The Raider Nation Newsletter
News from Principal Novak: February 19, 2025
Preparing for March 3rd
Dear Atholton Community,
As we have shared in previous communications, HCPSS is transitioning to a new cell phone policy on Monday March 3rd. We have been discussing the specifics with students over the last few weeks and teachers have been reiterating the classroom expectations with students as well. On Thursday 2/27 and Friday 2/28, we will have "practice days" for students and staff to have a final acclimation period to the new procedures and protocols.
Teachers who may have allowed cell phone use for instructional purposes are looking at Chromebook programs instead. And, you as parents/guardians may have to make some adjustments as well. Instead of texting with your child during the day, sending an email may be better (students can check email on Chromebooks during lunch). If you need to speak with your child right away, just call the office and we'll call them down. As much as we like to believe that the phones are a MUST HAVE, we can get by without them for a few hours each day.
If you need some guidance on how to adjust notifications/settings on your child's phone, take a look at the reference below and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about the cell phone policy changes.
Nick Novak
Important Information
Senior Information-10 Days Left to Order Caps & Gowns
Attention Seniors! Make sure to complete all of these items below.
- Order your cap and gown through this linkLinks to an external site. by March 1st
Senior Activity:
- Senior Trip to Hershey Park Interest Form- fill out this linkLinks to an external site.
Please address any questions to Mrs. DeFilippo, Mrs. Jesneck, Sgt. Gordiano
Athletics and Activities Boosters Yard Sale
Need to get rid of some items? Tables are almost sold out! Get yours ASAP if you're on the fence...
Saturday, February 22, 2025
If you are interested in selling, please grab your table here!
If you're interested in buying, please visit us that day!
Concessions will be open (volunteers needed) and Spirit Wear will be for sale!
Important Information-Reposted
Raider Roast 2025
Are you ready to mix and mingle with folks from Raider Nation (and raise money for the Athletics & Activities Boosters)? Check out the flier below and get your tickets to the Raider Roast on the Boosters website: https://www.atholtonboosters.org/
Athletics & Activities Boosters Feedback
The AHS Athletics & Activities Boosters are interested in your feedback...Please visit this survey link and don't forget to enter your email address at the end to be entered into a drawing for a gift card! Thank you, AHS Athletics & Activities Boosters Board
Community Resources and Supports
HCPSS provides countless supports for students and families, and recognizes there are times when additional help is needed. Various reputable county, state and national organizations can provide assistance every day and during times of crisis. Here is a link to the HCPSS website with some of those resources: Family Supports and Resources
Additional services for residents in Howard County are available on the Howard County Government website.
The organizations listed are neither sponsored nor endorsed by HCPSS, and instead serve to extend resources available for students and families.
Howard County Schools to Restrict Student Personal Device Access
Resharing this message from HCPSS to make sure you see it:
On Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025, the Howard County Board of Education approved adjustments to Policy 8080 – Responsible Use of Technology, Digital Tools, and Social Media, and the Student Code of Conduct that is intended to reduce the use of personal devices by students during the student day. The policy changes will take effect on Monday, March 3, 2025.
While more information will be provided to students, staff and parents/guardians prior to the March 3rd implementation date, here are the highlights of the adjustments that were adopted by the Board:
- No students, PreKindergarten-12, will be permitted to use cell phones and other personal devices during the student day (first bell to last bell of the day) except for reasons detailed in a student’s IEP, 504, or health plan.
- Smart watches will be permitted to be worn to check time but may not be a distraction.
- When a personal device is used in violation of the new policy, the device will be confiscated for the remainder of the student day.
- Students may be in possession of personal devices, but they must be “away and silenced”, meaning devices are not able to be seen by either the student or staff member and are set to make no noise.
- Personal laptops may be used for instructional activities in high school when permitted by the teacher.
- A staff member on a school-sponsored field trip may permit the use of a personal technology device by a student in limited situations where capturing a picture or video may be appropriate or contacting a parent/guardian is necessary.
- School administrators and school administrators’ designees may authorize use of a personal device in rare instances such as an emergency for communication purposes.
More information will be provided related to the expectations and consequences from now through implementation, so students and parents/guardians are fully informed and prepared for policy implementation on March 3, 2025.
Sarapes (Stoles) for Hispanic/Latino Graduating Students
The HCPSS Hispanic Achievement Program is selling sarapes (stoles) for purchase by Hispanic and Latino graduating seniors. Sales will run through May 2, 2025. Purchases can be made directly here, and a flyer for sarape sales is linked here.
The Hispanic “sarape” represents the ancient customs of colorful textiles throughout all the ancient indigenous people of Latin America. These bright colors represented their devout spiritualism and the advanced knowledge they possessed. Additional history of the sarapes and the initiative in HCPSS for graduating seniors can be found here. Direct questions to Gaston Gamez, Hispanic Achievement Supervisor at (410) 313-6667.
Kente Cloth Graduation Stoles
The HCPSS Black Student Achievement Program (BSAP) is selling Kente cloth graduation stoles to families for graduating students. BSAP Liaisons at each high school or a principal’s designee are the point of contact for students and families regarding the sale of the stoles. Please share this information with staff who support graduation planning to ensure that graduating students who would like to purchase a stole. Sales will run through April 30, 2025. The flyer for the stole sale can be found linked here.
Kente is a traditional African textile that the Ashanti people in Ghana and West Africa first weaved. Today, it is worn to pay homage to African ancestors and to show pride in the heritage of the Diaspora during ceremonial occasions.
Upcoming Events
Please mark your calendars for these important dates and check out the full school calendar on our website:
2/22 Boosters Yard Sale
2/24 PTSA Meeting
2/25 Winter Sports Awards Ceremony
2/27 Black History Month Assembly
For Your Viewing Pleasure
Breaking the Addiction
An interesting video considering our upcoming cell phone policy change.