2023-24
As the public health emergency is lifted, COVID-19 is now treated the same as any other communicable disease. We are sharing the following reminders for your reference:
- COVID Testing: DCPS will not conduct COVID tests at school. COVID tests are not required to return to school this year.
- COVID Contact Tracing: No contact tracing will occur.
- Testing Positive for COVID:
- Staff who test positive for COVID should alert their school leader and follow guidance from their health provider.
- Students who test positive should follow up with their health provider for guidance and the family should alert the school of their absence (in accordance with normal absence reporting requirements).
- Masks:
- Mask wearing is optional, and schools should support individual decisions to mask for health reasons.
- For individuals who test positive for COVID: A mask should be worn through the 10th day from a positive test or onset of COVID symptoms.
- Notifications: No notifications (classroom, staff, or school-wide) will be sent for COVID positive cases.
New Families Orientation Recording
Thank you to the new families who were able to join us in-person or virtually for our New Families Orientation sessions recently. If you are a new family, or just want a refresher about everything we do at Stuart-Hobson MS and key policies and procedures, please review this recording of the virtual session (please note that the orientation begins shortly after the 13 minute mark in the recording). Also, families can always find the most current resources and information about our school in this folder.
While families who attended were able to pick up their student's schedule and the summer mailing, those who were not able to join us should receive their student's schedule with the summer mailing sometime in soon.
Aspen Parent Portal
Student schedules have been posted in Aspen and should be visible to anyone with an existing Aspen account after August 18th. Students or families without an account should soon receive an invitation to set one up by email (check your Junk folder). We will provide students with copies of their schedule during the first week of school as well.
Aspen Family Portal
Aspen Family Portal accounts should reflect the new school year on/after August 18th. Returning families should be able to access their account using their username and password from last school year. New families will receive an email from Aspen Family Portal when their family portal account is available to use.
The Portal allows you to keep up with progress in school - including grades, assignments, attendance, and more. The goal of DCPS' new digital portal is to create an open line of communication between home and school.
To Access the Portal:
1. Visit https://aspen.dcps.dc.gov
2. Make sure pop-up blocking is disabled for your browser
3. Your user name will be provided via email
4. Your temporary password will be provided via email
NOTE: Both user name and password are case sensitive
5. Click Log On to access the system. You will be prompted to fill out some information to change your password so that in the future you can click "I forgot my password" to receive a new password.
How to Navigate the Portal:
This flyer gives you the Parent Portal basics:
- What you need to know about the Parent Portal
- Lo que necesita saber sobre el Portal de Padres
We strongly recommend that families using iOS devices also download the "Grade Corner" app, which allows you to login to Aspen and monitor your student's grades and attendance in a streamlined app. The app was actually developed by an SHMS parent a few years ago.
If you have any questions about accessing Aspen or your student's grades or schedule please reach out to their counselor, Ms. Schimmerling or Ms. Williams, or grade level administrator, AP Hills - 6th, AP Taylor - 7th, or AP Turner - 8th.
Nurse's Corner
Dear Families,
Happy Fall. My name is Nurse Anderson, and I am excited to be the new Nurse at Stuart-Hobson MS for SY 23-24. Periodically throughout the school year, I will be providing health updates and messages that concern our community and students.
For the month of September, our health corner focus will be Medication Distribution and Accommodations Related to Emergency Situations:
For medication distribution, it is imperative that you contact me or any designated school nurse at Stuart to drop off any medications and authorization forms for your children. See forms attached.
We cannot administer any medication without approval from your child's Physician and an authorization from you. The medication needs to have a pharmacy label and the medication must match the medication order.
While medication authorization forms are important part of your child’s health plan, we also encourage families to provide information if their child experiences Asthma, or Allergies. Please ensure that your student has an inhaler with an Asthma Action Plan at the school. The action plan can be submitted to the Main Office or myself. If the child is approved to self-administer, please remind them to always carry their inhaler. If they suffer from any allergies (food), an Epi-Pen is also needed with an Anaphylaxis Plan.
Last, the school will be conducting several emergency drills that range from fire to lockdown. We recognize that these events may trigger an emotional response. Also, some of these drills may require students to physically move from one location to another. If you think that your child/children may have any Physical disability or emotional unseen disability, please let the school/school nurse know, so that appropriate accommodations can be made for any possible evacuations, drills, etc.
The school nurse hours are Monday-Fridays 8:00 am-4:30 pm with a daily lunch. When the nurse is unavailable students may receive assistance from staff in the main office.
