VME Messenger
July 25, 2024
We hope you are having a wonderful summer!
This is the VME Messenger. During the school year it is sent every Sunday at 12:00 PM to keep families informed of school happenings. While it is not Sunday, we want to begin providing families with some important upcoming dates, events, and school information as we approach the start of the 24-25 SY. We are active on social media as well, please follow/like us on Facebook, Instagram, and X.
More information to come!
We look forward to seeing you in August!
Ms. Vieira & Mrs. Roberts
Mark your calendars...
6th-9th - 2024-2024 class placements will be emailed to families
- Please ensure your emails are up to date in the parent portal.
12th Meet your Teacher(s) - 9:00-10:30 AM
- This is a casual time for families to meet their child(rens) teacher(s) and see our campus (cafe', playgrounds, car line and bus areas...)
- Please bring your school supplies so students do not have to carry them to their classroom on the first day of school.
- Preordered car tags will be in classrooms for pick up (see details below for how to preorder).
- PTO will be in the courtyard to share PTO information.
13th - 1st Day of School
- Arrival 7:40-8:20 AM (tardy bell at 8:25 AM)
- Dismissal at 2:50
27th - Curriculum Night (times TBA)
- This is a night geared towards adults. Faculty provides a presentation about grade level curriculum and school/classroom procedures and expectations. This is a night that is not designed for students/children to attend.
CCPS 2024-2025 School Calendar - https://www.collierschools.com/Page/18491
Preparing for the 2024-2025 School Year
Car Line 2024-2025 Car Tag Form - https://forms.office.com/r/y6PJ6BTTHL
The Forms link is open now through August 7th at 6:00 PM.
Preorded tags will be available in classrooms during Meet Your Teacher(s).
Bus Riders - Please use this direct link to obtain bus stop information (location and times). https://www.collierschools.com/Page/250. It is recommended that you download the "WheresTheBus application which allow you to see when you child scans their ID badge to get on and off the bus.
Important Transportation Procedure Information
- All transportation changes MUST be called in to the front office, 377-8800, by 2:00 PM each school day!
- Set transportations schedules should be provided to classroom teacher(s).
School Age Child Care - Leaders League
Respiration application will be emailed to ALL families on August 5th at 9:00 AM.
- Leaders League registration applications are accepted on a first come (fully completed and returned)
CCPS Student Code of Conduct
Please take time to familiar yourself with both of these informative documents.
CCPS Code of Conduct - https://www.collierschools.com/Page/4900
- "The Code is applicable and enforced to all Collier County Public School students."
School Breakfast & Lunch
CCPS Nutrition Services - https://www.collierschools.com/nutrition
- Use this link to view the CCPS school menu.
- Breakfast is offered to all students at all schools at no cost from 7:40-8:15 AM.
- VME will return to paid lunch system. Elementary school student lunch is $2.50 (each lunch).
My School Bucks - Allows you to place funds in your child's school lunch account. https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain?requestAction=home
Families may still qualify for free/reduced lunch by completing one of the following meal applications BEFORE the first day of school on My School Apps - https://www.myschoolapps.com/Application
- Please take the time to complete this application even if you do not think your family will qualify. The number of applications completed helps VME, regardless of the number of families who qualify.
CCPS Volunteer & Chaperone Application Process
All volunteer applications expired June 30th. If you wish to volunteer during this school year, please submit a new volunteer application by clicking the link "Apply to Volunteer" and follow the steps outlined on the District site. CCPS Volunteer Program
Parent Portal
The centralized CCPS Portal is your first step in creating a CCPS profile and/or log into accessing your information.
- Log into the CCPS Portal to access the following:
- Student Grades
- School Resources
- District Resources
- and more!
For assistance, contact grades@collierschools.com or call 239-377-0001.
Accessing Report Cards on the FOCUS Portal - Directions PDF File
Important Information!
Please ensure that you email(s) are correct in Focus, this is how 24-25 teacher class placement will be communicated to families. Your child(ren)"s teacher(s) will communicate with families via email, the week of August 6th.
VME PTO News & Information
PTO Contact Information
Email VMEPTO@gmail.com
Facebook "Veterans Memorial Elementary PTO"
Want to be involved in our School Advisory Council (SAC)? Just stop in to our September meeting to see what we are all about! Everyone with a VME student is welcome!
School Advisory Council (SAC) meetings are held in the VME Media Center from 5:30-6:30 PM.
Tentative Meeting Dates for 2024-2025 SY (Tuesday evenings):
August – No Meeting
December – No Meeting
5/13Helpful Family Resources
- Volunteers, Lunch with Your Child, and Check -in Procedures
- VME Wellness & Shared Snacks at School
All volunteer applications expired June 30th. If you wish to volunteer during this school year, please submit a new volunteer application by clicking the link "Apply to Volunteer" and follow the steps outlined on the District site. CCPS Volunteer Program
- Link to student laptop expectation video
- CCPS Student Code of Conduct
- CCPS Student Discipline
- CCPS District Policy for CCPS Issued Laptops
- Social Media Guide and Contract Resource
- CCPS Portal: Click here to visit the CCPS Portal
- Nutrition Services - School Lunch Menu & School Bucks (online pay) https://www.collierschools.com/nutrition
- Fortify Florida - https://getfortifyfl.com/