Oak Leaf News
River Oak Charter School- COVID-19 Updates and more!
Covid Updates, Reminders and Gratitude
Happy Weekend ROCS Families,
Our first week of school was full of learning, reestablishing relationships and routines, and adapting to our guidelines and protocols for covid safety. I want to acknowledge our teachers for the dedication and flexibility they manifest. Our children are thriving in the learning environments that each teacher so carefully plans and builds each day, to ensure a safe and successful year!
This week our school has experienced a total of 5 students with positive covid cases, 4 in class six and 1 in class five. Each class is on modified quarantine- our covid team is following all guidelines from the county and state to keep our school community safe. As we contact trace with public health, our research shows they are not school-based cases, but community-based.
We test 25% of the school each week, and as we rapid test each class, positive cases can be found. When this happens, the students who test positive go home to quarantine, follow up with a PCR test and communicate with public health. The rest of the class will be tested twice within a 10 day period during their modified quarantine.
Rapid tests are not as accurate as PCR tests, so a covid positive child at school will need to get a PCR test after being sent home. Here is a link for testing locations: https://www.mendocinocounty.org/community/novel-coronavirus/covid-19-testing
*When families do not provide consent for testing, and there is a positive case in their class, we send their child home for 10 days. They should be monitored for any symptoms during their quarantine.
Each day we are presented with new scenarios and information. We understand that each family is unique and we are here to support your children at school to follow our guidelines for being safe such as routine testing, hand washing, wearing masks, mindful spacing when eating, and communicating when experiencing symptoms. We ask for your support of our guidelines and policies so we can focus on the safety and goals for the new year. Please call the school if you have any questions and here is our covid safety plan: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rAz_MfrGvnKfwTMZ8Zky7UKJMBTI__11/view
All confirmed positive COVID-19 incidents related to River Oak Charter School will be posted to our website. For now, please view cases in the newsletter. On our future dashboard, ROCS will have updates is distinguishing between school-based cases and community-based cases.We work directly with Mendocino Public Health for contact tracing. Starting in September, we will have two separate columns for every month, School-Based cases and Community-Based cases.
- Drop off is from 7:50 AM to 8:20 AM
- Fill out our parent consent form for covid testing
- Parent volunteers are not accepted at this time due to modified quarantine on campus
- Modified parent evenings at this time, ex)zoom
- Acorn Hut needs your support: please remind your older child in AH to model positive behavior around younger children, ex) language, discussions about social media/media that are not age appropriate- thank you!
We are honored that you chose River Oak for your child's education and thank you for your continued partnership during the last 18 months. As we grow and work together, let's have a year full of opportunities and growth!
Rapid Testing at School
Children will be tested at least once a month. Only children who have parent permission will be tested. We strongly encourage all families to register so we can keep our students and staff as safe as possible. The children self-swab for 15 seconds in each nostril, and parents receive results the same day. We are using the Binax Now antigen tests. Check out the video below to see how easy and simple it is for children to administer their own rapid test.
Click Here to Register Your Child
Please note: Students without consent to test will not be routinely tested. In the case that a Positive is found in their classroom and we do not have consent to test, your child will be sent home to quarantine for 10 days.
River Oak Charter School
Email: eselim@riveroakcharterschool.org
Website: www.riveroakcharterschool.org
Location: 555 Leslie Street, Ukiah, CA, USA
Phone: 7074671855
Facebook: www.facebook.com/riveroakcharter