The Weekly Update
Nov. 13-Nov. 17th
This Week's Highlights
As we prepare for the Thanksgiving Holiday, please know how thankful I am for each of you! The exploration of knowledge and daily ah-ha moments that our scholar's experience are definitely near the top of my gratitude list.
My favorite ah-ha moment today was overheard in a social studies room as students discussed the top innovations, FCS was mentioned as well as our mission and vision. The quote from the student was, "I like how we are taught why it is what it is, not just, that it is." One of my favorite stages with my daughter was the "why" stage. I don't think we ever truly grow out of wanting to know the why!
Several of our students are organizing the #christmaselfies drive to donate jackets, coats and new toys for children in the community. We are looking forward to helping them collect these items for their service learning project! If you have something you would like to donate, please send it to school to place in one of the wrapped boxes in the hallway by Dec. 5th.
I hope that this holiday season you enjoy your "whys" in life!
-Melanie Shaver
Transportation Unit!
The transportation field trip to Spencer NC is Nov. 30th. Permission forms went home today and are due back on Friday, Nov. 17th.
Didn't get one? Dog ate it? Here is a digital copy
Engineering Activities and Forensic Fun
MHS CTE classes will work with
8th Grade- Engineering Design Process- Nov. 21st
7th Grade-Forensics- Nov. 27th
We are looking forward to this fun crossover event organized by our CTE teachers and county AIG teachers!
Upcoming Dates and Information
Nov 17th- Thanksgiving Dinner
Nov. 19th-Marion Holiday Parade
Nov. 21st- 8th Grade Engineering Activity
Nov. 22nd- Workday
Nov. 23rd- Thanksgiving
Nov. 24th- Annual Leave
Nov. 27th- 7th Grade Forensics Activity
Nov. 28th- County-wide STEAM Expo Dropoff
Nov. 28th- 31 FCS Fundraiser Due
Nov. 29th- FCS Roboteam at Universal
Nov. 30th- FCS Roboteam at Universal
Twitter: @STEMFCS
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