Decorah Newsletter
February 25th, 2025
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, March 12th PTO Meeting at 6:30 in the library
Thursday, March 13th PTO Bingo Night 6:30-7:30 in the gym
Monday, March 24th-28th Spring Break NO SCHOOL
Featured Staff Member
Each week we will feature a different staff member here at Decorah
to help our families get to know our staff.
From the PTO
Our next PTO meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the Decorah Library. We hope to see you there!
We Love Teachers!
In addition to planning exciting events for Decorah students, we here at PTO love spoiling Decorah teachers! We provided all kinds of goodies for staff members to enjoy during conferences last Thursday.
Decorah’s Kringle fundraiser kicks off next week! Sales open Monday, March 3 and run through Tuesday, March 18. Delivery is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, April 15 (before Easter). More information will be coming home with your child(ren) soon!
B-I-N-G-O Is B-A-C-K!
Join us Thursday, March 13 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Decorah gym for BINGO night! See the attached flyer for more details on what is sure to be a super fun event.
We are in need of enthusiastic volunteers to help set up and clean up, greet our families, prepare/distribute refreshments, and help with other miscellaneous tasks in order to help make this event run smoothly.
Please review the available slots here and sign up if you are able. We recognize that your time is important and are grateful for your consideration.
Mark Your Calendars:
Kringles Fundraiser Kickoff: Monday, March 3 (more details to come)
March PTO Meeting: Wednesday, March 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the Decorah Library
BINGO Night: Thursday, March 13 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Decorah Gym
Don’t forget to follow Decorah PTO on Facebook for more information and updates!
Discarded Library Books
We're excited to inform you that your children may soon be bringing home some special treasures from our school—discarded library books! These books are now theirs to keep. As our library collection continually updates, we occasionally need to make room for new additions on our shelves. Books are discarded for reasons such as being worn out, having too many copies, or having low circulation.
Your child should not return these books to the school library. Instead, they can enjoy reading them repeatedly! Then they can share them with friends, donate them, find creative ways to reuse them, or recycle them. You'll recognize a discarded book by the crossed-out barcode and spine label, along with a "discard" or "withdrawn" stamp on the first page. If you have any questions, please reach out to our school’s library aide or to our district library coordinator, Pamela Mumm, at pmumm@wbsd-schools.org. Happy reading adventures await!
Change of Address
Recently moved or need to update your address in Skyward? Please use this link to update us of the change in address.
End of Day Changes
In order to keep all students safe, if you need to make changes to the end of the day pickup routine please call the office, 262-335-5480, by 2:30 pm so we have time to get the message to your child's classroom. Thank you!!
Please have your child to school by the first bell at 8:30 AM. This is when students can enter the building, head to their lockers, and get situated in their classroom. The final bell will ring at 8:45 where the expectation is students are already unpacked, organized and ready to learn. Any students arriving after 8:45am will be marked tardy or absent.
If a student will be late or absent, please call the Decorah Administrative Assistant, Jenny at
262-335-5480 to report a late or absent student by 9 AM.
Please get a doctor's note so that we can mark the absence medical.
We love field trip chaperones and classroom volunteers! All chaperones and regular volunteers must submit to a background check that is completed by the district. Click the link below to start the process now!
School Lunch
The following times are when students eat lunch:
11:30 - 11:50: Kindergarten (recess after lunch)
11:40 - 12:00: 1st Grade (recess after lunch)
11:50 - 12:10: 2nd Grade (recess after lunch)
12:00 - 12:20: 3rd Grade (recess after lunch)
12:10 - 12:30: 4th Grade (recess before lunch)
Students have the choice every day whether to have hot or cold lunch. Students make their selection when they arrive at school in the morning. Here is a link to the Free/Reduced Lunch Application Form. If you do not qualify for Free/Reduced lunch, please remember to load your child's account with lunch money! That can be done through RevTrack or by sending money to school with your child.
Due to space in the lunchroom, visitors will not be allowed to have lunch with students at school, however you are welcome to sign your child out at the office to eat at the picnic tables on the front lawn!
Online Payments: https://www.west-bend.k12.wi.us/District/14206-Untitled.html
Menus and Contacts: https://www.west-bend.k12.wi.us/District/Department/19-School-Nutrition
RevTrak Online Payment System
The West Bend School District is now using RevTrak for online payments for meals, fees, and more. (Online payments include a transaction fee.)
If you choose to pay instructional and other fees online, please follow these instructions. RevTrak is accessible from Skyward and the payment can be made when completing registration or at another time. The option to pay fees using cash or check with no transaction fee is still available and completed by turning in the payment to your child’s school.