New Market Elementary School
February 2025 Newsletter
Message from Administration
"Love is the heartbeat of February."
Dear Families,
February is notably a month used to communicate love. In honor of this sweet time of year, we asked a random sampling of our students to share what they love about New Market Elementary. Below are their responses:
- "My friends"
- "PE"
- "Nice teachers"
- "Having fun with my friends"
- "Math"
- "Writing"
- "Lunch and recess"
- "My art teacher"
- "It's a place where you can always make friends"
- "Learning"
- "Seeing my teacher every morning"
The student's responses speak to the kind of school environment we want for your children. We want a school environment that is welcoming, accepting and safe for all students and where learning across all subjects is fun yet challenging.
We wish you a February filled with love, peace and joy!
Dr. Lockard, Principal
Karen McGaha, Assistant Principal
NMES Home-School Connection - Click HERE to view the document.
Important Dates
FCPS 2024 - 2025 Calendar Handbook
- Friday, February 7: February Walking School Bus (see details in this newsletter)
- Monday, February 10: Linganore High School Black History Program at 7:00pm (see flier linked in this newsletter for more details)
- Monday, February 10: Random Acts of Kindness Week - Wear your PJs
- Tuesday, February 11: Random Acts of Kindness Week - Wear anything gold of shimmery to show others you treat them as you want to be treated
- Wednesday, February 12: Random Acts of Kindness Week - Show your team spirit by wearing your favorite jersey or NMES colors
- Wednesday, February 12: NMMS Incoming 6th grade registration at 6:00pm in their cafeteria
- Thursday, February 11: Random Acts of Kindness Week - Wear your favorite hat
- Friday, February 14: Random Acts of Kindness Week - wear red or pink
- Friday, February 14: NMES Valentine's Day Class Parties - Click HERE to view the party schedule
- Monday, February 17: Schools closed for Presidents' Day
- Friday, February 21: Mid-term
- Friday, February 21: 2-hour early dismissal (dismissal starts at 1:20pm)
NMES Attendance Information
For all attendance related emails or transportation changes, please email nmes.attendance@fcps.org and include your child's teacher. Transportation changes must be made prior to 3:00pm.
Consistent attendance is important for your child's academic and social success in school. MSDE sets the attendance goal at 96%. Below are the attendance percentages for each grade level and for the school overall as of the end of January.
Pre-Kindergarten: 94.0%
Kindergarten: 95.0%
Grade 1: 95.3%
Grade 2: 95.6%
Grade 3: 95.2%
Grade 4: 94.9%
Grade 5: 95.4%
Overall School Attendance Percentage: 95.1%
You can support by sending your healthy child to school each day on time. Instruction promptly begins at 9:00 each morning. You can also support by planning vacations around the FCPS calendar. Thank you!
Career Day 2025: Help Needed
NMES Career Day will take place on May 15th from 9:00 - 10:45 at our school. Volunteers are needed. If you are interested in speaking about your career to our 4th and 5th graders on May 15th, please contact Keeley Carl, School Counselor, at keeley.carl@fcps.org . Thank you in advance for your support!
NMES Walking School Bus
We are more than half way through the school year! Now is a good time to review safety tips with our NMES Wolves. Check out these pedestrian safety tips from Safe Kids Worldwide, https://www.safekids.org/tip/pedestrian-safety-tips
Join us for our February Walking School Bus - Friday, February 7th. This Walking School Bus is sponsored by the New Market Green Team. All participants will receive a packet of wildflower seeds to plant this spring! Meet with friends at 8:15am at any of our three neighborhood routes and walk to school.
Brinkley Manor
New Market West Playground
LOUYAA Parking Lot
We are still looking for a parent volunteer to be a route leader for our Main Street and Royal Oaks participants. If you are willing to volunteer please email nmesptainfo@gmail.com. Volunteers meet students and parents at the predetermined location and pass out participation prizes. The Walking School Bus occurs the first Friday of each month.
NMES Yearbook Sales
Winter Weather Guidelines and Procedures
It is difficult to set guidelines that fit every circumstance and condition with regards to outside activities during cold weather. Principals use their discretion and good judgment as to whether or not students will go outside, as well as the duration of the outside activity. Sometimes we may opt for a shorter recess period in cold temperatures or specify a temperature above 20 degrees as the cut-off point for going out. Elementary students should not go outdoors for recess or physical education whenever the temperature falls below 20 degrees, including the wind chill factor. The temperature cut-off at NMES is 20 degrees, so please remember to dress your child in the appropriate clothing (labeled coat, hat and gloves).
Role Model Monday Nominees
The following students were nominated by their classroom teacher as a "Role Model Monday" nominee. These students demonstrate our Be a Wolf expectations on a regular basis across the school day. These students are recognized on our morning announcements by Dr. Lockard. The students receive a certificate and small prize for being a great Wolf each and every day! Also, the parents receive a Good News Phone Call from Dr. Lockard.
- Yuna Lu, fourth-grade student in Mrs. Kueberth's class: Mrs. Kueberth shared the following about Yuna: "Yuna is always ready to learn. Yuna has her materials ready to go when needed and works diligently to complete work. Yuna's work quality is impeccable. Yuna is a steller NMES Wolf and displays all our our Be a Wolf expectations daily."
- Mia Rivera-Beck, kindergarten student in Mrs. DeVan's class: Mrs. DeVan shared the following about Mia: "Mia is a great example of a NMES Wolf! She comes to school each day with a positive attitude and is eager to learn new things. She is kind to others, a great helper, and works hard each and every day. Our class is so lucky to have her!"
