One Athens Connects
December 2023

March 2024
Mark Your Calendar
With important dates to remember during the month of March. View the full academic calendar at acs-k12.org/calendar.
Kindergarten Registration Now Open
Kindergarten Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is NOW OPEN! Visit acs-k12.org/kindergarten to learn more and complete the online enrollment process. Computers, assistance, and assistance in Spanish are available at the ACS Central Office on Mondays - Fridays from 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM. If you have any questions about Kindergarten Registration, please call (256) 233-6600.
INSCRIPCIONES DE KINDERGARTEN para el año escolar 2024-2025 abren el lunes 4 de marzo. Visite acs-k12.org/kindergarten para obtener más información y completar el proceso de registro en línea. Computadoras, asistencia y asistencia en español están disponibles en la Oficina Central de la ACS de lunes a viernes de 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la inscripción de Kindergarten, llame al al (256) 233-6600.
March 4 - 8: National School Breakfast Week
Athens City Schools is proud to offer a healthy school breakfast to our students each day. Breakfast helps to keep our students fueled and ready to “dive in” to learning. A healthy breakfast can help students with their focus, memory, and academic achievement! Take a look at our breakfast menus at acs-k12.org/menu.
March 10: Spring Forward
Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 10, at 2:00 AM. Don't forget to move your clocks forward by one hour!
March 13: Report Card Day
The 3rd 9 Weeks Grading Period ends on Friday, March 8. ACS Report Cards will be distributed on Wednesday, March 13. Progress and Report Card schedules are available online at acs-k12.org/reportcards.
March 15 - Professional Learning Day for Teachers/E-Learning Day for Students
No in person classes on Friday, March 15. View the full academic calendar at acs-k12.org/calendar.
March 1 - Maintenance Appreciation Day
Thank you to our ACS Maintenance Team! We appreciate all you do for Athens City Schools!
March 25-29: Spring Break
ACS will be closed March 25-29 for the Spring Break holidays. View the full academic calendar at acs-k12.org/calendar.
ACS Pre-K Registration Going on Now!
Preparing children for success begins early. Athens City Schools is proud to offer two Pre-K programs: Alabama First Class Pre-K and Eagles Nest Inclusion Pre-K. Each program has its own unique admission requirements, application, tuition, and selection process. Alabama First Class Pre-K provides effective, high-quality, early childhood experiences that prepare children for school success and lifelong learning. ACS First Class Pre-K classes are located at iAcademy at Athens Elementary, HEART Academy at Julian Newman, FAME Academy at Brookhill, and SPARK Academy at Cowart. Eagles Nest Inclusion Pre-K is an inclusive program that incorporates a mixture of exceptional needs students in a classroom with their traditional peers. The Eagles Nest is located at iAcademy at Athens Elementary. Learn more about each program and register TODAY at acs-k12.org/prek.
Academic Calendar
View the 2023-2024 and 2024-1015 ACS Academic Calendar at acs-k12.org/calendar.
March Menus
AMS & AHS Breakfast
AHS Lunch
PreK-5th Grade Breakfast
PreK - 8th Grade Lunch
ACS Job Fair
Mark your calendars for the Athens City Schools Job Fair! This event will be held on Thursday, April 11, from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Athens High School Arena/Gym. Don't miss this awesome opportunity to explore your possibilities in joining the #oneAthens family! We are recruiting in all areas, including the classroom, maintenance, child nutrition, transportation, and more. Please bring your resume and be prepared to speak with administrators. View all opportunities at acs-k12.org/careers.
State Report Card
We are excited that FIVE of our schools, plus the District, achieved A's and B's on the Alabama Department of Education State Report Card. Click below to learn more and check out all school scores.
ACS District Snapshot
Superintendent Beth Patton shares a snapshot of ACS district data, capital projects, future plans and more!
Come Join Our Team!
Now Hiring! Come join the one Athens team! Learn more and apply at acs-k12.org/careers.
Website Update
We have recently updated our district website to a design that we hope will be more user friendly on all devices. We appreciate your patience in the weeks ahead as we continue to make updates and refinements to all pages. Please take note that our SCHOOL addresses have changed. Be sure to update your bookmarks.
- FAME Academy at Brookhill: bes.acs-k12.org
- HEART Academy at Julian Newman: jnes.acs-k12.org
- iAcademy at Athens Elementary: aes.acs-k12.org
- SPARK Academy at Coward Elementary: ces.acs-k12.org
- Athens High School: ahs.acs-k12.org
- Athens Intermediate School: ais.acs-k12.org
- Athens Middle School: ams.acs-k12.org
- Athens Renaissance School: ars.acs-k12.org
- Renaissance Virtual School: renaissancev.acs-k12.org
- Athens City Schools District: acs-k12.org
ACS App Update
Our Athens City School app, available on both Apple and Google, has recently changed. Blackboard Web Communications has been acquired by Finalsite. When accessing the app, you may receive a Finalsite Privacy Statement. If you agree to the terms after review, click the "Agree" button. Please note that the button will not be accessible until the entire statement is reviewed.
