Beardsley News
January 9th, 2024
Principal's Message
Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful winter break! We are excited to have our students back with us at HBMS!
We are trying something new at HBMS! Starting Wednesday the 17th - we will be "Unwired" in our classrooms on Wednesdays. Students will not need their Chromebooks for classes, unless of course they have an accommodation. As a building, we will be doing more hands on, discussions, and paper based work. We are excited for this change!
Important Dates
12th - End of Term 3
15th - No School, Martin Luther King Jr Day
16th - Board of Education Meeting
19th - No School, Presidents' Day
21st - Early Release, 1 pm
2024-25 Kindergarten Registration
District 47 online kindergarten registration for the 2024-25 school year will begin February 5, 2024. At that time, families can register their incoming kindergartener by completing the steps on the District 47 website at Early registration helps with adequate staffing, placement in your home school preference and appropriate class size. See below for additional information.
A child must turn 5 years old on or before September 1, 2024 to be eligible for kindergarten. Information about early entrance to kindergarten is posted on the D47 website.
Families interested in District 47’s Dual Language program for their incoming kindergartener must attend an informational meeting in February and March if they do not already have a sibling enrolled in the program. For meeting dates and information about the program, visit the D47 website at
Current Glacier Ridge PreK students eligible for kindergarten will complete the same kindergarten registration process noted above.
Fees and student physical/immunization forms are not due at the time of registration.
English Learners ACCESS Assessment 2024
The Illinois State Board of Education requires school districts in Illinois to annually assess the English language proficiency of students who have been identified as English Learners in kindergarten through grade 12. Your child will take the English language proficiency test called ACCESS to determine eligibility for language program services. ACCESS is also used to measure your child’s growth as a result of receiving language support services. District 47 will administer this test to our English Learner students between January 17 – March 5, 2024.
You can support your child in this process by:
Ensuring your child attends school on the days of testing and gets a good night’s sleep the night before;
Encouraging your child to ask the teacher questions if your child doesn’t understand the test directions; and
Encouraging your child to do their best, but not worry about the test.
For more information about the ACCESS test, including sample test questions, visit the WIDA website, or contact Rebecca Morton, Director of Multilingual Programs,
Attendance Matters!
We continue to need your help with attendance!
Did you know that good attendance leads to higher success at school? Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school—and themselves. You can help to start building this habit in preschool so they learn right away that going to school on time, every day is important. Eventually good attendance will be a skill that will help them succeed in high school and college.
How can you help us?
Schedule any dental and doctor appointments after school, if possible.
Arrive on time. Instruction begins promptly at 7:40 am. Late arrivals can be a disruption.
8th Grade Important Dates
HBMS sponsored 8th Grade Dance:
Friday, May 17th, 6 pm - 8 pm held at HBMS Gym
8th Grade Honor's Night (Promotion to HS):
Will be held at Prairie Ridge HS on Monday, May 20th (Time is TBD)
Kindergarten Dual Language Meetings
Informational meetings about District 47's Dual Language program will be held in February and March 2024 for parents who have an incoming kindergarten student for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested in placing your child into the program and you do not have a child currently enrolled in the dual language program, attendance is required at one of these meetings. Flyer in English. Flyer in Spanish.
Dual Language Informational Meetings
Location: CORE Center, 300 Commerce Drive, Crystal Lake
To join a dual language meeting via Zoom:
Thursday, February 8, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Monday, February 12, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Tuesday, March 5, 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, March 13, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
For more information about District 47's Dual Language program, visit
People in Need Forum
McHenry County College will host the annual People in Need Forum on Saturday, January 27, 2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This year the event will feature a youth track and sessions for middle and high school parents on bullying, teen dating and domestic violence, and QPR for youth. Free registration is available at
Safe2Help Illinois
We are excited to announce the implementation of Safe2Help Illinois district-wide, fostering a safer and more supportive school environment. This initiative empowers students, staff and parents to anonymously report concerns about safety, bullying, or mental health via app, text, phone, website, or social media- seek help before harm. Click here for more information.
Students in action!
Activity Buses
Activity buses have started and run on Monday / Tuesday / Thursday. Students cannot leave school grounds and return to ride an Activity Bus home. They must remain on school property to ride the bus home.
Please check out the Daily Announcements page on our website, and the Calendar, for updates.
Upcoming Events
Dining for Dollars
The next Dining for Dollars is at Portillo‘s on Wednesday 1/17 from 5-8pm. Make it an easy dinner night after the home wrestling meet! Mention the Hannah Beardsley flier or use code PORTILLOS23 in the app and the PTO will receive 20% of your sales!
Concession Stand
The Concession Stand will be open for business at all our home wrestling meets and girls’ basketball games! We offer a wide array of snacks and goodies. Cash only. We need parent and student volunteers. Want a fun and easy way to get involved? Click HERE to sign up for a shift!
Special Event
8th Grade Dance
Attention 8th Grade Parents! The PTO needs your help in planning the 8th Grade Dance. Many volunteers are necessary to make this fun night successful. If you would like to be a committee chair, or just help out, please email
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us!
Next PTO Meeting
Our next PTO Meeting is Tuesday, January 23rd, from 6-7pm in the library at HBMS. Mark your calendars!
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to follow us on:
- Facebook: @PTOHannah
For any questions please email us at
District 47 Website Feedback
We value your input and would greatly appreciate your feedback on our District 47 website. Your insights will help us enhance the online experience for both parents/guardians and staff. Please take a moment to share your thoughts by clicking on this survey link.
Elevate Award
District 47 Budget 2023-2024
The 2023-2024 budget has been board approved and is available on the District 47 website, Click here to see the 2023-2024 budget.
Cafeteria Menus
Peachjar E-Flyers
Be "In the Know" - Download the D47 app!
Contacting the School Office
Main Line 815-788-5750
Principal - Carrie Coats -
Assistant Principal - Shannon Heckman -
Assistant Principal - Josh Gschwend -
Dean of Students - Todd Skarr -
Administrative Assistants - Troy Bretzman - Front Office, Kathleen Gluck - Student Office
School Nurse - Laurie Kaiser -