The Schofield Scoop

May 12, 2024
This is the last Schofield Scoop of the 23-24 school year, and I thought I'd end the year with a write up of the 2nd grade year long Terrapin Turtle project. I hope you enjoy seeing what impact these little creatures have on our whole 2nd grade class.
-Kara Schofield
Baby Terrapin turtles came to Forestdale in the early fall. They were about the size of a quarter when they arrived, and each was given its own aquarium to live in. These turtles visited each of the classrooms, so all the students became very familiar with the creatures.
Second grade students with their parent/caregivers can attend the turtle release at Sandy Neck - to see the next home of these little creatures. Please check in with the second grade teachers for specific details. To learn more about these fabulous friends, read For The Love Of Terrapins, written by our own second grade teachers Amy Baxter and Joanne Saunders. Many thanks to them for sharing their love and knowledge about these creatures that need our help and support.
Feedback time!
Share feedback here: kschofield@sandwich.k12.ma.us Thanks for all your great suggestions and ideas.