AHS & AMS Tryouts Calendar
Students, are you interested in being a part of sports and extracurricular activities at Athens Middle School and Athens High School during the 2024-2025 school year? If so, be sure to mark your calendars for important tryout information. More team dates coming soon. View acs-k12.org/athletics for more information. All forms must be up to date in DragonFly Max. If you have any questions, please reach out to Linda.Moore@acs-k12.org.
Athens Track and Field Fundraiser
Support our Athens Track & Field Team through the purchase of Athens Golden Eagles tumblers! Visit athenstrack.fundsnow.org to view other available designs and place your order. Prices range from $25-$30. Our Athens Track & Field team thanks you for your support!
Spring Sports Events Ticket Pricing
Let's go Eagles! Tickets and passes are available on the GoFan app or at gofan.co/app/school/AL109.
AHS Booster Club Annual Golf Tournament
The Athens High School Booster Club will host the annual Golden Eagle Booster Club Golf Tournament on Thursday, April 11. Proceeds benefit all of the athletic teams at Athens High School. If you have any questions, please email athensboosterclub@gmail.com or call (205) 495-9210. Click HERE to register for the tourney.
Athens City Schools implemented the ACS Athletic Events Clear Bag Policy in September 2023. The following bags are permitted inside Athens City Schools Athletics Facilities:
- Bags that are clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC that do not exceed 12" x 6" x 12" (tote bags, fanny packs, cross-body bags, etc.)
- One-gallon clear plastic freezer bags (Ziplock type bag or similar)
- Small clutch bags, with or without a handle or strap, that do not exceed 4.5" x 6.5" (approximately the size of a hand).
- Please note that individuals are limited to (1) clear bag plus (1) small clutch.
Fans are welcome to bring cameras, binoculars, and small seat cushions/pads, however, cases are not allowed. If you have any questions, please contact Athens City Schools Athletic Director, Linda Moore, at Linda.Moore@acs-k12.org.
LIVESTREAM Athens High School and Athens Middle School Sports
Watch our Athens Golden Eagles HOME games on the NFHS Network. Subscription required. Visit www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/athens-high-school-athens-al for options. NFHS offers access to LIVE and ON DEMAND events, nationwide. View available events and learn more at www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/athens-high-school-athens-al. Please note that this is the only legitimate and authorized livestream for AHS sports (home games only). If you have any questions, please contact Linda.Moore@acs-k12.org.
ACS Athletics Golden Guidelines
In an effort to make all Athens City Schools athletic event experiences GOLDEN for all spectators, fans and families, please take a moment to review the Golden Guidelines, implemented in 2022. Thank you for supporting Athens City Schools Athletics. It's great to be a Golden Eagle!
Black & Gold Sports Fan Publication - Fall 2023
Take a peek at our student-athletes in action in the latest edition of the Black & Gold, a sports fan publication. This passion project was created by "Mr. Josh" Dendy, an Athens City Schools parent, volunteer, shutterbug, and devoted Golden Eagle fan. Mr. Josh shows his love through the lens with over 90 pages of moments captured throughout the season. This edition also includes special stories on our student-athletes by our friends at 256 Sports Radio. Special thank you to "Mr. Josh" and 256 Sports Radio for sharing your time and talents in the creation of the Black & Gold. Click HERE to check out the latest edition.
Camp Hope
Camp Hope is a free, one day summer camp for kids and teens who have experienced the death of a loved one. Campers may be any child or teen ages 5-15. Click on the flyer below for more information. Click HERE to register for Camp Hope or visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDy9AzdmjDJComwndwJhS3gIqW89WkunVYa-Dchnt6g21UtA/viewform
Kids and Kin Training Dates
Kids and Kin is a free, statewide program that provides resources and training to grandparents,
aunts, uncles, and older siblings who provide child care for their relatives' children. Kids and Kin offers a wide range of helpful topics in a small and supportive group setting. Please take a moment to click on the images to learn more about training dates, training resources, and incentive programs. If you have any questions, contact Tammie Hill, Family Guidance Center, at thill@familyguidancecenter.org or call 1-800-499-6597, ext. 211. Kids and Kin is provided by the Family Guidance Center of Alabama and funded by the Alabama Department of Human Resources. Click here to learn more about Kids and Kin.
UAH Summer Learning Camp Opportunities for Students
UAH is hosting several summer learning opportunities for students in grades 5-12. Camps include Cybersecurity, Business, Engineering and Nursing. Click HERE to learn more and register.
Scholarship Opportunity
If you are planning to pursue a career in advanced manufacturing, construction, healthcare, or information technology, then be sure to apply for the Limestone County Economic Development Association and Athens-Limestone County Chamber of Commerce Workforce Scholarship! Complete the application at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2024CTEScholarships The deadline to apply is March 22, 2024.
Girl Scouts Exploring Events
Make plans to attend one of these fun Girl Scouts exploration activities! Events are open to girls ages 5 years old and up. Click HERE to register. If you have any questions, reach out to smcbride@girlscoutsnca.org.