- Charles Dor, second-grade student in Mrs. Johnson's class: Mrs. Johnson shared the following about Charles: " Charles comes to school each day ready to learn. He is a hard worker and even when things are hard, he perseveres. Charles is kind and often offers help to others."
Media Center Information and Updates
Coding Club
The NMES Coding Club is open to all students in 3rd-5th grades who are interested in boosting their coding skills through learning Scratch and Micro:bits! NMES Coding Club will run on Wednesday mornings from February 19th-April 2nd in the media center from 8:00-8:30 AM. Students will be dismissed to their homerooms at 8:30 a.m. Students may be dropped off at the blue awning door between 7:45-7:55 a.m., where a staff member will meet them. After 7:55 AM, students must be signed in through the front office to come up to the media center for the club. If schools are closed or there is a late arrival for any reason, then the club will not run that day.
Parents of interested students should fill out this form (https://bit.ly/nmescode25) by Friday, February 7, 2025. Mrs. Siderius will randomly draw 25 participants the week of February 10th and notify everyone by email on whether or not their child's name was drawn.
Please email Mrs. Siderius, our media specialist, with any questions at jennifer.siderius@fcps.org.
Optional Choice Board
February holds more than just Valentine's Day! Learn more about the holidays that occur this month with our optional choice board at https://bit.ly/NMESFeb25Board!
School Counselor Information and Updates
- Career Day at NMES - Help needed!
- Random Acts of Kindness Week - Coming in February
- Indoor and outdoor family activities
From the PTA
Project Linus
For the third year in a row, our NMES students will make blankets for Project Linus. During the Random Acts of Kindness week, and throughout the month of February, students will have the opportunity to make these blankets in the classrooms and at Library.
The completed blankets will be donated to the Frederick County Chapter of Project Linus. Blankets are given to children undergoing medical care to give a sense of comfort during a difficult time. Thank you to all our NMES Wolves for participating in this act of kindness!
From the PTA
Wait Until 8th
Is Your Child Ready for a Smartphone?
Did you know the average age a child receives their first smartphone is just 10 years old?
The NMES PTA is thrilled to introduce the Wait Until 8th initiative! This important movement encourages parents to delay giving their children a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade.
Why Wait? The Wait Until 8th website offers vital resources to help you make the best decision for your family regarding communication and technology. From guiding conversations about smartphone usage to understanding its impacts, you'll find everything you need to navigate this modern parenting challenge.
Join the Pledge! By joining other parents and taking the pledge, you're not just making a personal decision—you're becoming part of a community. Once ten parents from the same grade commit, Wait Until 8th connects you via email, creating a support network committed to delaying smartphone use.
Learn more and become part of this growing movement by taking the pledge today! Check out waituntil8th.org.
NMMS Incoming 6th Grade Registration
Incoming 6th Grade Registration Evening
February 12th, 2025
NMMS Cafetorium
This is an evening presentation designed to introduce parents to general information about NMMS and provide information about class registration. Students are welcome to attend; however, the evening is specifically geared toward parents.
The students will be receiving their own middle school registration presentation at their elementary school the week of January 27th. They will also be receiving their Middle School Course Registration sheets during the presentation and will be instructed to return them to their elementary school by February 14th.
We have several other upcoming activities to help current 5th grade students transition to middle school including a Move Up Day in May, and an Open House and Back to School Night in August. We are looking forward to welcoming your students to NMMS!
FCPS County Science and Social Studies Fair
FCPS County Science and Social Studies Fair
March 29, 2025 at Tuscarora High School 9-11:30am
Detailed information on the county fair was sent home with students, and it was emailed in the FCPS Community Newsletter.
NMES Multicultural Bookshelf
Please click HERE to access our NMES Multicultural Bookshelf. The month of February features titles celebrating the Black History Month. Enjoy these read alouds with your children!
FCPS Out of District Information
FCPS Out of District Applications for 2025 - 2026
Out of District applications must be submitted yearly for consideration.
The FCPS window for submitting Out of District applications is February 1st, 2025 - March 1st 2025.
To complete the FCPS Out of District Application Form, visit www.fcps.org and follow these steps:
- Visit the FCPS website (link above)
- Click the Form button (on top of webpage)
- Click All Forms for Public tab
- Click Out of District (Attendance) and Area Application (This is 2nd on the list) Choose the English of Spanish application
Note: All Out of District applications must be signed and if submitted by email in PDF format only, no photos/pictures/scans from phones will be accepted.
Please direct any questions to Outofdistrict@fcps.org
FCPS Special Education Family Resource Center
The FCPS Office of Special Education is excited to announce the opening of the FCPS Special Education Family Resource Center! This is a space for families to come and receive help and resources. An Open House is being held on Friday, February 21, 2025 from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. to unveil this resource for families. Save the Date
Student Firearm Possession Reminder
“It is unlawful for students to possess or use any weapon on school property. Students who have or use a weapon on school property will be suspended from school, and the police will be notified of the incident. A weapon is any object designed to harm another physically or an object which is used in a way that can physically harm another. This school is committed to providing each of you with a safe environment, and we will do all we can to carry out that responsibility including, if necessary, conducting searches of student lockers.”
NMES Front Office Phone Hours
When school is in session, you can reach the front office from 8:30 - 4:00 at 227-203-1460.