Family Update Week of May 27, 2024
Greetings, Families,
We hope everyone has enjoyed a restful long weekend after all the excitement of Fun & Fitness Day on Friday! We have lots going on during these last few weeks of the school year! Be sure to read the update in its entirety for more specific information about all the end of year fun at HHES!
It was a big week this week in regard to the future of public schools in Cecil County. On Tuesday, CCPS Leadership will shared their budget requests one final time. On Thursday at the County Council Meeting, the Council listened to final comments from the public before sharing their final budget in June. If there was every a time for us to rally, this is it! Please use the contact information below to let the County Council know it is not too late to support our schools as, "Our students are worth it!"
County Council Members:
President - Jackie Gregory - jgregory@ccgov.org
Vice President - Bob Meffley - bmeffley@cecilcountymd.gov
Rebecca Hamilton - rhamilton@cecilcountymd.gov
Al Miller - agmiller@ccgov.org
Donna Culberson - dculberson@ccgov.org
HHES Yearbooks!
There are only a handful left! Be sure to get yours before they are sold out!
Scan the QR code or simply click on the picture. You are able to search for HHES or enter id number: 14603724.
If you are wondering, students absolutely still love to have their friends sign their books at the end of the year:-)
Growing Readers
The phonemes produced when reading the letters b and p are often confused by struggling or emerging readers as the manner of articulation is identical. When producing each sound, the speaker’s lip, tongue and jaw placements are exactly the same. The lips come together to stop the airflow, and a small amount of air pressure builds up behind the lips. The air is then released as the lips open. What differs is the voicing. The P consonant is voiceless meaning it is produced with just air passing through the vocal cords and out of the mouth. The vocal cords are turned off as you say this sound. P is the “quiet brother.” The B consonant is voiced meaning the vocal cords are turned on as this sound is produced. You should feel a vibration in the throat when you say it. B is the “noisy brother.” Pointing out the similarities and differences between the production of these two phonemes is beneficial for mastering the correct letter sounds!
Special Education Citizens Advisory Council (SECAC)
The Cecil County Special Education Citizen's Advisory Committee, otherwise known as "SECAC" is a group of parents, administrators, Arc and DDA Personnel committed to improving Special Education in Cecil County Maryland.
Be sure to check out their new website: https://beacons.ai/cecilsecac
From CCPS:
The Judy Center supports children and their families from birth through age 5. We are currently collecting information about children not currently enrolled in schools. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey attached.
Here is a link to the Sibling Survey: https://forms.gle/doVZL9P4p4CTE7SK7
Cecil County Behavioral Health Resources - this is a list of mental health providers within Cecil County. The list includes services provided, whether or not the provider accepts Medical Assistance, and contact information.
Behavioral Health Provider List- this resource includes information on behavioral health resources both within Cecil County and surrounding areas.
Healthy Lifestyles Assistance Program: Transportation- Cecil County residents 18 years of age or older may be eligible for transportation assistance provided by the Healthy Lifestyles Assistance Program. Program staff can schedule and pay for transportation to support groups, medical and mental health care, nutritional services, fitness classes and gyms, diabetes prevention, and management classes, and trips to grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and food banks.
Local Care Team- may assist with coordinating outreach services and connecting caregivers or parents to resources.
For children ages birth through 5:
The Judy Center supports children and their families from birth through age 5. We are collecting information about children not currently enrolled in schools. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey attached.
Here is a link to the Sibling Survey: https://forms.gle/doVZL9P4p4CTE7SK7
Holly Hall Elementary School
Proud Title I School
Email: ndreckner@ccps.org
Website: https://www.ccps.org/hhes
Location: 233 White Hall Road, Elkton, MD, USA
Phone: 410.996.5050
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HollyHallElem