MYES Family Newsletter
Week of 1.27.25
Myersville Elementary School
Website: https://education.fcps.org/myes/
Location: 429 Main Street, Myersville, MD, USA
Phone: 227-203-1500
IReady Diagnostic Results
IReady Middle of the Year Diagnostic results will be sent home with report cards. We also wanted to provide instructions if you'd like to digitally access in the platform as well.
How can I access my student’s results?
Log in to your student’s i-Ready Dashboard using their district or school’s portal credentials and then click on the i-Ready icon.
Click on the For Families dropdown and select the For Families report.
Enter your District’s Report Code Y3C2YZ.
NOTE for students with an IEP: The i-Ready Reading Assessment is used to identify students who may need additional support for reading difficulties. It is also used to monitor the efficacy of students’ current reading support pathways and as a data point for qualifying students for accommodations. For this purpose, it is imperative that no human reader, text to speech, or screen reader accommodations are utilized for the diagnostic assessment.
For more information and support, visit the i-Ready Family Center: Understanding Diagnostic Results. Thank you again for your continued partnership and support of your student’s learning.
History Bee
Do you have a third, fourth, or fifth grader who LOVES learning about U.S. History, Maryland History, Frederick County, World History, and geography? For the second year, I will be coaching a History Bee Team where high performing team members get to compete in the Frederick News Post’s History Bee! In our first year of competing last year MYES had the County winner for the competition!
Interested students will be taking a History Bee pretest during the week of February 10th. I will choose up to six students from each grade level to join the MYES History Bee Team. History Bee test results as well as work habits will be utilized to select team members.
MYES History Bee Team members will join a group on Schoology and have different study guides and trivia questions to review at home. (If a student is not willing to practice their history trivia questions and study guides, he/she should not join the team.)
The MYES History Bee Team will be meeting in the library on Wednesdays from 7:50am to 8:30am, beginning on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. The History Bee will take place on Thursday, May 29th, 2025 at Hood College.
In early May, I will choose the top three students in each grade level to participate in the History Bee competition in front of a live audience. Team members who are not selected will be encouraged to attend and cheer on their teammates.
If your child is selected to join the team, you will receive an email with detailed information during the week of February 17th.
Please email Mr. Long by Wednesday, February 5th if your child is interested and would like to be included in the History Bee pretest during the week of 2/10.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Daniel Long
MYES Media Specialist
Myersville PE Department
Movement for Myersville
Our fundraiser to support the Physical Education Department at Myersville Elementary School has officially started! This year, we are excited to shift our focus from traditional jump roping to a broader theme of movement. Our aim is to promote all types of movement activities that contribute to the health and fitness of our students.
Over the past years, your generous contributions have allowed us to purchase a variety of physical activity equipment, including:
Pedal Karts
Omnikin Balls
Hockey Sticks
Jump Bands for the Music Department
Striking Racquets
Gatorskin Balls
Archery Materials
Glow Bowl Materials
Recess Equipment
Field Day Supplies
And much more!
This year, a portion of the proceeds will also be donated to a local charity. We’re excited to make a positive impact both in our school and in our community!
Get Involved!
Students who would like to participate in collecting online donations can create their own personalized "participants page" by following this link: Create Your Participant Page. After setting up their page, students can share it with friends and family via email, text, Facebook, and Twitter!
Additionally, fundraiser envelopes will be sent home next week in your child’s take-home folder. You can contribute by placing cash or check donations in these envelopes, or you can choose to donate online.
Thank you for your support in encouraging active lifestyles for our students! Together, we can make a difference!
PTA Meeting
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/dio-vnbo-psv
Or dial: (US) +1 612-352-9804 PIN: 170 533 262#
Thursday, Feb 13, 2025, 06:00 PM
Myersville Elementary School, Main Street, Myersville, MD, USA
Parent Volunteer Training
This year, FCPS has enhanced the volunteer process to prioritize the safety and security of our students, staff and community. As a result, we have added additional training to be completed by all volunteers across the county. These trainings will ensure our volunteers are equipped with the necessary information they need to partner with our schools.
Effective Monday, July 15, 2024, family and community members interested in volunteering should begin the volunteer process by visiting our new FCPS Volunteer Webpage. Applicants will be directed to:
1. Register for a guest account on Unified Talent (instructions available online)
2. Complete and pass two training modules on Unified Talent.
3. Complete the registration application in the Volunteer Center.
4. Await school approval on application.
5. Sign-up for volunteer opportunities facilitated by individual schools..
The volunteer training and registration process is completed annually for each school year. Volunteers must complete the process before being signing up for volunteer opportunities. FCPS encourages family and community members interested in volunteering to complete the process early as processing times have increased.
For technical support in Unified Talent, volunteer applicants may contact unifiedtalent@fcps.org. For all other volunteer related questions, volunteer applicants may contact: FCPSVolunteers@fcps.org. FCPS is grateful for the generous support from our family and community volunteers.
We are asking parents not to stop or park in the bus rider loop. Please find a parking spot if you plan to walk your child to the arrival or dismissal door. With everyone’s cooperation, we can make our parking lot area and transportation practices safer for all of our students and more efficient for our parents.
School Attendance for 2024-2025
Maryland Law requires that a written excuse be provided each time that your child is absent. The excuse should include the date of the absence, your child’s first and last name, and the reason for the absence. Please either send in a handwritten note or you can email MYES.Attendance@fcps.org.
Absences considered lawful and therefore excused, as described in the Public School Laws and Code of Bylaws of the Maryland State Board of Education, are:
Illness of the student
Death in the immediate family
Court summons
Hazardous weather condition
Work or activity accepted by the school authorities
Observance of religious holiday up to 3 days
State emergency
Lack of authorized transportation
Health exclusion
Other emergency (judgment of Superintendent or designee)
Students who take trips with parent/guardian approval may be excused a maximum of five days per school year.
FCPS attendance policies will be fully implemented and parent notification will be sent for any student who is on track to becoming or is already deemed chronically absent or tardy. Notification will begin at 5 days and when a student accumulates 10 or more absences within the school year. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10 percent or more of school days due to absence for any reason- both lawful and unlawful. This amounts to 18 absences total in a single school year.
Myersville Elementary is a place where students and staff are engaged learners. They feel safe to take risks and all contributions are valued. Here we have fun while we learn in our school community.