Salem Public Schools

Friday, Sept. 20, 2024
Salem Public Schools Weekly Update
Superintendent's Message
SPS community,
September 15th to October 15th marks Hispanic Heritage Month! Salem Public Schools recognizes this annual celebration which offers a wonderful opportunity to honor the rich cultural contributions and history of Hispanic as well as Latinx communities. Approximately 50% of the students in the Salem Public Schools and 16% of our staff identify as Hispanic. We are proud of the unique perspectives, experiences and traditions that these individuals bring to our community.
During this month, we encourage our schools and educators to highlight the important influence, and impact that Hispanic culture has on our world, nation and the city of Salem. Our SPS Culture, Heritage and Pride working group has shared resources and information with our educators to integrate into instructional time. Beyond the materials provided for this month’s celebration, we have worked hard to select core curriculum and texts that reflect the diversity in our school community. In our efforts to create a community where all students, families and staff feel like they belong, we must ensure that our instruction is relevant and responsive so that every child feels connected to their educational experience.
Thank you for your support and partnership as we honor the ethnic diversity and richness that exists across the Salem Public Schools!
Enjoy the weekend,
This Week's RockStar is...
- CBS 4 Boston: Children’s book “Nana Nana” helps kids understand how to handle loved ones with Alzheimer’s | Sept. 19, 2024
- WCVB NewsCenter 5: Massachusetts schools still trying to make up for literacy gaps opened by the pandemic | Sept. 18, 2024
- The Salem News: School bus passing study gains momentum in Salem | Sept. 18, 2024
- Bus Patrol, Stopfinder, and Wayfinder make debut with Salem Public School 2024-25 school year, AAA Northeast supportive of safety initiatives | Sept. 17, 2024
WATCH: 'School's Open, Drive Carefully' Press Conference
Resources: Addressing Hate in Our Schools
On Thursday, Sept. 19, the Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General, Executive Office of Education, and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education jointly issue updated guidance to support schools in addressing hate and bias given an increase in hate incidents in our schools and communities.
Please view the following resources:
- Letter from the Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General, Executive Office of Education and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)
- Combatting Hate in Our Schools: A Guide for Families: ENG | ESP
- Q&A: Addressing Hate and Bias in Schools: ENG | ESP
- Guidance on Schools’ Legal Obligations to Prevent and Address Hate and Bias Incidents
The Salem Public Schools Office of Student Supports has partnered with BRYT/The Brookline Center to offer a series of free family engagement and parents supporting parents discussions. The array of topics includes:
- Parenting Your Child Who has Self Harming Behaviors
- Perspectives on Parenting in the Age of Technology
- Parenting While Grieving
- Parenting Kids and Teens on the Spectrum
- Navigating White Systems as a BIPOC Parent
The Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) is pleased to announce the opening of the Building a Logo Design Contest, open to all grades 10-12 students attending a Massachusetts public school. Submissions will be accepted beginning Sunday, Sept. 16.
The contest is geared towards connecting students with a deeper understanding of the work accomplished at the MSBA and inviting our most important clients, the students, to assist the MSBA in reimagining a new authority logo. By participating in this competition, young artists will have the opportunity to expand their artistic horizons and gain recognition for their creativity and skill.
Virtual Backpack
Welcome to the Virtual Backpack. This is a space where we will place items that in the past may have been a flyer in your student's backpack from friends and partners to SPS.
Download the ParentSquare App
ParentSquare is the communication platform for Salem Public Schools. Families receive communication from the district, school, and their student's classroom all in one space. Families can communicate 1-to-1 with teachers, register for parent-teacher conferences, and more.
If you are not receiving messages from ParentSquare or if you are having trouble, contact your school's front office. You can visit www.parentsquare.com for more information.