Weekly Newsletter
March 6, 2025

March 6, 2025
A Message From our Principal
Dear Parents,
I hope many of you joined us last weekend for the middle school production of Mary Poppins. So many costume changes, special effects, choreography, and large group musical numbers made this a complicated show, but the kids did a fantastic job! Thank you to all involved: Ms. Johnson, Ms. Gelley, Ms. Welling, Ms. Hinkle, Ms. Pierce, and countless parents! BRAVO, everyone-- job well done!
Last Friday, I was asked to sit on a panel at the Colorado League of Charter Schools Conference with the Douglas County Schools' Superintendent Erin Kane and two other local charter leaders. We discussed the importance of building a strong partnership between districts and charter schools. It was a strong reminder of how lucky we are to be in a district that recognizes and respects the autonomy of charter schools. It was my honor to sit on a panel with these leaders and to be able to share about the great things that happen daily at BFA. I'm so proud of our students, staff, and school community.
One of the ways we partner very closely with the district is in the area of safety and security. Our spring lockdown drill with Douglas County School District Security and the Douglas County Sheriff's Office is scheduled for next Monday, March 10th. We cannot announce the time of the drill. While the drill is taking place, no one will be allowed in or out of the building. The drill typically takes 15-20 minutes.
As a charter school, we value parents' opinions and input. We are consistently looking for ways to improve. Our spring SAC survey is open, and we would love your feedback. You can take the survey HERE. We are hoping for 80% participation. Currently, we are at about 25%.
I hope to see many of you at the BENefit Bash this weekend! It promises to be a fun night out.
Diana Simpson
BENefit Bash Silent Auction is OPEN!
BFA's Silent Auction is now LIVE for EVERYONE!
The PTO BENefit Bash Silent Auction is officially open and will close on March 8 at 7:00 p.m.! You don't have to go to the Bash to bid on many of these items.
Don’t miss out on the chance to bid on incredible items, including one-of-a-kind experiences with teachers and staff, amazing baskets, and generous donations from BFA family businesses. Every dollar raised goes directly toward funding projects at BFA!
Bookmark Our Events Calendar Now!
Please visit to get the most updated events or other activities going on.
Important Upcoming Dates
🪩 March 8 - BENefit Bash
✅ March 9 - PTO Nominations Begin
👕 March 10 to 13 - Charity Spirit Week
✅ March 12 - Board of Directors Nominations End
👕 March 14 - Dress of Choice
🏐 March 14 - Dodgeball 4 Dollars (Grades 6 - 8)
👕 March 16 - Spirit Wear Store Closes
🏂😎 March 17 to March 21 - Spring Break (No School)
✅ March 23 - PTO Nominations End
📅 March 25 - Board of Directors Meeting (please note the later date due to Spring Break)
✅ March 27 - STEM Committee Meeting
📅 March 27 - Ben's Brigade Meeting
✅ March 28 - CEC Position Applications - Final Day
2025 - 2026 Important Dates
Summer B.A.S.E. Camp
- ⚡February 24 - Initial Summer Camp Registration is open.
- 🌞 March 24 - Weekly Camp Registration Opens 🌞
Summer Enrichment Camps
- 🎭🏀🤖 June - August: Catalog is now available.
Important Dates for 25/26
- 📆 Click here to see our 2025 - 2026 Academic Calendar, including any days off.
Mr. Peterson's Newsletter (Grades K - 4)
Please visit our Bi-Monthly Newsletter dated March 6 for Grades K - 4.
Mr. Zaccaria's Newsletter (Grades 5 - 8)
Please visit our Bi-Monthly Newsletter dated February 27 for Grades 5 - 8.
Mrs. Hafner's Newsletter (Pre-K 3s and 4s)
Please visit our Weekly Newsletter dated March 6 for our Pre-K 3s and 4s.
Ms. Flint
After being a substitute at BFA for several years, Ms. Flint became the Elementary Science Specialist. She has introduced creative science experiments to our school and continued to allow our students to explore the scientific realm in fun and innovative ways, such as dissecting cow eyeballs and examining sheep hearts. She also oversees the annual Science Fair for our 3rd and 5th graders, guiding them through the process of scientific discovery and presentation.
