NPS Parent Update - August 28
Important information for parents
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As a reminder, we will provide weekly updates regarding the status of in-person instruction. Each Monday, a forecast for the following week will be provided. Each Friday, after Oklahoma’s Covid-19 Alert System is updated, we will confirm the following week’s instructional plan. These updates will be applicable only to those students who are enrolled in the traditional/remote or blended learning options. Students enrolled in the full-time virtual option will not be affected. You can find complete information about all of our available learning options here.
ELEMENTARY STUDENTS: Today Cleveland County remained in the “yellow” range and as such, elementary students enrolled in either our traditional/remote or blended learning options will report to school for in-person instruction on Monday, Aug. 31. If you have enrolled in the traditional/remote learning option but do not feel comfortable sending your child to school on Monday, please contact your site administrator.
MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: As a reminder, middle and high school students who are enrolled in traditional/remote or blended learning options will continue with remote learning next week (Aug. 31 through Sept. 4). If the Covid-19 Alert System reports Cleveland County as Orange 1 or lower next week, students will follow an alternate learning schedule beginning Tuesday, Sept. 8 (Monday, Sept. 7, is Labor Day and there is no school). Click here for information about alternate schedules. School principals will share more detailed information about alternate schedules and student group assignments with students and parents soon.
A great deal of planning and preparation has gone into making sure that our students are as safe as possible upon their return to in-person learning. You can view a complete list of our safeguards, policies and procedures here.
When there is a positive case of COVID-19 at a school, those determined to have been in close contact with the individual will be personally notified and provided with information about quarantine protocols. Updated quarantine protocols can be found here. The entire school will also be notified of the positive case, although the identity of the individual who tests positive for Covid-19 will not be released due to confidentiality and privacy laws. Click here for more information.
There are multiple pathways for students to return to school after experiencing Covid-19 symptoms. Detailed information about return-to-school protocols is available here.
As we transition back to traditional in-person learning, meal service for students enrolled in either blended or full-time virtual learning options will change slightly going forward. Norman Public Schools will continue to offer meals to students who are in need and would like to participate, but meals must now be pre-ordered and picked up from the Central Kitchen location. Please click here for more information.
Tickets are not available for Crosstown Clash. However, the game will be streamed live at on Sept. 3 at 7 p.m.
Back-to-School Information
Norman Public Schools
Values: Integrity | Inclusiveness | Collaboration | Optimism
Location: 131 South Flood Avenue, Norman, OK, United States
Twitter: @NormanSchools