November 2024 Rocketeer

November 2024 Kelloggsville Rocketeer
The latest edition of the Rocketeer has a new look, but the same content!
We are updating how we share our newsletters with the district and building communications! This new program is called Smore and will be how we share our news! We are hoping to publish these newsletters on a more regular basis this school year.
Thanksgiving Break
Southeast KV Students Soar 🚀
The staff of Southeast celebrated the SOAR students of the month with donuts with a grown up. This will be a new monthly recognition for students who are meeting school wide expectations to S - be safe, O - take ownership, A- achieve and R - be respectful and responsible. Great job starting off the 24-25 school year!
KHS Latino Student Union Students Visited
KHS Latino Student Union Students in Quinceañera Dresses!
Southeast KV Students Join the Dance!
KHS students even had Southeast KV students join them for the dance and they performed in front of the whole school and visitors!
Parachute Time During PE
Mr. Johnson, PE teacher at Southeast Kelloggsville Elementary, has students in class learning parachute movements as part of their second PE unit of the school year. Pictured is Mr. Keller's 2nd grade class enjoying their time manipulating the parachute. Students have learned how to make Big Waves, the merry-go-round, the Fly-away, Popcorn, the SuperMan, Inflation, the Exchange Game, the Igloo, and Shark Attack. The students really enjoy this part of PE during the beginning of the school year.
5th Grade Students Visit the Wyoming Water Treatment Facility
Did you know that 800 million to 1 billion people in the world do not have access to clean drinking water? Students focus on what it would be like to not have clean water for a day with Ms. Zender's lesson before and during their visit to the Wyoming Water Treatment Facility. While they are there they learn the entire process of cleaning up wastewater so that it can be recycled back into Lake Michigan or the Grand River.
4th Grade Students Growing Wisconsin Fast Plants
Students Using 'Bee Sticks'
Plant Dissection!
Voting at West!
Keeping the ballot information to yourself.
Students in 2nd grade at West KV participated in Election Day by voting for their favorite kind of Oreo!
Learning how to cast a ballot!
The results were close, 32 votes for double stuff Oreos, and 34 votes for birthday cake Oreos! Students got to enjoy the winner that Friday!
Oreo ballots for 2nd graders!
Kindergarteners also got to practice voting!
Mrs. Wass' class chose their favorite food on their ballots!
Kindergarteners chose their favorite food on their ballot!
They dropped their ballot into the voting box and chose a sticker to show how they voted.
The results are in!
Mrs. Wass' kindergarteners favorite food is pizza! But it was a tight race: Pizza-9, Ice Cream-8, Hamburger-3
KMS Student Council is Busy!
Student Council at KMS has been busy for 2024-2025! This semester, our team of twenty students has planned so much for the KMS students to take part in throughout this semester. Some of which, has been posted on social media! During the first semester Student Council, KMS will host a candy guessing fundraiser, organize a pumpkin carving contest, count coins for the annual penny wars competition to raise money for Make A Wish Michigan, visit Kids Food Basket, plan spirit weeks, hang locker signs for student-athletes, and have a whole lot of fun making KMS a better place to be!
KMS Students Pass the WIDA!
In September, KMS celebrated the students in our building who passed the WIDA test in February 2024! The WIDA test is an English proficiency test for students who speak another language! We are incredibly proud of these students for their hard work and determination to master their English language skills of listening, reading, writing, and speaking!
Holy Mole...Day!
The pre-AP Chemistry classes at KHS celebrated Mole Day last month as a way to recognize the unique chemistry unit called "mole." Mole is a unit chemists use to count atoms and molecules by way of weighing out a substance. To celebrate this amazing unit or measurement, students made mole-themed projects like t-shirts, paintings, and delicious treats. Some students even learned how to sew and made stuffed moles, which will decorate the chem class for the rest of the year! They also competed in some fun Mole-ympic games!
KHS' Very Own Kenny Vi was the Emcee!
7 KHS students from Ms. Gardiner's Business and Entrepreneurship classes attended the Junior Achievement Hall of Fame ceremony on October 21, 2024.
Jayden Escorted Dan DeVos!
All of the KHS Business and Entrepreneurship Students with Ms. Gardiner.
KHS December Spirit Week December 9-13
Monday - Holiday PJ Day
Tuesday - Red vs. Green (Santa vs. Grinch) Day
Wednesday - Holiday Hat Day
Thursday - Santa's Workshop Day (Dress like an elf, reindeer, snowman, Santa, etc)
Friday - Holiday Sweater Day
Senior Spotlight
Deja Lambert has caught up on all of her credits and will be attending the CNA program at Kelloggsville HIgh School! Congratulations, Deja!
D&D at 54th Street
This year, you can find elves, goblins, dragons, and more lurking in a cavernous classroom at the 54th Street Academy twice a week at lunch time. On the first day of the year, one of our students reached out to Mr. Jackson about being the faculty supervisor for a Dungeons and Dragons club. As a long time player himself, he agreed. We are in the early stages, but currently seven students are drafting characters for the game of imagination. Thanks to a generous donation by House Rules Board Game Lounge in downtown Grand Rapids, the club has a complete set of the rulebooks, another book with thirteen adventure, and plenty of dice to go around.
