ENews: Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Thursday, May 2: Kindergarten Concert
Sunday, May 5: Secondary Spring Concerts
Monday, May 13: The Ghost Who Wore White, HHS Drama
Wednesday, May 15: District Retirement Reception
Wednesday, May 15: Board of Education Meeting
Wednesday, May 22: Primary Fun Run
Thursday, May 23: Intermediate Fun Run & HHS Decision Day
Friday, May 24: Senior Awards & Graduation
Tuesday, May 28: HMS End of Year Awards & 8th Grade Recognition
Wednesday, May 29: HIS End of Year Awards
Thursday, May 30: HIS Field Day & HPS End of Year Celebration
Friday, May 31: Last Day of School, 12:30 p.m. Dismissal
You can view the district calendar online here or subscribe to the calendar here.
You can subscribe to the District and Athletics & Activities events and calendar here.
Please join the Hallsville School District on Wednesday, May 15, as we celebrate faculty & staff retiring from our district! The reception will be held in the primary cafeteria from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Students, families, staff, and community members are welcome to attend.
John Downs, Superintendent
Brad Blakemore, Activities Director
Brian Anderson, Elementary PE Teacher
We invite you to contribute to a memory book for Superintendent John Downs and Coach Brad Blakemore by sharing your notes of appreciation. Whether you've been touched by their leadership, guidance, or support, we encourage you to express your gratitude. Additionally, if you have any pictures of Mr. Downs or Coach Blakemore, we welcome those to accompany your notes.
Please email your notes and pictures to communications@hallsville.org or mail them to:
Hallsville School District
Attn: Kari Yeagy
421 E. Hwy 124
Hallsville, MO 65255
Your contributions will help create a lasting tribute to their invaluable contributions to our district.
Yearbook order forms were due prior to Spring Break. If you did not order a yearbook and would like to be included on the waitlist, please click the button below. Heidi Lenon, the Yearbook Advisor, will contact you at a later date if books are available.
Save the date for the spring play, The Ghost Wore White, on Monday, May 13. This thirty-minute production has two showings, at 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., at Rocky Fork Church. The Ghost Wore White revolves around the Conwell family's unexpected encounter with a ghost upon moving into their new home. Find out if fourteen-year-old Jennie Conwell's trap to catch the ghost works or if it was something else in the house making all the trouble!
Date: Monday, May 13
Time: 5:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.
Location: Rocky Fork Church
Admission: $3 adults, $2 students
SMWilson provided their monthly update at the April Board of Education meeting. One Change Order Request was presented and approved for the relocation of fan coil unit #10 to avoid issues with structural steel. SMWilson reviewed their timeline and progress and confirmed work at the middle school is running on schedule with a substantial completion date of July 16. This timeframe allows the district time to set up classrooms and prepare for the opening of the new wing prior to the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year.
Athletic Complex: The remaining item at the track is the installation of the barrier fence, which has been delayed due to a section of sidewalk that had a deficiency report issued by the materials testing contractor.
Middle School: The middle school roofing system installation is complete, and the pre-finished metal gutters and downspouts are ongoing. Interior framing is complete, and drywall installation has started. The MEP/FP trades are on site to continue overhead & in wall rough-in. The exterior brick is complete.
HMS Current Activities:
Brick: Complete
Roofing: Complete
Interior Framing: Complete
Interior MEP In-wall Rough: Complete
MEP Overhead Rough: 80% complete
Drywall: 15% complete
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 7 - May 10! The Hallsville PTO is asking families to show our Hallsville teachers how amazing they are by signing up to donate snacks or drinks. Below are sign-up sheets for each building. If families would rather donate funds for the PTO to use to purchase snacks, please use the Venmo link below.
(In the notes, please indicate which building to donate to)
Students have been busy in the greenhouse all semester, tending to the plants and transplanting seedlings or plugs. Hallsville FFA is excited to offer the Hallsville community hanging baskets, geraniums, vegetables, bedding plants, and more this year.
The plant sale will take place in the greenhouse and the Ag parking lot on the following dates/times:
- April 27, May 4, 5, 11, & 18: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
- May 3, 6, 16, 17: 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Cash, Card, and Checks will be accepted.
Below are highlights of items discussed during the open session on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, Board of Education Meeting. The full agenda with document links is available on the district website.
The next Board of Education meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 15, at 6:00 p.m. in the primary school cafeteria.
Brad Blakemore was recognized for being named 2024 Northeast Athletic Director of the Year by the Missouri Interscholastic Activities Administrators Association.
Rachael Nichols, Lauren Terry, Kari Yeagy, and the HPS staff were recognized for their work on Kindergarten Orientation night. The event offers incoming kindergarten families the opportunity to connect with the school to learn more about daily routines, curriculum, and support in place for all students.
