WJHS Highlights
A Message from the Administrative Team
Dear WJHS Families,
We hope that you have some fun planned for spring break and are able to rest and relax!
After spring break I will be hosting a few focus groups between now and the end of the school year. This work will begin with eighth graders and consist of a randomly selected group of students for me to meet with and gather feedback about their WJHS experience. We are always looking to reflect, improve, and grow, and our students' voice is critical in us knowing what we are doing well and where we can focus on some improvement. I will meet with students during their elective classes. Please let me know if you would prefer that I not speak with your child about their experience at WJHS.
Today at school we celebrated World Down Syndrome Day by wearing fun and colorful socks! People with Down Syndrome have three copies of the 21st chromosome, and so we celebrate them on the 21st day of the third month: March 21st. Check out some photos below!
If you are headed off somewhere on vacation, safe travels! We will see your children back at school on April 1.
Warm regards,
Kate, Eric and Nicole
On March 9th, the D39 MathCounts team finished 19 out of 37 teams at the MathCounts Competition. The team of Albert, Joseph, Eric, Ava and Sophia all helped WJHS move from the district to state competition. There were about 216 competitors overall, so we are very proud of all of them! Congratulations to the students and their coach Mrs. Radcliffe!
The High Five Junior Choir Demonstration and the Youth Treble Honor Choir performed at the 2024 Organization of American Kodály Educators conference. These students represented D39 so well! Many music teachers shared with Jana Martin, Director, how much they enjoyed the High Five demo (in the Grand Ballroom), and a few said it was the highlight of the whole conference! They did an amazing job! The honor choirs sounded beautiful at the CSO and they worked so hard on their challenging repertoire!
March SEL
We had a great parent education event this past week discussing attendance and promoting positive attendance. As we get closer to spring break, we know the disruption in routine can be difficult for our students, and can often create stress as they return to school after a break like this. See below for a couple of helpful ideas to ease that transition back to the school routine and support positive attendance habits after a long break.
While on break, try to keep your child’s AM routines as close to normal as possible. This is especially important in the couple of days leading up to the return. Have your child get up at their regular school-day time, eat breakfast and get ready for the day, and maybe even plan an activity to take place at the same time as their start day.
It is important to also encourage your child to get back into their nightly routine and school-day bedtimes in the 2-3 days preceding the return. This will help to ensure they are caught up on sleep and ready to go the first morning back.
If possible, keep some connection to the school while school is not in session. This might be by having a play date or connecting your child with friends from school over break, or going to play at the playground during the break.
Have a wonderful Spring Break, and enjoy the time away! We can’t wait to see you in April!
Winter Clubs!
We have updated our WJHS Winter Clubs. We have linked the lists below:
*After school clubs are open to students in both grades.
8th Grade Families: Upcoming Events
8th grade graduation will take place on Wednesday, June 5 at 5:30pm in the new Winnetka Main Gym, at the Winnetka Campus of New Trier High School on Wednesday, June 5, 2023. We are excited to offer one graduation ceremony this year for the entire 8th grade class, set to take place at 5:30 pm. Due to space in the gym, each student will be offered four tickets for family.
Tech Tidbit!
District 39 uses a content filtering system to keep our students safe while using digital tools. Along with the content filtering, communication through school accounts is also monitored. Students can communicate with others through their Google Apps, such as Google Docs, Schoology Discussion, Email and many other ways to collaborate, work together, get support and ask questions. These communication tools are monitored for appropriate use, such as language, where they will get flagged if anything inappropriate is happening. If they are sent messages with inappropriate language or content, they will also get flagged. We teach, model and guide students to use appropriate language and communicate respectfully when using these tools. We also remind them that they should be doing this in their daily life, whether digitally or face to face. Please partner with us to help remind them to be mindful of how they communicate.
PTO Highlights
We hope everyone has a safe and relaxing week off! Many in our community will be celebrating and observing holidays during this period. Ramadan Kareem! Nowruz Mobarak! Happy Easter! and Welcome Spring! 🌷
Registration and more information for Spring After School Clubs can be found on the WJHS PTO website HERE.
Nuts for Mutts Club 🦴🐶
Are you nuts for mutts? Do you love dogs? Then you found the right place to be “Nuts for Mutts”, the WJHS dog enthusiast club! In this after school club you will learn about dog breeds, dog training, and caring for our beloved pets. At some meetings we’ll even welcome actual dogs! Visits may include K-9 officers from local police departments, Search & Rescue dogs, representatives from Greyhound or other breed rescues, dogs working with Canine Companions for independence and more. Six Mondays and two Tuesdays: 4/1, 4/9, 4/15, 4/29, 5 /6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/28. REGISTRATION OPENS 3/19 AT 9AM on the WJHS PTO website. There are 20 spots available.
Debate Club 📣
Learn research, writing and oral argumentation. Aces Debate Club is back, offering an after school Spring Debate class for six weeks on Monday 3:30-4:30pm beginning 4/8. (No class 4/22). Cost is $180. REGISTRATION OPENS 3/19 AT 9AM HERE. (It will say Out Of Stock until Registration Opens on 3/19). For more information email instructor Aaron Vinson at acesdebateclub@gmail.com.
Did you know that WJHS has TWO interior courtyards? One of them is a place where students can go during lunch recess to hang out with friends, play board games or just take a quiet break from their day. The PTO asks for ONE parent volunteer to take out board games from the supply closet and monitor the space for ONLY 30 MINUTES. The courtyard will be open after spring break during lunch recess for 7th graders on WEDNESDAYS and for 8th graders during lunch recess on FRIDAYS. Sign up HERE and thank you so much!
The SignUp Genius has been updated to include dates available to volunteer for lunch until the end of the year. Please consider giving an hour of your day to help serve lunch to students. You do not need to prepare the food, only help serve it to kids as they make their way through the lunch line. Our lunch staff truly appreciates our volunteers! Sign up HERE today!
District News
Please enjoy a safe, fun and rejuvenating spring break!
Register Now for Our Summer Enrichment Program!
It’s not too late to register your child(ren) for the D39 Summer Enrichment Program! This program provides a variety of academic and hobby-based courses for students currently in grades K-7 and runs from July 2-31. This year, K-3 courses will be held at Romona Elementary School with grades 4-7 being offered at Highcrest Middle School. Please reference our SEP Registration Guide for more details on the registration process and visit our D39 Summer Enrichment Program website for more information on this wonderful summer option. Registration closes this Friday (March 22).
Board of Education Meeting
The Board of Education gathered on Monday night for its monthly business meeting. The Board approved student fees for the 2024-25 academic year in addition to hearing committee reports. Agendas and materials for all Board of Education meetings will be posted online the Friday prior to the meeting.
Parent Education Event
Make plans now to join us for our next Parent Education event, “Social Emotional Considerations in the Digital Era,” on Wednesday, April 10 at 11 am. Please visit our D39 Parent Education website for our full schedule of events, registration links, and archived recordings.
Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Instagram: @hawkwolf39
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family