Our Lady of Mercy
NEWSLETTER | TERM 1 | WEEK 8 | 20 March 2024
Ondine Komnick | Principal
Dear Parents and Carers
Parent Teacher Interviews
Thank you for the great effort to engage with the parent-teacher interview process. There is much to celebrate and your commitment to partnering with us in your child’s academic journey is much appreciated. If you were unable to make any of the times during the interview weeks but would still like to speak to your child’s teacher, please make an appointment to see them at a mutually convenient time.
On Monday evening we had our second P&F meeting of the term. I would like to personally thank this committed group of people for the vibrant energy they bring to the meeting. Many new ideas for friend and fund raising were discussed and there is much joy in planning for these wonderful events. All are welcome to join the group. Our next meeting will be held on Monday, Week 2 of Term 2 at 6pm at school. Please consider joining us.
Official Opening of Nature Playground
On Monday 25th of March at 2.15pm, we will open the new nature playground with a blessing of the grounds by Father Sam and cutting of the ribbon. This is an important occasion as it marks the culmination of over a year’s worth of work by Mr Ray McPhail, ably assisted by Mr Zoontjens. All parents and carers are welcome to attend. Informal seating is available along the basketball court wall and tree planters.
Harmony Day
On Thursday we celebrate Harmony Day. Our school community is a huge melting pot of diversity and Harmony Day causes us to stop, reflect and celebrate our multiculturism. We continuously strive to foster inclusiveness, respect and the idea that people from many different cultures enrich our experiences and enhance our beautiful OLOM community. While we may all be different on the outside, I always remind the children that each one of us is made in God’s likeness, and on the inside, we are all children of God.
God bless you all.
Ondine Komnick
Important dates coming up
Until end of term
- Parent - teacher meetings: book online
Thursday 21 March
- Harmony Day
- Easter egg donations for P&F raffle due
Thursday 28 March
- Stations of the Cross
- Last Day of Term 1
Friday 29 March
- Good Friday
Sunday 31 March
- Easter Sunday
Tuesday 16 April
- First Day of Term 2
Book your parent - teacher meeting online
You will have received an invitation to meet with your classroom teacher to discuss your child’s progress in Term 1. This is a short 10-minute meeting to discuss your child’s strengths, and areas of learning for goals should be set. We ask that you please make use of this opportunity and set a time to meet your child’s classroom teacher. Education is a partnership and when we have parents involved in their children’s learning, we see great outcomes being achieved.
Donate Easter eggs for our P&F raffle
The P&F is seeking donations for its annual Easter Raffle. Donations of Easter eggs, Easter bunnies, Easter crafts or other Easter gifts can be taken to your child's classroom. We appreciate your support. The raffle will be drawn in the last week of Term 1, Week 9. Thank you for supporting the Our Lady of Mercy P&F.
Win a free school shirt if a friend joins our school!
We are now accepting applications for Kindy 2025 and students in other years. If you know of a friend (a family not already at OLOM) who may be interested, please collect an application form from the office to give to them. If your friend's child is accepted to join our school, you will receive a new school shirt!
All siblings need to enrolled for Kindy 2025
Outside of school hours care (OSH)
School Term Dates 2024
Term 1: Wednesday 31 January - Thursday 28 March 2024
Term 2: Tuesday 16 April - Friday 28 June 2024
Term 3: Monday 15 July - Friday 20 September 2024
Term 4: Tuesday 8 October - Friday 6 December 2024
Pupil Free and Public Holiday Dates 2024
Term 1: Monday 4 March (Labour Day Holiday), Friday 29 March (Good Friday Holiday)
Term 2: Monday 15 April (Pupil Free Day), Thursday 25 April (ANZAC Day Holiday), Friday 26 April (Pupil Free Day), Friday 31 May (Pupil Free Day), Monday 3 June (WA Day Holiday)
Term 3: Monday 19 August (Pupil Free Day) Monday 9th September (Pupil Free Day)
Term 4: Friday 8 November (Pupil Free Day)
Please note, pupil free days are subject to change. Parents will be advised will in advance.
Our Lady of Mercy Primary School
Email: admin@olom.wa.edu.au
Website: http://www.olom.wa.edu.au
Location: 55 Hudson Avenue, Girrawheen WA 6064, Australia
Phone: (08) 9207 7677
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ourladyofmercygirrawheen/