Message from the Principal
Week of November 11, 2024
Message from the Principal
Dear Virginia Lake Families,
This year, District 15 will be implementing eLearning on days with inclement weather. Devices will be sent home, so students can access Google Meets for live virtual instruction.
On November 19th, students will bring home their devices, case, and charger including our K-2 students for our practice eLearning day. All K-5 students should be expected to complete an online activity at home on their Chromebook to ensure that they are able to log in to their Chromebook at home and connect to their home WiFi. There will be no live virtual instruction after school. Students will practice logging into Google Meets at school on November 19th. At home, we are asking students to engage in a math assignment from our district curriculum, a NewsELA assignment, a SeeSaw activity, something assigned in Google Classroom, or another digital assignment. Teachers will share information specific to their classroom with families.
Preschool students will engage in hands on activities on days with inclement weather. Devices will not be sent home with our preschool students.
Teachers will send these directions home to K-2 students if those families need assistance connecting the Chromebook device to their home WiFi.
We understand that reliable internet access is crucial for student success. If your family is experiencing difficulties accessing the internet, please consider submitting a hotspot request. This device will provide your child with a portable Wi-Fi hotspot to connect to the internet from home.
To request a hotspot, please email Ms. Pereyra, and Ms. Tejeda, or call our school office.
Let's make it a great week!
Patti Van Winkle, Principal
Highlights from Virginia Lake
Leadership Club
Did you know? Daily attendance builds good habits for the future.
Tip: Create a family calendar to track school days and events. Aim for 9 or fewer absences for academic success!
Important Dates
Tuesday, November 12th- PTA Meeting- 7:00 p.m.
Monday, November 18th- Picture Retakes
Tuesday, November 19th- Practice eLearning Day- All students in session
Wednesday, November 20th- Reading Night- 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Monday, November 25th and Tuesday, November 26th- Parent Teacher Conferences- No School
Wednesday, November 27th-Friday, November 29th- No School- Thanksgiving
Virginia Lake Elementary School
Location: 925 N Glenn Dr, Palatine, IL, USA
Phone: 847-963-7105