Families Count Parenting Class
Families Count invites you to a special FREE 6-week parenting class that includes both childcare and dinner. For more information, including registration, contact brenna.bonner75@gmail.com or (256) 604-7700.
FREE Teeth Cleaning
Did you know that the Dental Hygiene Clinic at Calhoun Community College offers FREE teeth cleaning for children under 17? Adult teeth cleaning services are also available at a discounted rate of $30. Cleaning appointment includes exam, x-ray, and fluoride. Call 256-306-2815 or scan the QR code to schedule your appointment. Learn more about the clinic at http://calhoun.edu/.../dental.../dental-hygiene-clinic-2
Renaissance Virtual School
Renaissance V is a new virtual learning option through ACS for students in grades 4th -12th. Learn more about Renaissance Virtual School at renaissancev.acs-k12.org.
FREE Breakfast
Did you know that Athens City Schools offers free breakfast to all students each and every morning during the school week? Our Child Nutrition Program works to ensure every child is ready to start their day, well-fed and ready to learn. Click HERE to learn more about our CNP program.
My School Bucks
An easy way to add lunch money to your student account is through MySchoolBucks. Create or log in to your student account at myschoolbucks.com and view immediate information about your student account balance and purchases. Need help? Funds can be added to your student's account at MSB on the web or download the MSB app. You may also submit a checkto the school lunchroom. All checks must be made payable to Athens City Schools CNP or ACS CNP. Please write your child's name and homeroom on the check or envelope.
Complete your Free and Reduced Lunch Application Today!
Find out if your family qualifies for Free and Reduced Lunch by completing the 2023-2024 Free and Reduced Lunch Application. Only one application is necessary per family. Families must re-apply each school year to potentially receive this benefit. Apply at acs-k12.org/nutrition.
2023-2024 ACS Student Daily Lunch Pricing:
$2.75 - PAID (Family does not qualify for free or reduced lunch)
$0.40 - REDUCED (apply to see if your family qualifies)
$0.00 - FREE (apply to see if your family qualifies)
If you have any questions or need help with your Free and Reduced Lunch Application, contact Dr. Tandy Blackwell, Director of Child Nutrition, at Tandy.Blackwell@acs-k12.org or (256) 233-6600.
Apply to see if your family qualifies today!
PowerSchool Parent Portal
PowerSchool Parent Portal is a web-based platform and app that can be used to access information such as student grades, attendance, assignments, class announcements, class schedule and more. Parent Portal is accessible from any device with internet access (i.e. computer, tablet, smartphone) or download the app for free. Learn more about PowerSchool Parent portal at acs-k12.org/powerschool If you have any questions, please contact your school.
Athens City Schools Foundation Bricks - Athens High School
MEMORIES ETCHED IN STONE Every Brick Has a Story. Write Yours! Special commemorative bricks from the ACSF Legacy Brick Project make perfect gifts to celebrate a graduation, teacher, retirement, and more. Bricks are placed on the Athens High School campus. Prices start at just $50. Order online at www.acsf.acs-k12.org/bricks.
iAcademy at Athens Elementary Bricks
iAcademy at Athens Elementary School invites you to become a permanent part of their new campus by purchasing a commemorative brick to recognize students, teachers, family, and friends in the Athens community. The bricks are incorporated into the design and displayed at the entrance area to the beautiful new school. One hundred percent of the proceeds go to support our teachers and students at iAcademy at Athens Elementary School. Two brick options are available: 4” x 8” - $50 (includes up to three lines with 21 characters per line) and 8" x 8" - $100 (includes up to six lines with 21 characters per line).
- To place your iAcademy at Athens Elementary brick order, click here or visit www.bricksrus.com/donorsite/athenses.
- To pay for your brick, you can either drop off payment at iAcademy at Athens Elementary School or visit website at www.acs-k12.org/aes and click the "Pay Fees" button.
Thank you for supporting iAcademy at Athens Elementary!
Progress Report and Report Card Schedule
Click HERE to view the progress and report card schedule.
Links of Interest
Share Your Good News
We love sharing about all of the amazing things that are happening in our schools and in the lives of our outstanding students and employees! Do you have a story, event, award/ recognition or something cool going on with your student that you would like to share with our #oneAthens community? Please click here or email Christy.Hubbard@acs-k12.org.
Stay Connected
Like Us, Follow Us, Download Us and Visit Us on the Web!
Lots of exciting things going on in ACS! Be sure to follow ACS and your school(s) on Social Media and download the free ACS app for quick access to school news, calendars, notifications, quick links, and more! The ACS App is available for free in the Apple App Store or Google Play. Search for “Athens City Schools”. Be sure to set your phone settings to RECEIVE/ALLOW notifications. Once you download the ACS app, click "Follow Your School" to receive notifications from the district and your selected school(s).
Miss an edition of the ACS Family Newsletter?
Click HERE to view a previous edition of the One Athens Family Newsletter.