CWE Family Newsletter
August 30th, 2024
Welcome to the 24-25 School Year
We are thrilled to welcome you back to a new and exciting school year at Crestwood Elementary! As we embark on the 2024-2025 academic year, we are filled with enthusiasm and anticipation for the growth, learning, and achievements that lie ahead.
Below is some important information that we ask you to review carefully to be fully prepared for our First Day of School next week.
We look forward to a successful and memorable year ahead!
Lisa Brozovich, Principal
Chris Wheeler, Assistant Principal
Bell Schedule
- 9:45am Arrival
- 10:00am School Begins
- 3:10pm Dismissal
- 8:10am Arrival
- 8:25am School Begins
- 3:10pm Dismissal
If you plan to drive your student to school, please see the map below. Cars form two lines in the far lane and then merge into a single line. Students need to stay in the car - a staff member will open the door and greet you each morning. Encourage your child to have their coat and backpack on, and be ready to exit the vehicle as soon as a staff member opens the door. Students need to exit the vehicle on the passenger side.
All students travel on the outside of the building to their classroom. During the first week, several staff members will be available to walk students to their outside door. For safety, parents may not walk their child to the classroom. Staff supervision will be stationed around the building everyday.
Safety is our top priority. Please be patient and drive slowly at all times. The drop-off procedure may take longer the first week, but we're sure it will become more efficient over time. Thank you for your help in keeping all students safe.
If you arrive after 8:25 am, please PARK and walk your student to the office and sign them in.
Dismissal begins at 3:10pm daily. Please refrain from arriving prior to 2:50pm. We understand it can be challenging to predict traffic, but we ask you to try to arrive around your child's scheduled time:
- 3:10 pm Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade (and older siblings)
- 3:15 pm 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, and 5th Grade
See the map below for details on our dismissal route. When you reach Pod B, a staff member will open the car door to load your student. It is preferred for students to enter the car on the driver side.
Safety: Your child has been assigned a car number. Parents should display their car tag on the driver visor. It is important that you have this number displayed everyday, as we use a silent dismissal system. If you did not receive a car tag at Back to School Night, please let your teacher know and we will get you one ASAP!
If your dismissal plan changes, we ask that you communicate changes no later than 2:30pm. This will ensure adequate time to get the message to the teacher and student. We also encourage you to contact the office as well as your classroom teacher, as teachers may not see the message in a timely manner during instruction time.
Again, we thank you for your patience during the first few weeks of dismissal.
New! Transportation Tool!
Please note: During the first few weeks of schools, busses may run late. We appreciate your patience as drivers learn their routes!
School Supply Fee $25
Instructions for Online Payment of School Supply Donation $25
(You do not need to purchase additional school supplies. Teachers purchase supplies for the entire class.)
You can make your school supply donation online or stop by the office anytime with cash (exact change), a check, or credit card.
Directions to pay through Family Access:
Log on to SBLSD at (not Family Access)
Hover over SCHOOLS on the top banner
Click on grades K-12
Scroll down to elementary schools and click on your school
Click on the dollar bill icon “Online Payments”
Click on the link “Direct payment Link Here”
Log in with your username and password (same as Family Access).
You can reset your password if needed
Click on your student that you would like to make a payment for
Click on “Shop”
Click on “Items at Student School”
Click on item you would like to pay
“School Supplies” >“Grade Level”> “Donation”
If you are able to contribute more than $25 to support a child in need please feel free to increase your donation. If you are unable to make the full donation you may select a lesser amount.
Thank you for supporting CWE and your child's learning.
Attendance Matters
Every School Day Matters!
Did you know that children can suffer academically if they miss 10% or more school days in the school year?
That’s 2 or more missed days a month on average. And that can add up before you know it.
This September, the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District is celebrating Attendance Awareness Month with a renewed push to get all kids to school- ON TIME, EVERY DAY.
Research shows us that absences add up. That’s as true for kindergartners as it is for 12th graders. It’s as true for excused absences as it is for unexcused absences. The connection between attendance and high school graduation should not be ignored. Improving attendance in our schools is a critical factor in helping us achieve our goal for 100% graduation rate.
Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school every day. So this September, for Attendance Awareness Month, let’s work tougher to make sure our students attend school ON TIME, EVERY DAY.
Child Nutrition Services
We’re excited to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students this school year! To help us manage resources effectively and ensure everyone has access to nutritious meals, we kindly ask that if your child is having breakfast at home or bringing lunch from home, they do not also take an additional meal at school. This will help us provide the best service to all our students.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Important Dates
9/3-9/5 Kinder Family Connection Meetings
9/6 First Day of Kindergarten
Tissues & Treats for Kinder Parents @ 7:55am
9/17 PTA General Membership Meeting, 4pm in the CWE Library
9/23-9/227 CWE Book Fair, sponsored by the PTA