Bee Cave Beehive
Dear Bobcat Parents,
If your student is currently receiving remote learning and you want to change their instruction to in-person for the next grading period, you must fill out the Instructional Status Change form linked below.
The next grading period begins Tuesday, October 13, parents are asked to make the appropriate selection using the Instructional Status Change Form posted on our website by tomorrow, Thursday, September 24.
A listing of Frequently Asked Questions and other resources regarding our learning options are available on the School Year 2020-2021: Learning. Transformed section of our website.
As a reminder, this is a constantly evolving process; conditions and plans are subject to change.
Again, thank you for your ongoing flexibility and support...we appreciate you!
Stay well,
Principal Kellner
09/24/20.....................Instructional Status Change Form Due TOMORROW, September 24th
10/8/20........................End of First Grading Period
10/09/20......................Professional Development Day / Student Holiday
10/12/20......................Student and Staff Holiday
10/13/20......................APEX Pep rally 2:30pm (virtual)
10/16/20......................APEX drive through Kickoff 3:30pm - 6pm back parking lot/bus lane
10/16/20......................Gifted and Talented Nominations Deadline
10/20/20......................Student Pictures (individual) - schedules coming soon
- In-person students - during school hours (on campus)
- Remote learners - 4 - 5:30 (on campus)
11/23-27/20.................Fall Break / Student and Staff Holiday
Gifted and Talented Nominations
The yearly nomination window to have your child tested for the LTISD Discovery (Gifted & Talented) Program is currently open. The deadline for nominations is October 16, 2020. You can find the nomination forms HERE on the district website. Information on the LTISD Gifted & Talented Program can be found in the attached slideshows (English & Spanish). Please review if you are interested having your child evaluated for the program. We will hold question and answer sessions with parents/guardians on September 29th.
Elementary Q&A Meeting - 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM - Sept. 29, 2020
LTISD Protocols for Screening
***Please remember to screen your children each morning before school.***
If your child has even one of the symptoms on the screening list, they should stay home.
Symptoms are:
★ Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit
★ Loss of taste or smell
★ Cough
★ Difficulty breathing
★ Shortness of breath
★ Headache
★ Chills
★ Sore throat
★ Shaking or exaggerated shivering
★ Muscle or body aches
★ Diarrhea
★ Fatigue
★ Congestion or runny nose
★ Nausea or vomiting
Please know that children who come to school with symptoms will be sent home.
It is important that everyone become familiar with the re-entry protocol
Re-entry protocol applies to students who experience symptoms at home OR if they are sent home from school.
● at least one day (24 hours) has passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications);
● the individual has improvement in symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and
● at least ten days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
The 10 days must be observed even if symptoms only last a short while and the child did not have fever.
If your student wants to return to school before completing the above stay at home period, you must either:
● obtain a medical professional’s note (with date) clearing the student for the return based on an alternative diagnosis; or
● obtain an acute infection test (at a physician’s office, approved testing location found at tdem.texas.govc/covid19/, or another site) that comes back negative for COVID-19.
LAST CALL to buy a 2019-2020 yearbook!
Yearbooks are available for purchase with our receptionist, Leanne Hamilton @ 512-533-6250 or email her at hamiltonl@ltisdschools.org. They are -
- Available in the front office
- Sold on a first come first serve basis (no holds)
- Cost: $30
- Payments: EXACT cash or checks made out to Balfour (checks made out to BCE or LTISD are unable to be accepted)
Take care,
Ms. Keri Swanson & Rachel Hughes
Bee Cave Elementary - LTISD
We Are Not Admitting Visitors At This Time
From Our Amazing PTO
Dear Parents,
The first edition of our new BCE PTO Newsletter is out! The newsletter is automatically sent out to everyone who has an active account on our PTO website, bcepto.com. If you haven't yet registered or need to update your information, please do! You won't want to miss out on all the important updates for PTO meetings, volunteer opportunities, fundraisers, and more!
BCE PTO has masks and t-shirts for sale
BCE PTO has purchased 1 filtered mask for each child returning to school (in person) in August. These masks are adjustable to fit a child age 3 - adult. Specs on the masks - PM 2.5 particulate respirator washable/reusable with laser imprinted BCE logo. Additional masks are available for sale at www.bcepto.com. Please update your account information and you can find the purchase form under "My Account/My Forms". Masks will be available for $10 each.
If you have any questions, please reach out to president@bcepto.com
Pre-Order your 2020-21 BCE Spirit Wear shirt today!
Two different designs.......Gray Dry fit and Cotton Tie Dye.
Youth and Adult sizes are available.
Log into your BCEpto.com account to purchase.
Need Tech Support? Here is where to go.
Skyward Questions skyward@ltisdschools.org
Schoology schoology@ltisdschools.org
Technology issues - password resets, computer issues 512 533 6545
Technology webpage https://www.ltisdschools.org/Domain/27
TEA on Minimum Standard Health Protocols on Visits to Schools During Campus Closures
https://tea.texas.gov/texas-schools/health-safety-discipline/covid/minimum-standard-health-protocols-for-school-employees-in-school-building-during-campus-closuresBee Cave Elementary
Website: https://www.ltisdschools.org/Domain/12
Location: 14300 Hamilton Pool Road, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-533-6250
Twitter: @BCEBobcats