McCarthy Family Update
October 14, 2024
Hello McCarthy Families,
I hope you are doing well and taking some time to slow down during this long weekend. As mentioned in the Welcome Back letter I sent in August, in addition to the Weekly Bulletin sent from the main office on Fridays, I will continue to share a more detailed "McCarthy Family Update" throughout the school year to help ensure that we are all operating with the same information.
From my view, we are off to a great start and I am very impressed at how the students and staff have adjusted to the new school year. It is just our second year of the middle school reconfiguration, but it already feels like we have been doing this for a long time. Many of last year's challenges have been worked out and I am excited for what lies ahead.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read these updates and I look forward to seeing you again soon.
Stay well,
Town of Chelmsford Strategic Plan
The town administration is working to create and implement a multi-year strategic plan for the future of Chelmsford. They are seeking input from residents as part of the process. Beyond the taxpayers and residents who are contributing (myself included), the group is asking for input from our students.
On Friday, September 27, 2024, I joined 15 of our 8th grade superstars for a "Meeting in a Box" session which was facilitated by CPS School Committee remember, Susan MacKinnon. The students were impressive and gained invaluable insight into the importance of participating in town civics, government, etc. Thank you for including our students in this important process!
Minute 2 Win It!
The students wrapped up last week with some super-fun events in the gymnasium. Many thanks to the McCarthy staff members who planned and implemented the "Minute-2-Win-It" games and made sure the teachers got in the mix. We look forward to additional events as we roll through the 2024-2025 school year.
There is no doubt that students deserve these breaks and will benefit from the friendly competition.
Minute to Win It!
We have several TV's throughout the school and we use them to advertise messages. Encourage your student(s) to read what we promote each day!
Mrs. Bonnar!
Mrs. Bonnar jumps in and gets wrapped up in the Mummy Challenge!
Kids in Action!
Students had a blast participating in the events, AND we got to see some impressive confidence from the young people!
McCarthy Vestibule & School Safety
Beginning Wednesday, October 16, all visitors who come to McCarthy during the school day will ring the bell outside of our new vestibule area. This is located to the left as you are approaching the main entrance of the school. This will be staffed by one of our office members, who will interact with the guests, and once verified, will be given a badge and granted access to the school.
Students who arrive late to school or are being dismissed early will also be processed through this area. The front walkway has been completed and we are looking forward to the doors being replaced soon. Stay tuned!
Clubs & Activities
Our after school clubs/activities begin tomorrow! I encourage all students to take advantage of these programs. This is a fantastic way to get involved, meet some other students with similar interests, and have fun with staff in a non-traditional setting.
The late bus routes will be posted in the school and we will help all students figure out which late bus they will take. All buses will pick up in front of the school, and students getting picked up will use the rear lot as we do during the "regular" school day. We will start with this procedure and adjust if needed.
Project 300
Project 300 is a huge part of the McCarthy School history. This annual event is the largest contributor to the Merrimack Valley's food collection for our friends and neighbors in need. I will reach out with specific information on Project 300 as soon as things are finalized.
Arrival & Dismissal
The new morning procedure is working well and we do not intend to make any changes at this time. We have been opening the doors for students (buses & drop-offs) at 7:55 instead of 8:00. This is giving our students some extra time to get breakfast, go to their lockers, and get to class on time. It has also alleviated some issues they were experiencing at Parker.
We have enlisted the support of our teachers in order to help ensure student safety at dismissal. The new structure of having the buses in front of the building has been working well and seems to be more efficient than last year's procedure. Many thanks to our SRO Officer Linstad, for helping to keep order in the rear lot where students (who do not ride the bus) are picked up.
Important Dates
October 24th: Early Dismissal at 11:00
October 31st: End of Term 1
November 5th: No School for students - Full Day PD for staff. Don't forget to VOTE!
November 11th: No School - Veteran's Day
November 14th: PTO Meeting, 6:30PM in Library
November 15th: Picture Retakes
November 27th: Early Dismissal (11:00 AM) - Thanksgiving Break - School re-opens on Monday, December 2nd.
If your child is going to be absent from school, you can either email or call to let us know.
Email: mccarthy_attendance@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Please Send Email: Prior to 9am on the day of the absence (same as current voicemail option)
Please Include:Child’s name, Grade, Reason for absence
I encourage you to use the email option when reporting an absence, dismissal, etc. Parents are still free to use the phone system to report absences, but you are encouraged to use email for greater office efficiency.
If you prefer, you can certainly call the attendance line prior to 9:00am, at 978-251-5122, choose Option 1.
In order for an absence to be marked as "Excused", families will need to provide medical documentation.
Thank you for your understanding.
McCarthy Middle School
Email: parksj@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://mccarthy.chelmsfordschools.org/
Location: 250 North Road, Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: 978-251-5122
Instagram & Twitter ("X"): @Principal_Parks