Audubon Eagle Express
Upcoming Events
2/6/24- 4th Grade St. Augustine Field trip
2/7/24- 5th grade Starbase Field Trip
2/7/24- Domino's Spirit Night
2/13/24- PTO meeting at 9:30
2/13/24- 5th grade Starbase Field Trip
2/19/24- No School for students
2/20-2/23- Kindness Week
2/22/24- District Science Fair
2/22/24- Kid's Heart Challenge
2/23/24- Sweet Heart Dance (must purchase ahead of time, see flyers)
2/26/24- Mrs. Pearcy's class goes to the zoo
2/27/24- Mrs. Welton's class goes to the zoo
3/13/24- STEAM Night
3/15/24- No School for Students
3/25-3/29- Spring Break
Save the Date: 6th grade promotion ceremony at Merritt Island High on May 23rd.
Sweetheart Dance
Kid's Heart Challenge
February is Kids’ Heart Challenge month! During the week of February 5th, we will be kicking off our Kids’ Heart Challenge campaign. Look for your child(ren) to bring home their collection envelopes after they have PE that week. Our celebration event will be on Thursday, February 22nd. This event will be a “thank you” party for all the hard work our students will be doing collecting donations for the American Heart Association and their efforts to help people who have heart problems. Our party will feature music, snow cones and special activity stations for the students. Registered volunteers are needed and welcome to help with this special day. Please contact Coach at 321-452-2085 ext 42184 if you are interested in volunteering.
A Note from the Principal
Dear Audubon Families:
Welcome to February! It’s hard to believe we are in our second semester and have been in school over 100 days. With that being said, I believe it’s important to review some important safety issues, as well as inform you of a few changes.
Things to please remember:
- Do not drop your child off before 7:30am - there is no adult supervision prior to that time. Also, the car loop is the safest option for morning drop-off. If you do choose to park in the front lot, you must escort your child across the crosswalk. Students are not allowed to cross on their own.
- The neighbors on the nearby streets have called to ask that parents not drop off on the streets and use their driveways/yards to turn around. Please be mindful of the neighbors – the church across the street has graciously allowed us to use their parking spaces in the morning/afternoon.
- If your child is not going home the normal way, you MUST put it in writing and send it in with your child. Sometimes an email is sent, and if the teacher is out, or does not check email until after school, this causes concerns. Please remember that we cannot make changes over the phone.
- If your child is a walker or bike rider, please remind them of the safety measures when coming and going to and from school - crossing at the crosswalk, staying on the sidewalk, etc.
- Anyone picking up your child MUST be on his/her pick-up list. If not, your child will not be allowed to leave school with that person.
- Please make sure your contact information is up to date on FOCUS. It is imperative that we be able to reach you at all times.
Something new:
- Earlier this year we informed you that we were keeping the front door locked at all times, this is still true, but in addition, the front office will be asking the purpose of your visit (picking up a student, volunteering, meeting, etc.). This allows the staff to have time to verify all adults before just opening the door. Also remember that after you ring the doorbell, they will answer as quickly as possible – sometimes phone calls, or parents at the counter don’t allow for immediate responses. Please be patient, they will answer you as quickly as they can.
- You will also notice that there are glass barriers across the front office counter. This separates the staff/school from the visitors. Again, this is another safety protocol that would prevent someone from jumping over the counter and having access to the school.
We appreciate your patience and understanding with these new and updated safety protocols. We know with change sometimes it also comes with inconvenience. Hopefully with understanding the why of these safety measures, your mindset will be changed from inconvenience to assurance that Audubon continues to strive to be a safe place for students and faculty.
Mrs. Jones
Aftercare Information
Science Fair Winners
PENDA Winners
Congratulations to the following students for being the PENDA Top Performers for their class for December and January! (They met the minimum required lessons with the highest percentage of mastery.) These students will get to participate in a STEM activity in the Science Lab on Friday, February 9th from 8:30-9:30.
Dickinson-Mark S.
Nickerson-Jake C.
Pafford-Ryan G.
Brady-Logan C.
Shaw-Jayden D.
Brodigan-Tanner S. and Raymond E.
Powers-Xavier T.
Saltsman-Walter S.
Bailey-Mya T.
Maghasamy-Liam E.
Zepp-Rylee R. & Emma M.
Top Grade Level Classes
Mrs. Saltsman will be getting the PENDA Panda trophies to the top class in each grade level!
Title One Tidbits
School and District Report Card
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires that a Local Educational Agency prepare and disseminate an annual Local Educational Agency report card and provide information on state, local, and school performance and progress in an understandable and uniform format.
District and School grades provide an easily understandable way to measure the performance of a school. Parents and the public can use the grades and their components to understand how well each district and/or school is serving its students. District and school grades for the 2022-2023 school year serve as an Informational Baseline using the new assessment cut scores.
Use the links provided below to view either the 2022-2023 Brevard School District Report Card or Audubon Elementary’s School Report Card. If you would like a printed copy or need translation assistance, please notify the front office.
Audubon Elementary Report Card Link:
District Report Card Link:
La Ley de Educación Primaria y Secundaria de 1965 (ESEA, por sus siglas en inglés), enmendada por la Ley Cada Estudiante Triunfa (ESSA, por sus siglas en inglés), requiere que una Agencia Educativa Local prepare y difunda un boletín de calificaciones anual de la Agencia Educativa Local y proporcione información sobre el desempeño y el progreso estatal, local y escolar en un formato comprensible y uniforme.