KMS & KHS Students visit Weller Truck Parts
Investigating careers has evolved from researching different options in books or through Google to taking actual tours of local business! KMS & KHS students were able to tour Weller Truck Parts as a part of the Discover Manufacturing field trips. The students were able to see and hear about a variety of different jobs at the company as well as seeing various machines and parts that are used to build manual and automatic transmissions and for semi-trucks. All of the employees shared about the wonderful culture and supportive work environment that they have as employees at Weller. They talked about job opportunities that would be available to our students once they turn 18 and graduate from high school. We are grateful to Weller for hosting our students!
Career Lunches at KMS
KMS students had the opportunity to meet Oliver Hale, better known as "Chef O" at a recent Career Lunch. Chef O shared his life journey and how he worked his way up from being a dishwasher to a prep cook and then all the way up to being an award winning gourmet chef who has traveled the country and the world because of his culinary skills. He also shared his journey of being a double kidney transplant recipient and the adventures he has had as a member of the USA Transplant Games teams for tennis, fencing, and pickleball. He inspired the students with his "ABCs for Life" (Attitude, Believe in yourself, Commit and Continue) and how he has used that mantra throughout his life to help him succeed at whatever he does. We are grateful to Chef O for spending time with our students!
Community Corner
👀 Have You Seen the New Busses?
The Director of Transportation, Kristin Nickeson, wanted to share pictures of one of the new busses we have added to restore our fleet! And what a better time than to share some information about our bus drivers too!
On the left is Ms. Sue. Her favorite color is orange (a perfect fit to be a Rocket 🚀). When she isn't cheering on our Rockets, she cheers for the University of Michigan Wolverines!
Mr. Henry is in the middle. He loves his food grilled and the Lions, Tigers and Pistons!
Ms. Lena is on the Right. She has a few favorite colors: black, white, olive green and burgundy. And enjoys Indian and Japanese food!
Ms. Sue F. isn't pictured. She loves authentic tacos and gardening in her free time.
Ms. April is on the left. Her favorite colors are turquoise and lavender. In her free time she enjoys shopping and reading mystery novels.
Ms. Stephanye is on the right. Her favorite color is also orange! It is another perfect fit for KV! And her favorite food is spaghetti.
Not pictures is Ms. Anika. Her favorite color is red and enjoys shopping in her free time.
Full Orbit - Kelloggsville Alumni Employees
Mrs. Balsitis is the full time custodian at West Kelloggsville during the school day. She has worked at Kelloggsville for a number of years. She is a 2013 graduate from Kelloggsville!
Coffee Chats
The Kelloggsville Administration team is stopping at each building to talk with Kelloggsville families in a small setting with Coffee Chats. Mr. Alston (Kelloggsville Superintendent), Mr. Alcorn (Kelloggsville Asst. Superintendent, Human Resources), and Mr. Owen (Kelloggsville Asst. Superintendent, Curriculum) have been bringing coffee and donuts while meeting with building principals and Kelloggsville families. Topics that have been covered are the updates around the district, our STEM programming K-12, and other curriculum. After the Thanksgiving break they will be stopping at KHS and 54th Street Academy. Keep an out in your email for the dates and times!
Secure Storage Initiative
Did you know that firearms are the number 1 cause of death for children and teens in the United States?
Earlier this year, Michigan’s Secure Firearm Storage Law (Public Acts 16 & 17 of 2023) took effect. This law states that individuals must keep unattended firearms unloaded and secured with a locking device or stored in a locked container if a minor is likely to be present.
The penalties for not following these laws are:
- Misdemeanor: If a minor possesses or exhibits a firearm carelessly or threateningly, penalties include up to 93 days in jail, a fine of up to $500, or both.
- Felony (Injury): If a minor discharges a firearm causing injury, penalties include up to 5 years in prison, a fine of up to $5,000, or both.
- Felony (Serious Injury): If a minor discharges a firearm causing serious impairment, penalties include up to 10 years in prison, a fine of up to $7,500, or both.
- Felony (Death): If a minor discharges a firearm causing death, penalties include up to 15 years in prison, a fine of up to $10,000, or both.
These laws aim to enhance safety and prevent firearm-related incidents involving minors.
At Kelloggsville we are also committed to the safety of our students, staff, and families. Thanks to a generous donation from the Wyoming Police Department we have FREE gun locks available for Kelloggsville families. These are available at all of our Kelloggsville Schools and Admin Building. You may pick up a FREE gun lock at any of these locations during our regular school hours.
Let’s Be SMART for Kids by following these simple steps:
S: Secure all guns in your home and vehicles
M: Model responsible behavior around guns
A: Ask about the presence of unsecured guns in other homes
R: Recognize the role of guns in suicides
T: Tell your peers to Be SMART