Ms. Flint grew up in Littleton and graduated from Columbine High School. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology with a biomedical emphasis and a minor in Chemistry from the University of Northern Colorado. She also became EMT certified at Aims Community College and later earned a Master’s Degree in Forensic DNA Analysis and Serology from the University of Florida.
In her spare time, Ms. Flint enjoys getting outside to hike, bike, swim, or read. Her family loves to adventure around the country, and they typically go on two road trips per year! They love visiting national parks and monuments and trying local food. They also love to take their dog, Tucker, anywhere they can!
Last Day to Order Class Picture is March 12
BFA’s Class Pictures turned out great! You can access the online ordering page or by going MJ Thomas' webpage, click on Class Groups & Composites and enter our school event code. (School Event Code: C657)
Friendly reminder there is LIMITED TIME to order photos at picture day prices!!!!
Deadline to order: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
You can order online by going to www.mymjthomas.com and entering our school's event code. (Event Code: C657)
Grades K - 5 class photos will be with their homeroom classes, while Grade 6 - 8 will be taken for each grade level. Preschool class pictures will be held at a different date.
1 - 8X10 CLASS PHOTO (W/NAMES)............................$15
1 - 10X15 CLASS PHOTO (W/NAMES).........................$17
1 - 10X15 CLASS PHOTO MOUNTED (W/NAMES)......$20
If you have any questions or concerns about pictures please call MJ Thomas Photo at
Our lost and found will be cleared out on March 13.
The last day to look through the items is March 12.
Please pop in and take a look before it is all donated.
Any uniforms items will be donated to our PTO.
All clothing or non-valuable items are donated to
local students in need at elementary schools in Denver Public Schools.
Any valuables such as jewelry, glasses, watches, or any other item that are small and expensive will be taken to the office.
Report Cards
Our 2nd trimester report cards are available for download from Gradelink today. Our school ID number is 656. Parents can access report cards using their own username and password. If you need help with your login information, please contact your student's teacher.
B.A.S.E. Summer Camp
The initial summer camp registration of $35 per child is now open.
Weekly registrations for the 2025 Summer Camp program will open Monday, March 24, 2025, in MySchoolBucks.
Prior to registering for the weeks needed, you must first pay the initial registration fee of $35 per child. As a reminder, this registration fee includes one summer camp t-shirt and one day pack.
After you complete the initial registration for each student, you will be able to sign up for the weeks you need. We do not offer drop-in care or partial week registrations. The cost is $250 per week, per child (May 27 to May 30 will be prorated to $150 due to short week). Registration closes, for each week, two weeks in advance on Friday to allow time for field trip planning and staffing. If the week is full, you will not see it as an option in MSB. Please email our B.A.S.E. summer camp director, Leigh Savoy, to be placed on a wait list.
If you would like a copy of the activity calendars (available after spring break) or have any questions, please email Leigh Savoy.
Summer Enrichment Camps now OPEN!
Every summer, our staff and faculty host summer enrichment camps for all ages. We have such a wide variety of camps this year, that we created a catalog of choices. There are camps for all interests and age groups. Those students who are in B.A.S.E. Summer Camp can still participate in these camps. Please reach out by email to Leigh Savoy.
Click here to view our catalog.
We will be updating the catalog every Thursday, so check back throughout the spring.
Click to find out the great things our committees are doing!
Please see all the wonderful things our School Committees are doing in this week's Committee Newsletter. This includes, Community Events Committee (CEC), Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), School Accountability Committee (SAC) and STEM Committee.
Board of Directors
Two Seats Open on the BFA Board - Nominate Someone Today!
Do you know someone who will make a lasting impact at BFA? Do you know someone who would have a positive and lasting impact on the future of BFA? Nominate yourself or someone you know to serve on the BFA Board of Directors. Board members are committed to the success of BFA and set policies and have oversight over financial matters of the school while focusing on the long-term strategic direction.