Nurse Anderson can be reached by calling the school or emailing her at sanders@childrensnational.org
SY 2023-24 Uniform Policy and Dress Code
The SHMS uniform policy is designed to maintain school pride and traditions while contributing to a safe and predictable school experience for students and families.
School uniforms or other apparel that identifies our school are required while on school property, field trips (before or after school day hours), while attending After-School All-Stars and school-approved activities after 3:30 PM, unless athletic, dance or other specific apparel is required by the coach/leader.
Uniforms include:
o Long or short-sleeved solid red polo shirt/t-shirt. SHMS logo optional. Any non-SHMS logo on uniform shirts or sweatshirts must be the size of a $1 bill (1 dollar) or smaller.
o Plain red, black, or white crewneck sweaters/sweatshirts (front zip, button up, or pullover) and vests. No hoods.
o Long sleeved, plain color, crew/V-neck shirts may be worn underneath uniform shirts.
o Khaki pants, skirts, shorts, worn at waist level. Khaki jumpers are also acceptable.
o Comfortable closed-toed shoes or sneakers covering the entire foot. Shoes and sneakers should lace-up or fit snugly. No sandals, slippers, or Crocs.
o Any clothing that identifies our school community by name or logo (e.g. Stuart-Hobson MS or the Capitol Hill Cluster School) may be worn in place of uniform components. This includes hoodies.
Dress Code
While students may wear some of the following to and from school, they are expected to avoid wearing all of the following during the school day, on trips, and in after-school activities:
• Hooded coats, shirts, and sweatshirts,
• Outerwear like jackets, fleeces, parkas, windbreakers, etc.,
• Hats and other head coverings (e.g. winter/baseball hats, ski masks, bonnets, goggles, scarves, etc.)
• Metal studs on headbands and other accessories
• Khaki-colored leggings/ tights (worn in place of Khaki pants).
• Small purses or fanny packs
Religious, medical, or other personal exemptions/exceptions to any of the above expectations should be made by parents/families and documented with the school culture and/or administrative teams prior to taking effect.
School uniforms may be purchased via Lands End, Target, Old Navy and other retailers. More information regarding our school uniform policy will be shared via our school handbook.
Uniform Non-Compliance
Students should comply with the uniform policy daily and will be recognized for compliance with LiveSchool points, eligibility for trips and other activities, and other rewards. Uniform policy violations can be documented in Live School. Some uniform deficiencies can be remedied by the support team but the loss of instructional time should be avoided when supporting students in complying with the policy. Incidents and patterns of infractions will be handled like other Tier 1 and 2 infractions.
Get Ready for the First Day of Meal Service!
We are excited that Stuart-Hobson Middle School is a CEP school again this year, meaning that all students will receive free school breakfast and lunch!
The DCPS Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) team is excited to invite our students back into the cafeteria for SY23-24! Help us ensure that students are ready for the first day of meal service. Please see the SY 23-24 Meal Charge Policy, and dietary accommodations process for this school year.
Supports for Students & Families
Expansion of Collaborative for Attendance Resources in Education and Health (CARE-H) to all schools
This school year, DCPS is partnering with Children’s National Hospital to support our students’ health and attendance through the Collaborative for Attendance Resources in Education and Health (CARE-H); CARE-H is now available in all DCPS schools. Through this program, parents or guardians can give permission to DCPS to securely share attendance information with their child’s doctor(s), nurse(s) and medical office staff. This information will help these healthcare professionals to provide special outreach and medical attention to children that might be missing school and their families.
New Resource: DCPSMentalHealth.org
With a goal of decreasing barriers to school success by providing students, school staff, and families with tools that promote academic and psychosocial growth and progress, DCPS has launched a new website dedicated to student mental health. For mental health resources including a provider directory, events calendar, and articles on mental health, special education, and parenting strategies, visit dcpsmentalhealth.org.
School Mental Health Supports
One Common Unity Virtual Office
Our social worker from partner One Common Unity, Ms. Kiersten Morris, has created a virtual office link for students and families. The virtual office includes information and resources for parents and students.
It can be accessed at: bit.ly/MsK
Thanks for checking it out!
Stuart-Hobson Middle School
Email: eric.fraser@k12.dc.gov
Website: www.stuart-hobson.org
Location: 410 E Street Northeast, Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 202-671-6010
Twitter: @StuartHobsonMS