Scott City Elementary School
Fridge Notes March 2025
Contact Information
410 E. 8th Street
Office Phone: 620-872-7660
Principal: Dr. Shawn Roberts
Secretary: Shylan Wright
February Calendar
March 5 Statewide Tornado Drill
March 9 Daylight Savings time
March 11 Book Fair/Open House/Family Night 5:00-7:00
March 17-March 21 Spring Break-No School
March 31 Site Council
Book Fair/Open House information
The Book Fair will be open from 3:55-7:00 (Open House will be from 5:00-7:00) on Tuesday, March 11.
Last year the book fair checkout line was so long, so we have made some adjustments for this year.
We have requested additional registers from Scholastic and we are hoping to have 4 checkout lanes in the library.
The book fair will be set up in the empty classroom in the 1st grade pod. Please enter in the door by Mrs. Koehn's room and exit through the door by Mrs. Stoppel's room. (We will have signs)
Mrs. Dearden will open the book fair at 3:55, but teachers and pizza will not be available until 5:00.
Here is the link for online Scholastic Orders.
Our students art work will be displayed around the building.
Please call the office with any questions.
Saturday SCORE ART Schedule
Free for all students
Mar. 8
Apr. 12
May 10
Scott City Early Childhood Network
Join this Facebook group for information and resources to support learning and development for children birth to 5 years old.
How to Connect your Walmart App to your Box Tops App
By connecting your Walmart App to your Box Tops App you can help SCES earn money that can be used for student activities, resources and equipment. When you connect the apps, the eligible items will automatically be counted. Please pass this information on to friends and family!
Box Top Eligible Items
Click Here for a list of items that have Box Top labels.