NMES Media Center News
December 2024
Welcome to the newsletter for the NMES Media Center! If you have any questions or need more information, please email Mrs. Siderius, our media specialist, at jennifer.siderius@fcps.org. Follow us on Twitter @FCPS_NMESMedia for pictures of our learning in action!
3rd Grade Pen Pal Field Trip
Our 3rd grade students had fun traveling to BRES in December to meet their pen pals and complete activities based on the book for their book club, Katie the Catsitter. Students played friend bingo, completed a book-themed STEM activity and did a Battle of the Books! What fun it is to have a community of readers!
Books and Bots: Family Coding Night
Thank you to everyone who volunteered at or attended Family Coding Night! We had 111 students participate! We hope you continue building your coding skills at home! Check out these choice boards to help you:
*PIcture used with permission from Pixabay.
Gingerbread Man Contest
Run, run as fast as you can and decorate your gingerbread man! We had a lot of fun with our book pumpkin contest, so now it's time to help the gingerbread man! Decorate the paper sent home to disguise the gingerbread man as a book character so he can avoid the fox. Drop your creation off to the media center by Friday, December 13th, for a chance to win a Lego gingerbread ornament set!
*PIcture used with permission from Pixabay.
Optional Holiday Choice Board
Our NMES wolves love to learn, so here's an optional holiday choice board to keep them exploring all month long! In December, they can learn about Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and more!! All links will take you directly to articles in PebbleGo. If you need assistance, please reach out to our media specialist, Mrs. Siderius, at jennifer.siderius@fcps.org.
Fun Fall Reads!
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Sleigh
Hanukkah Bear
Li'l Rabbit's Kwanzaa
Databases, eBooks and More!
The media center offers many research databases to help students with projects and independent learning! All of them may be accessed on the media center website at https://edu.fcps.org/nmes/media. A list of all the usernames and passwords is located on the media website and at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AbTN9FtNmdfoNr3yfeKzNZRGmTm75I8r_n_XoijU1jE/edit?usp=sharing. Please log into the password document with an FCPS username and password.