Raccoon News
Feb. 14, 2025
Note From Mrs. Kruize- Attendance Matters
We want to see every Raccoon at school!
Roosevelt Families,
Did you know that if your Raccoon misses 17 or more days of the school year, they are considered chronically absent by the state of Minnesota? We know that students miss school for many reasons such as illness, vacation, or family emergencies. It is expected that a student will miss a few days throughout the year. However, when students start to miss more than a few days of school, it can be detrimental to their academic growth. Research shows that students who miss 7 or more days of school are more likely to struggle to be at grade level academically. Here at Roosevelt, we want to see our Raccoons in school as often as possible so that they can continue to get what they need to succeed in school.
Here are some important things to know about how we will be approaching attendance for the remainder of the year:
- Stay below 17 Days Absent: Mrs. Kruize will be sending a message out to all families who have students on pace to miss more than 17 days of school this year. We have about 10% of students who are at this point. Our school goal is to have less than 5% of our students missing 17+ days this year. If you receive that message from me, know that we are looking to partner with you to make a plan for better attendance for the remainder of the year.
- Medical Letters: If your student has missed a significant number of school days, we will contact you to let you know that a doctor's note will be required to excuse any further absences for illness. If your child isn't feeling good but they seem like they could be at school, feel free to bring them to school and have them checked out by our school health assistant, Nancy Goettl. She can let you know if your student should stay at school or go home for the day.
- Helpful Video: Please take a few minutes to watch a great video on the importance of students being at school every day. Click here or on the Attendance Matters picture to watch the video.
Thank you for your partnership around attendance. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Roosevelt's the place to be!
Michelle Kruize
Roosevelt Principal
Student Reports are live in Infinite Campus. What does this mean? You can access your student's test data from the parent portal anytime you log in. Data is updated throughout the year as testing windows close and data is final. Local and State Assessments that your child has taken throughout their time MAPs, are readily accessible as well as available for you to download.
To access your child's scores:
Log in to Infinite Campus Parent Portal
At the bottom of the navigation bar in the portal, click on "More"
A drop-down menu appears: click on "Student Reports”
A drop-down menu appears: click on "Select a Student”
Then select the report you wish to view:
To View MCA scores select MCA
To View ACCESS scores select ACCESS
To View DIBELS or NWEA select Student Test Detail
CogAT - mid-year 2nd Grade & new to the school district 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade students
Winter Weather Info
Winter weather will be here soon, so it’s a good idea to have a plan for your family in case of school closings, early dismissals, or late starts.
Notices for school closings and early dismissals will be posted on the following websites, radio, and television stations. You can also hear a recorded message on the District Notification Line at 507-387-6046.
Other ways to track school closing delays/dismissals/closures:
● www.isd77.org ● katoinfo.com ● mankatofreepress.com ● southernminnesotanews.com ● keyc.com ● KEYC 12 - TV AND MANY MORE.
Click HERE for a copy of the Winter Weather Information.
Please note: Blue Earth Area Schools is a smaller school district south of us. When you hear or see this, IT IS NOT Mankato Area Public Schools. This is something that can be confusing because of the county in which we live.
Title 1 Information
At Roosevelt, we believe that strong parent-teacher collaboration is essential for our students' success. When parents and teachers work together, we create a powerful support system that enhances student learning and achievement. We encourage you to engage in open communication with your child’s teachers, participate in school events, and provide feedback on school programs. Your involvement not only helps us understand your child's unique needs but also fosters a sense of community and shared responsibility for their education.Together, we can help our students thrive academically and socially. Thank you for being an integral part of our school community!
Books on Blankets Times
FEB. 28th
4th Grade: 8:30-9:00
1st Grade: 9:15-9:45
Kindergarten: 10:00-10:30
3rd Grade: 11:00-11:30
2nd Grade: 12:45-1:15
5th Grade: 1:45-2:15
17.......NO SCHOOL
28.......Books on Blankets Event-Parents Invited! (See times in newsletter above)
4.........PTO Meeting 5:30pm-6:30pm, Media Center-Childcare Provided!
6.........Science Fair
12.......Early Release-Students dismissed at 12:30
14.......NO SCHOOL
18.......Spring Conferences 3:20pm-8:00pm
19.......K, 2, 4 Spring Music Program 9:30am and 1:00pm
20.......Spring Conferences 3:20pm-8:00pm
24.......Spring Conferences 3:20pm-8:00pm
26-31..NO SCHOOL
Contact Principal Michelle Kruize
Email: mkruiz1@isd77.org
Website: re.isd77.org
Location: Roosevelt Elementary School, West 6th Street, Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: 507-345-4285