Las calificaciones del distrito y de la escuela proporcionan una forma fácilmente comprensible de medir el rendimiento de una escuela. Los padres y el público pueden usar las calificaciones y sus componentes para comprender qué tan bien cada distrito y/o escuela está sirviendo a sus estudiantes. Las calificaciones del distrito y de la escuela para el año escolar 2022-2023 sirven como una línea de base informativa utilizando los nuevos puntajes de corte de evaluación.
Use los enlaces que se proporcionan a continuación para ver la boleta de calificaciones del Distrito Escolar de Brevard 2022-2023 o la boleta de calificaciones escolares Audubon Elementary’s. Si desea una copia impresa o necesita ayuda con la traducción, notifique a la oficina principal.
Audubon Elementary Vínculo de la boleta de calificaciones:
Enlace a la boleta de calificaciones del distrito:
Descargo de responsabilidad: Goggle Translate le ha traducido este documento. Cualquier error en la traducción es involuntario.
Đạo luật Giáo dục Tiểu học và Trung học năm 1965 (ESEA), được sửa đổi bởi Đạo luật Thành công của Mọi Học sinh (ESSA), yêu cầu Cơ quan Giáo dục Địa phương chuẩn bị và phổ biến thẻ báo cáo hàng năm của Cơ quan Giáo dục Địa phương và cung cấp thông tin về tiểu bang, địa phương và trường học. hiệu suất và tiến bộ trong một định dạng dễ hiểu và thống nhất.
Điểm học khu và trường học cung cấp một cách dễ hiểu để đo lường hiệu quả hoạt động của trường học. Phụ huynh và công chúng có thể sử dụng điểm số và các thành phần của chúng để hiểu mỗi học khu và/hoặc trường học đang phục vụ học sinh của mình tốt như thế nào. Các điểm học khu và trường học trong năm học 2022-2023 đóng vai trò là Đường cơ sở thông tin bằng cách sử dụng điểm cắt giảm đánh giá mới.
Sử dụng các liên kết được cung cấp dưới đây để xemThẻ Báo cáo của Học khu Brevard 2022-2023 hoặc Thẻ Báo cáo Trường Tiểu học Audubon. Nếu bạn muốn có một bản inhoặc cần hỗ trợ dịch thuật, vui lòng thông báo cho văn phòng phía trước.
Liên kết Thẻ Báo cáo Tiểu học Audubon:
Liên kết Thẻ Báo cáo Học khu:
Tài liệu này được dịch bằng Google Translate. Mọi sai sót đều là vô ý.
Out of Area Application (ELO)
School Store Fundraiser
All you have to do for your child to earn the first prize is go to and register your child. Then send 6 emails, copy down your prize code, and return it to school! After that you can help continue to raise money for Audubon by shopping through the links provided in the emails. No collecting money or going door to door!
Our School ID is 143257
Important Reminders
Front Office: The front office will be locked at all times for the safety of staff and students. If you need to enter the front office, please ring the doorbell on the left side of the front door. Office hours are 7:30am-3:30pm.
School Hours and transportation: Audubon's campus opens for students at 7:30 am. Students must be in their classrooms by 8:00 am or they are considered late and will need to go to the front office for a tardy slip. All students are dismissed at 2:30. Please remember, that kindergarten and VPK students must be met at the bus stop by someone on their approved list. If no one is there to greet them, they will be brought back to Audubon. If your child is a car rider, please ensure that you have the car tag clearly displayed.
Bus Loop: The front area of the school is reserved for buses only. After the buses are gone, VPK parents may drop their VPK students and siblings off starting at 7:45 am and will be greeted by their VPK teachers. If you are not a VPK family and need to drop your child in the front, please park and walk your child up (using the crosswalk)
Bus Stops: Parents, please help supervise your children at the bus stop in the mornings and afternoons to ensure that they are making safe choices. Also, students must wear their bus tag daily.
Lunch Accounts: All students are eligible for a free breakfast and lunch daily. If you would like to see the menu or add money to your child's account so they may purchase "extras" please visit: You can add money to the account by clicking on the "my payments plus" button or downloading the app.
Focus: Please make sure that you have your Focus Pin number and have logged in/created an account. Focus allows you to access your child's assignments and grades, as well as view communication from the teacher.
Reminders for Friday Lunch
-Students must stay at the picnic tables with their adult. No running around or playing in the courtyard.
-Students cannot bring a friend from class to sit with their parent/adult. Only parents/legal guardians on the child's information forms in FOCUS can eat with a student.
-Parents/Guardians must check in at the front office as a visitor and get a yellow badge. This badge must be worn at all times when on campus.
-Parents/Guardians MUST stay in the courtyard. You cannot walk your child to the restroom or to class.
*Teachers have been reminded that students need to use the restroom before lunch time, so this shouldn't be an issue. :-)
Eat Lunch With Your Student
Parents and Families,
Here is what you need to do if you want to eat lunch with your child:
- Make sure you notify your child’s teacher that you are eating lunch with them, so they can meet you at the tables. If you send an email, please do so in enough time for the teacher to see it before lunch.
- Only Parents and Legal Guardians can eat lunch with their own child(ren).
- Sign in as a Visitor in the Front Office and obtain a yellow name badge (you are not volunteering; you are visiting for lunch).
- You will report to the courtyard and wait on your child. The teacher will release your child to this area when he/she is taking his/her students to lunch.
- This area will be supervised during the entire lunch period.
- If you are not a registered volunteer, you will need to be escorted on and off campus by a staff member.
Every Friday will be available for parent/child lunch. We have limited seating, so you need to sign up through sign-up genius. The link for that is below:
Once again, I am happy to share this news with you. I look forward to seeing you and your child enjoy lunch together on Fridays!
Candace Jones