FHS October Update
October 1, 2024
We have so many awesome things going on at FHS, and we love sharing with you!
October 7 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
FHS Parent/Teacher Conferences are on Monday, October 7, and we use an open house format. Parents may stop in to meet with their student's teachers between any of the following times, no appointment required:
- 8am-10am
- 12pm-3pm
- 4pm-7pm
Teachers will be in their individual classrooms for you to meet with them. We hope to see you there!
1st Trimester Big Board
Our Big Board is always available for you to see any upcoming assignments, projects, assessments, and performances! Please use the link below to access!
FFA Fruit Fundraiser
The Annual FFA Fundraiser has begun! FFA Members will be selling fruits, candies, meats and cheese until October 10th. See a member to order. Delivery is the week of November 13th.
American Government - Voter Registration Forms
In American Government, students have filled out voter registration forms and sent them to the County Auditor to register our eligible students to vote! This is the fourth year Government students have done this in class, and the last two years we were recognized by the Iowa Secretary of State's office as a Carrie Chapman Catt Award Winner for registering over 90% of our eligible students!
Mr. Jones's Career Exploration and Employability Skills Classes
Mr. Jones's Career Exploration and Employability Skills classes have welcomed in a few local businesses recently to talk about their company, different careers offered at their company, education/training paths toward those careers, employability skills they look for when hiring, and a host of other topics. This has been a very important part of these classes, as we want to educate our students what is available locally for employment, and spark any curiosity they may have. We were happy to include the following thus far this 1st term:
Samantha Nickel from Dexter Laundry.
Louis Thompson from Dickey Transport.
Courtney Belzer and Andy Bowers from Cambridge Investment
The classes are also studying "Leader in Me" traits and how these relate to employability, and also the State of Iowa Employability Skills.
Employability Skills Class has also built a tower that would hold a ball that had to meet specific requirements, with limited materials, while using employability skills such as communication, planning, using each other's strengths, and a host of other employability skills.
From Mr. Kraemer's Art Room
A new selection of student artwork is now on display at the Jefferson County Hospital and Clinic. The nine pieces of FHS art are located in the clinic's waiting rooms. The artwork will be on display from October through March.
The following students have art on display:
1. Bella Jaeger
2. Lelan Blomme
3. Fernanda Baez
4. Abagail Rodriguez
5. Kensley Fligg
6. Savannah Buchanan
7. Aden Lieb
8. Naomi Stiemsma
9. Isabel McCready
Mrs. Grunwald's Foods and Parenting Classes
Mrs. G's Foods class had the opportunity to make some of the appetizers for the Teacher Appreciation event put on by the Chamber of Commerce.
Towards the end of this month, Parenting students will be going out to local preschools to observe and interact with preschool age children.
Courtright's Corner
TROJAN MINDSET: We are in the heart of the Fall season and we have been very impressed
with the effort and attitude shown by our students involved in extracurricular activities! At
beginning of the season meetings, the E+R=O formula (Event + Response = Outcome) was
shared to coaches and parents. This formula highlights the importance of focusing on how we
respond to events, and that every event in our lives is a neutral event until we choose to
respond to it. The focus on having “above the line” responses during both easy and difficult
events allows our students to focus on the processes that lead to better outcomes. Thank you
to coaches, sponsors, and parents for your efforts towards instilling this mindset into our
Oct. 5 – HS Band at Davis County Marching Band Festival
Oct. 7 – Freshmen SEC Volleyball Tournament at Fairfield
Oct. 8 & 15 – Varsity SEC Volleyball Tournament at Keokuk and Burlington
Oct. 10 – FHS Vocal Concert
Oct. 11 & 25 – Home Football Games, Senior night on 25th
Oct. 14 - JV SEC Volleyball Tournament at Washington
Oct. 17 – Cross Country SEC Meet at Keokuk
Oct. 18, 19, 20 – Fall Play
Oct. 22 – Regional Volleyball Opening Round
Oct. 23 – Cross Country State Qualifying Meet
Oct. 26 – All State Band and Chorus Tryouts
We are so grateful for all of the amazing things going on at FHS! As always, if you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Mahon by email at mallory.mahon@fairfieldsfuture.org or by phone at 641-472-2059. GO TROJANS!!!