Anderson Elementary Update
May 2024

From the Desk of the Principal. . .
- Thank you to all of the families that participated in Donuts Grown-Ups. As always, our families make time for any event we have! Thank you for supporting us! Also, thank you to Freaking Donuts for making the donuts for the event.
- We have a lot going on this month. We have field trips, library visits, Kindergarten Graduation, field day and many other things.
- As we close out the 23-24 school year I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for allowing us to teach your children. This has been a great school year.
Alanna Denton, Principal
Anderson Elementary
Kindergarten Students participating in a SEL lesson.
Tye Dying Shirts
Second Graders Making Ice Cream
Summer Books
No School For Kindergarten Students on May 10.
On May 10, our kindergarten teachers will be completing assessments on our incoming kindergarten students so there will not be school that day for our kindergarten students only.
Second Graders Working On Their Decodable Books
2024-2025 School Year
We are currently working very hard to assign students to classrooms for next year. We will send home letters with teacher assignments this summer. Check out our Facebook page for supply lists for your child's classrooms.
Kindergarten Graduation
Kindergarten graduation will be on May 23 at 1:00 P.M. in the high school gym. For those of you planning to attend, please park in the parking lot on the west side of the high school. You will be able to enter the school through Door C or Door W. Doors will be open at 12:40 p.m.
A Proud First Grader With His Number Scroll!!
Important Dates
May 14-First Grade Field Trip
May 16-Second Grade Field Trip
May 23-Kindergarten Graduation @ 1:00 at the High School Gym
May 24-Field Day (In the afternoon only)
May 30-Kindergarten Field Trip
May 31-Half Day and Last day of the 23-24 school year!!