Lester Park School Newsletter - #25
February 6, 2025
Upcoming Dates:
Tomorrow/Feb 7...Wear RED for American Heart Month
Feb 13...Wear a shirt with words on it - February is "I Love to Read" month
Feb 17-21...NO SCHOOL (Winter Break)
Feb 24...NO SCHOOL (District Professional Development Day)
Mar 6...Lester Park Science Night (6pm-7:30pm)
Mar 13...Go Green Day
Mar 19-21...5th Grade Wolf Ridge Trip
Mar 27...2025-26 Kindergarten Meet & Greet
Mar 28...Next PAW Award Assembly
Mar 31-Apr 4...NO SCHOOL (Spring Break)
Lester Park Calendar can be found HERE
2024-25 District Calendar with 4 day rotation can be found HERE
2025-26 District Calendar HERE - NEW!
(PD=professional development/NO SCHOOL for students)
Other Helpful Links:
No Reason = Unexcused Absence
Parents/Guardians are required to provide a reason why their child is absent. If there is no reason, we must mark them unexcused. This is the policy for tardies as well.
Parents/Guardians may report an attendance these ways:
1) Email lesterattendance@isd709.org (email goes to the front desk and the health office)
2) Call (218)336-8875 and press #3 for the attendance line
3) Notify the teacher. Please note that if the teacher is unable to forward the absence reason on, your child will be marked unexcused.
More information on absences further down in this newsletter.
Thank you so much to the parents who donated food, beverages, or money to the two teacher conference meals! Conference days are long ones - often 12 hours! Your food and beverages are such a nice treat.
Thank you to the PTA for all you do to make the Book Fair happen, and for arranging for the conference food. The teachers really enjoyed the subs!
Lost & Found - REMINDER
Just a reminder to check our Lost & Found if you haven't already. Whatever isn't gone by Winter Break will be donated. This is so we will have room for the remainder of the school year.
The front doors will be open until 7pm tonight. You may also come anytime during or after school to check the Lost & Found. Our exterior front doors are normally unlocked until 6pm on school days.
5th Graders Learning Art Virtually
Atlanta based multi-disciplinary artist, Reggie Laurent, virtually visited 5th grade art classes this week. Mr. Laurent is based out of Atlanta, and his "visit" was made possible from funding from a CRAE grant (Culturally Responsive Art Education) that was awarded to the ISD709 Elementary Art Team.
Mr. Laurent provided a studio tour and a lesson based on his artwork. Students watched him on the SmartBoard, and were able to speak to him through a Chromebook. (see picture below)
Below you will find a cool doodle that Reggie made using our school logo. He's also been making a collage along with the students that he is going to be gifting to Lester Park. Besides showing students his artwork and art abilities, students have had the opportunity to share their art work with Reggie.
💗 Thank You for the Donated toys! 💗
Attendance Letters
The first round of attendance letters will go out next week. Letter will be sent to families with a child who has 15 tardies, 30 tardies, 3 unexcused absences, 7 unexcused absences, and 12+ absences (excused or unexcused).
We love it when our Labs are in school! Here is an infographic explaining our attendance policies. Remember, we have a great team here to help if you are looking for support with attendance!
Summer K.E.Y Zone and YMCA Day Camp information
Summer K.E.Y. Zone Details:
- Registration Opens: Monday, February 17, 2025, at 6:00 a.m.
Program Dates: Monday, June 16 – Tuesday, August 19, 2025
(No program June 19 & July 4)- Locations: Laura MacArthur, Homecroft, Lester Park
- More information HERE
YMCA Day Camp Details: Day Camp is structured similarly to K.E.Y. Zone but youth spend most of their time outdoors. Please view flyer for more information.
- Registration Opens: Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at midnight
- Program Dates: Monday, June 16 – Friday, August 22, 2025
(No program July 4) - Locations: Northstar Academy & YMCA at Essentia Wellness Center
- More information HERE
Reminder to Provide Symptoms
If you call you child in sick, or email the lesterattendance@isd709.org, please be sure to provide the symptems as well. This includes if they have a fever and what temperature, vomitting, cough, sore throat, etc. Thank you!
Lester SPIRIT WEAR store is still OPEN!
Link to Current/Past Newsletters & their Table of Contents
We are trying something new. We have lots of information in our school newsletters and provide past links, but sometimes it can be hard to remember which newsletter a topic was discussed. We now have this: Current/Past Newsletters & their Table of Contents
We will keep a link of this on our website and in each school newsletter.
What do I do if my child is going to be absent from school?
Email lesterattendance@isd709.org (the office & nurse will both see these emails)
or call attendance line 336-8875 then “3” to leave a recorded message
Please list any specific symptoms.
Teachers may have a preferred way for you to report an absence to them.
If the office does not know why a student is absent, an automated phone call and an email message will be sent out at sometime between 8:30-9:00. This is for safety reasons.
If you have health questions, you can call our school health office at 336-8875 x2654
Community Flyers & Registrations
Email: lesterpark@isd709.org
Website: https://lesterpark.isd709.org
Location: 5300 Glenwood Street, Duluth, MN 55804
Phone: (218) 336-8875
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lester-Park-Elementary-1900216436910729