Community Connection
August 16, 2024
Message From the Office
Dear Families,
We are thrilled to share that we have had two successful days of school and are so happy to have students back in the building!
We are also grateful to Grady's Kids for providing school supplies for our junior high students. If your student needs supplies and has not yet picked up a packet, they are available in the front office.
Looking ahead, our fall practices begin on Monday. Please make sure your student has turned in their physical and concussion forms to the office before participating.
A BIG thanks goes out to our food service staff, custodial staff, and maintenance team for ensuring our school was ready to kick off the year smoothly. Crispitos are back on the menu, and both students and staff were excited to celebrate!
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to a great year ahead.
Dr. Samuels - Principal
Mr. Beckham - Assistant Principal
Counselor Corner
Reminder for any student that is taking FSCC online classes or STARS that those classes will begin 8-19-24. CNA students and Senior STAR students class time at the STARS building will run this year from 7:30am-10:30 am. Junior STAR students' class time will be 10am-12:15 pm. Please email Mr. Kramer for any questions.
Upcoming Dates
August 16 - Back to School Bash 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
August 19 - First Day of Fall Sports Practice
August 24 - V/JV Volleyball @ Iola Officials Clinic/Jamboree
August 26 - Picture Day at JH/HS
August 30 - No School
August 30 - HS Football Jamboree @Neodesha/Erie
September 2 - No School - Labor Day
September 3 - V/JV Volleyball Tri @ Humbolt with Colgan
September 5 - Girls V Golf @ Columbus
September 5 - HS/JH XC @ Anderson County
September 5 - JH Volleyball @ Marmaton Valley
September 6 - HS Varsity Football @ Central Heights
Dress Code
1. All students are to dress neatly in attire that is becoming to an educational setting.
2. Students are to wear shoes at/in school.
3. All clothes should be free of lettering and designs, which might be obscene, suggestive, and disruptive, have inappropriate printing or pictures or promote alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.
4. Extreme apparel should not be worn at school.
5. Sunglasses (to include prescription) are not to be worn inside the school building.
6. Headdress is not allowed at school, including gym, during the normal school day for guys and girls (i.e., hats, caps, sweat bands, bandannas, scarves, hoods). Headdress is allowed in the shop areas for safety purposes.
7. Blankets are not to be brought to school and will not be allowed in the building. Students that violate the school dress code will be asked to correct the issue, if they refuse it will be considered a behavior issue and an office referral will occur.
Cell Phone Policy
Cell Phone Policy Overview
Students are permitted to use cell phones in designated areas and times as outlined below:
Before School: Cell phone use is allowed.
After School: Cell phone use is allowed.
Lunch: Cell phone use is allowed.
Passing Periods: Cell phone use is allowed.
Classroom and Academic Time
When the Bell Rings:
Cell phones must be silenced, stored away, and out of sight.
During Academic Times:
Cell phones are not to be used, including if students leave the classroom for any reason.
Consequences for Policy Violations
1st Offense:
Reminder to put cell phone away.
Student may be sent to put the phone in their locker.
2nd Offense:
Teacher will confiscate the phone.
Phone will be delivered to the office by the teacher.
Phone will remain in the office until the end of the school day.
Parents/guardians will be contacted.
3rd Offense:
Teacher will confiscate the phone.
Phone will be delivered to the office by the teacher.
Phone will remain in the office until the end of the school day.
Student will serve a detention.
Parents/guardians will be contacted.
4th Offense:
Teacher will confiscate the phone.
Phone will be delivered to the office by the teacher.
Phone will remain in the office until the end of the school day.
Student will serve a half day of In-School Suspension (ISS).
Parents/guardians will be contacted.
5th Offense:
Teacher will confiscate the phone.
Phone will be delivered to the office by the teacher.
Phone will remain in the office until the end of the school day.
Student will serve a full day of In-School Suspension (ISS).
Parents/guardians will be contacted.
Subsequent Infractions:
Will be handled on a case-by-case basis by administration.
Key Points to Remember
Silencing and Storing: Students must ensure their cell phones are silenced and stored away when the tardy bell rings.
Confiscation: Teachers are authorized to confiscate phones if students violate the policy.
Communication: Parents/guardians will be contacted for repeated offenses.
Escalation of Consequences: Repeated violations result in progressively severe consequences, including detention and In-School Suspension.
By following this policy, we aim to create an environment conducive to learning while allowing reasonable cell phone use during non-instructional times.