The LifeLeader
August 19, 2022

July 2024
- District Updates
- Partners for Life
- Academic Engagement
- Safety & Security
Back to School
Monday, August 5th, is students' first day of school for the 2024-2025 school year. We look forward to welcoming students back to campus!
Check out our Back to School page for all the information you need to send your students back to school prepared!
STAAR Results
If your student participated in the Spring 2024 STAAR EOC test administration, you can
access the final test results through the Life School Parent Portal using this help document as guidance: Accessing STAAR/EOC Scores. Beginning July 24th, results for STAAR 3-8 will be available to view.
Partnering with parents is an essential piece of Life School’s mission. We invite and encourage parents to partner with teachers, staff, and administrators to support their child's social, emotional, behavioral, and academic needs. Parent and family nights are provided throughout the year to ensure parents and guardians have the opportunity to experience learning alongside their children.
Preparing to go back to school
Back to School is just around the corner! Here are some tips to ensure you and your student are Ready to Learn!
Make plans to attend Orientation or Meet the Teacher
Allowing students to get to know their campus and teachers early can help them be excited about returning to school. Click here to see the schedule.
Sign up for the Parent Portal
The Parent Portal allows parents to monitor student progress throughout the year. Click here to sign up to receive notifications about grades and attendance.
Sign up for Partners for Life
Creating consistent expectations at school and home helps students understand what is expected of them and leads to success at home and school. Here are some practical ways students can practice Life Habits at Home as they prepare to return to the classroom.
Be respectful of friends and siblings and their property
Clean room and pick up after themselves
Complete chores, such as taking out the trash or washing dishes
Keep hands to self when playing and interacting with others
Maintain a consistent sleep schedule
Take breaks from social media and video games to read a book
Effective Communicator:
Greet others with a smile and practice good eye contact
Be aware of what their body language is saying
Practice good listening skills by allowing others to share ideas
Visitor Policy
“Let’s Talk” Safety Reporting
Life School’s “Let’s Talk” feature allows students, staff or parents to report possible safety issues such as threats, bullying or other concerns. To use the feature, visit lifeschool.net and click “Let’s Talk” in the bottom right-hand corner.
Our Mission
The Mission of Life School is to develop leaders with life skills through strong academics, character training, and partnerships with parents and the community.