To nominate someone (including yourself) for the BFA Board, click here to complete the nomination form. Nominations must be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. MST on March 2, 2025. If you have any questions, please visit the Board webpage, or email any of the Board
Community Events Committee
The Community Events Committee (CEC) has two officer positions to fill for the 2025-26 school year. Please take a look at the openings and think about how you can help!
1. Treasurer - responsible for tracking event expenses, submitting yearly budget and reporting current financial standings at regularly scheduled meetings.
2. Communications - responsible for coordinating schoolwide communications for CEC events.
If you would like to apply for any of these positions, please send an email to CEC no later than Friday, March 28, with your name, position of interest, and a brief description of why you are interested and would be successful in the position. Elections will be held in April and new officers appointed in May.
To find out more about the CEC, see their webpage.
Parent Teacher Organization
PTO Elections are coming soon.
Are You Interested in Making a Difference, Meeting New People, and Having Fun?
Then the PTO is the place for you! The PTO is looking to fill volunteer positions for the 2025-26 school year, and they would love for you to join their team!
They have a variety of volunteer positions that can be done from home or school, and that fit any schedule--days, nights or weekends. The PTO offers behind-the-scenes volunteer opportunities, as well as those that put you front and center. You name it, they’ve got it!
PTO nominations will take place from March 9 - 23. Please nominate yourself or a friend. PTO elections will be held April 20-27. For more information on the PTO, including job descriptions of the volunteer positions, please visit their webpage, and click on PTO Elections.
School Accountability Committee
SAC Survey
The Spring Survey is now open! We encourage all families to participate—your feedback is essential in shaping the future of BFA.
The purpose of the Spring survey is to give staff a snapshot of you and your family's experiences at BFA so modifications can be made as needed over the coming months. Unlike the Fall Survey, which focuses on classroom-specific topics such as culture and safety, the Spring Survey takes a broader, school-wide approach. The Board of Directors and Administration use these results to evaluate and make informed decisions.
Your participation is very appreciated and contributes to the success of the school. Only one survey per family household will be accepted. The survey closes at noon on March 11.
To make it even more exciting, we’re offering some great incentives:
- If 80% of the school participates, EVERY student will enjoy a school-wide Dress of Choice day!
- Parents earn 2 volunteer hours just for completing the survey.
- Five lucky families will be entered into a drawing to win a $30 Gift Certificate to use at our Spirit Wear Store!
A huge thank you to our SAC Committee Members who worked hard to help create and maintain the survey.
Please fill out the survey today. Your voice matters!
We are at 25% participation. Let's get to 80%!
Family Carpool Number for SAC Survey
Visit our Fine Arts Pages
Spring Sports are starting soon. Our game schedules will be posted in our Monthly Calendar for all our upcoming sports. Visit our Athletics Page for more information about our Athletics Programs at BFA. Hope to see you at the games!
Home Games Parking: Please remember to park in Athletic spots ONLY. When attending after school athletic games, as a courtesy, please do not park in the 6 clearly marked parking spots for the BASE parents during the hours of 4pm-6pm.
Help DCSD Nutrition Services
Nutrition Services is hosting three evening sessions across the district in March and April to provide our parents an opportunity for discussion and feedback and to have questions about our program answered.
We would love to have our parents participate! Sign up to join the Nutrition Services Parent Forum. This form will close on March 7th, at 2:00 pm. Please share it with your parent organizations and/or include it in your school newsletters?
Drive for the Dream Golf Classic ⛳⛳
⛳Join The Foundation for Douglas County Schools for the first annual Drive for the Dream Golf Classic, a day of swinging clubs for a great cause! Tee off with fellow golf enthusiasts and support our mission to enhance educational opportunities for our students, teachers and schools.
Monday, May 5
7:00 a.m.
The Club at Pradera
Our delicious lunch is provided by DCSD. Check out the menu and select the current month.
If a student has a specific dietary restriction or allergy, parents must contact DCSD Nutrition Services to arrange an allergy/restriction lunch section.
BFA does not provide breakfast at this time.
BFA's Guiding Principles
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.
13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.
Ben Franklin Academy
2270 Plaza Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Main Office Phone: 720-383-4519
Email: info@bfacademy.org
Attendance Phone: 720-432-9239
Email: attendance@bfacademy.org