Erin Gunter was recognized for hosting a Gifted and Talented Education conference for 3rd-5th grade students at Hallsville and Southern Boone earlier this month. The conference was filled with problem-solving, critical thinking and teamwork activities. Each activity was based on the skills identified in Missouri's Portrait of a Gifted Learner.
Each evaluation reviews strengths, concerns, and future recommendations. The board approved the following program evaluations: At-Risk Program and Facilities & Grounds.
The administration recommended and the Board approved increasing summer school teacher pay from $25 to $27.50 per hour. This increase can be supported by summer school state revenues and will require no adjustments to the approved FY24 budget.
MAP and EOC testing will begin at the end of April and finish mid-May. This year, the EOC tests will transition to a new testing platform. This update will unify all state testing onto a single platform. While the assessments remain unchanged, students will require some additional practice to familiarize themselves with the functionality of the new test tools.
Our annual curriculum camp is scheduled for Tuesday, June 4th, through Thursday, June 6th. This event encompasses professional development sessions and collaborative efforts aimed at enhancing our instructional content, resources, and delivery methods. Integrating ongoing, embedded professional development that directly informs our practices is a key aspect of ensuring a clear, coherent, and focused curriculum.
The updated draft was presented for Board review and discussion. Mr. Downs reviewed the facilities master plan in his district report. Based on the district’s growth in assessed valuation (AV) and Stifel’s latest analysis, it appears that the district will reach the 100% debt service fund balance during the 2024-25 school year. As such, Mr. Downs recommended the following:
- Engage Stifel to prepare an assessment to determine the maximum proceeds that might be generated by a no-tax-increase April 2025 bond issue.
- The Board of Education should review and provide input on adjustments to the current draft facilities plan. Once the current construction project is complete, the plan should be updated to reflect the new additions (e.g., increase in middle school square footage).
- The updated document should be finalized in appearance and approved by the Board of Education.
- The district engage the community to review the remaining projects previously identified, prioritize those projects, and prepare for the Board a recommendation on projects to be completed with funds generated by an April 2025 bond issue.
The Board directed Mr. Downs to engage Stifel to prepare an assessment to determine the maximum proceeds that might be generated by a no-tax-increase April 2025 bond issue.
Preliminary figures for the 2024-25 budget were presented for the Board of Education review. The superintendent's monthly report includes additional information on the preliminary FY25 budget.
The Board approved the procurement and installation of Turing Video Surveillance security camera equipment from Tech Electronics, as presented.
This is the first reading of policy updates. Policy changes go into effect after a second reading and approval by the Board of Education. MCE mandatory policy updates are included. In addition to these, the following are also presented for Board review:
- MCE Policy Updates April 2024: Policy 5550 Meal Charges and Policy 6180 English Language Learner
- Policy 2673 Reporting of Violent Behavior: This policy update adds language requiring the establishment of a Behavioral Risk Assessment Team at each school building. Adoption of such a policy is recommended by the district's policy service. The district law firm also recommends the establishment of Behavioral Risk Assessment Teams in each school building.
- Policy and Regulation 4323: The administration recommends the Board of Education rescind Policy and Regulation 4323, thereby ending the sick leave pool.
- MSBA Delegate and Alternate Policy: A member of the Board has requested review of this policy and discussion regarding the potential adoption of this policy. The district does not currently have a policy that addresses this topic.
#BeInvolved: Community & Youth Events
Hallsville Girl Scouts Information Night
Girl Scouts are holding a Girl Scouts Information Night on Monday, May 13, from 5:30 p.m.to 6:30 p.m. at the Hallsville Community Center. Girl Scouts are open to students in grades kindergarten through high school.
Boone County Community Services Department Art Contest
The Boone County Community Services Department is seeking artwork from Boone County children and youth to include in their upcoming Annual Report. Submissions will help showcase the vibrant creativity of our community’s young artists. This department plays a crucial role in funding various programs in our schools and community through the Boone County Children’s Services Fund. Please take a moment to review the attached flyer and share it with fellow students and families. For any inquiries, feel free to reach out to communityservices@boonecountymo.org.
Hallsville 4-H Burger and Fry Night
Join the Hallsville 4-H for another great Burger and Fry Night on Monday, May 6, from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at the Hallsville Fairgrounds and Bob Lemone Building. 4-H is offering dine in and two drive thrus!
Hallsville Party in the Park & Cornhole Tournament
Grow Hallsville Parks Foundation is hosting its 2nd annual Party in the Park & Cornhole Tournament on Saturday, May 18 at Tribble Park. All proceeds will go towards a Veterans Memorial in Hallsville.
Hallsville Police Foundation Raffle
Hallsville Police Foundation is holding a raffle for four platinum season tickets to Six Flags St. Louis & Hurricane Harbor. Tickets can be purchased at City Hall or through a Police Foundation of Hallsville member.