Grizzly Gazette
York Junior High
September 2023 Edition
A Message from the Principal
What an amazing start we have had at York JH! As we gear up for September, we are looking forward to all the excitement that comes with athletics, fine arts, and day-to-day school fun. The kids have really settled in and are adapting well to junior high. Thank you all for your continued support and generous compliments as we continue to work hard to make York JH even better.
-Principal Ardoin
Upcoming Events
- Aug.31-Sep. 1: Fall Picture Day
- Sep. 4: Labor Day Holiday/No School
- Sep. 6: Spirit Night (all day long) at Swig
- Sep. 8: PTO Meeting at 9:30 AM
- Sep. 16: CISD District Art Show Open House (3205 West Davis Street. Conroe)
- Sep. 18: "BLUE OUT" day (all students/staff in GO feeder wears blue for Homecoming week)
- Sep. 18: Spirit Night at Chiller Bee
- Sep. 18: Grand Oaks High School Homecoming Parade at 6:00 PM
- Sep. 28: Grizzlies for Greatness Awards at 9:30 AM
THANK YOU to the awesome kids who helped to build and donate these benches to York JH!
Student ID Tags
Starting in 7-12 grade, ALL students in CISD will be required to wear an ID badge. All incoming 7th graders and new students were given ID tags on August 21-23. Almost all of our students have received their badge. If they do not have one, please click HERE to request a new ID tag. We expect all of our students to wear them everyday, starting after Labor Day. If they lose their tag, the cost is $2 and you will be billed in School Cash Online.
Report Card and Progress Report Information
At the secondary level (junior high and high school), all progress reports and report cards are submitted electronically. You will receive an email when they are ready for review, and you can sign them online at Parent Access Center.
Dress Code Reminders
- No crop tops may be worn by boys/girls and at no time should a child's midsection be showing.
- Shorts and skirts must be as close to mid thigh as possible.
- Jeans and pants must not be sagging below the waist.
- No sleepwear or pajamas. No slippers.
- No backless, strapless, or skinny spaghetti strap tops.
- No hats, except on special dress-up days.
School Clubs
The website is now "live" with information regarding school clubs. We are starting with just a few, and will continue to add more clubs throughout the year. Interested in how to get involved? Interested in starting a new club? Check out all the information HERE.
Arrival Procedures
- Students riding the bus will be dropped off in the back of the school. These students will then report to the cafeteria, if it is before 8:30 AM. If after 8:30 AM, they will go to first period.
- Students riding their bike may LOCK their bike in front of campus, at the bike racks.
- Car Riders- please have patience and be nice to your neighbors. Use the "zipper" approach (like at Chick Fil-A). One enters the front drive from the west side of Waterbend Cove, then the east side, and so forth and so on.
- Car Riders- we will allow "double stacking" of cars in both lanes to help more traffic flow on Waterbend Cove.
- Car Riders- follow the signage on the sidewalk and in the street. Pull all the way forward before dropping your child off from the passenger side.
Dismissal Procedures
York Junior High PTO Info
GOHS Homecoming Information
CISD District Student Art Show Open House
Orange/Blue Calendar 23-24
Free/Reduced Lunch Applications
In order to be approved for your child to receive a free/reduced lunch at York, you MUST APPLY every year. The deadline for applying is 9/21/23. Applications are done online. CLICK HERE.
School Supplies
Below is the list for the 23-24 school supply list. You'll find that supply lists are different at the junior high level, rather than elementary/intermediate. We ask that each family provide their child with supplies that they will keep and use throughout the year. We also have a list of class supplies that we ask families to donate to help with items needed during the school day. Because times are tough for many of our families right now, the classroom supplies are optional. However, anything you are able to purchase will make a huge impact in the daily learning for your child. See the list below.
Classroom Supplies
An Amazon Wish List has been made for those who want to purchase the Classroom Supplies, but don't want their child to carry them to class. Click the link below to be directed to Amazon, where materials may be purchased and shipped directly to York.
Click the "Counselor's Corner" image above to be taken directly to the Counseling Newsletter. There is a lot of wonderful information!
Cell Phone/Electronics Policy
Cell phones are allowed when students arrive and dismiss.
Students may use their phones during lunch.
Phones must be turned off and put away during hallway transitions, classroom instruction, restroom and locker room usage.
Click the link above to register for the bus and get transportation information!
Interested to know if your child is eligible to ride the bus? Want to know how to register your child for the bus? Click the link above (Conroe ISD Transportation Information) to learn everything you need to know about CISD Transportation.
Parent Resource Center for Students with Disabilities
Click the link to get some great information from the CISD Parent Resource Center, including parent training opportunities, family needs, etc.