Stanley Avenue School Newsletter
21st June, Term 2, Week 8, 2024
Hello, Kia ora, Chomreabsour, Mālo ni, Ni hao, Kia orāna, Talofa lava, Namaste, Hola, Hallo, Chào bạn, Bula Vinaka, Kumusta, Guten Tag, Mālō e lelei , An-nyeong-ha-se-yo, greetings to all our School Families
From the Principal's desk....
It was a privilege last night to attend our termly Whānau Hui. The evening started with the opening of the Outdoor Beach Volleyball Court. It was special seeing all generations take part and see the immense Volleyball talent of some of our parents! Another strong whānau turnout was on display to observe our Kapa Haka roopu’s emerging talent with poi and then showcase their more traditional Waiata and Haka. It was a pleasure to share our strategic initiatives for our Māori learners along with their strong accelerated data in Maths and Reading. Kai concluded a wonderful evening. I would like to extend my thanks to Whaea Adreena and Di Meyler for the organisation of the evening.
Nga mihi nui
John Byers
Upcoming Events
- 26 June Oxford Pie orders delivered. Room 3
- 27 June Matariki Celebration Lunch and Open afternoon
- 28 June Matariki School closed
- 1 July BOT Meeting 6pm Staffroom
- 3-4 July PacT Conferences details to follow
- 5 July Last day of Term 2
- 22 July First day of Term 3
Tough Guy and Gal 2024
Yesterday Team Tui and Team Ruru students attended the Tough Guy Gal - Mud Run in Ngaruawahia. The students had a wonderful time and demonstrated what it is to "Strive to Succeed". Here is a video of some of the highlights.
Turf drainage and replacement
Keep an eye out, as the first stage of our new turf is complete. The new drains are in and the old turf has been uplifted, now we will watch and wait for what happens next!
Te reo Māori learning accross our Kura
2024 Squash Tournament and Champions
On Wednesday, all the squash practise this term finally paid off for our Year 7/8 students, who took part in the annual Stanley Ave School Squash Tournament.
There were many close fought battles during the day and it was again amazing to see our students take up the challenge of trying a new sport and giving it their absolute best.
Congratulations to our place getters and Champions as below:
Girls Championship
1st Tyela van Kuijk
2nd Ruby Whittle
3rd Sura Ung
Boys Championship
1st Erik Pollock
2nd Jayden Stockley
3rd Lucas Gamble
Overall Champion
1st Erik Pollock
2nd Jayden Stockley
3rd Lucas Gamble
Stanley Ave Gold Year 5/6 Netball team at Waimata Tournament
On Wednesday our Stanley Ave Gold team participated in the Waimata Netball Tournament in Waihi. These Year 5/6 players usually take part in the 6 aside Future Ferns programme on Wednesdays in Te Aroha. This tournament was playing the 7 aside game against teams from all over the Waikato and has proved to be invaluable learning for these players and their future in Netball. Lots of fun was had and teamwork was the keyword for the day. Huge thanks to Kelly Ward for her organisation and time spent with this team, and to all the parents for their support on the sideline and for providing transport.
Stanley Avenue School Enrolment Scheme
Details of pre-enrolment procedures and subsequent balloting procedures for the period 22nd July to 26th August 2024
The board advises that five spaces for Years 2-8 students are likely to be available for the
period of 22nd July to 26th August 2024.
Applications close 9 am, 22nd July 2024. If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the
number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot for out of zone
places is required, it will be held at 10 am, 22nd July 2024.
Application forms are available from our school office.
Phone 07 8848 479 or alternatively contact John Byers (Principal) on 021 138 1983
Email: office@stanleyave.school.nz
Thank you
John Byers
Once upon a time.....The Little Yellow Digger came to school!
On Monday, the Turf court was uplifted to make way for our brand new turf, but that wasn't what was exciting our Piwakawaka students....the arrival of 'The Little Yellow Digger' was the highlight of their day. Many of the students watched on as the busy little digger worked away for the morning just like in the beloved children's book by Betty and Alan Gilderdale. Check out some of the awesome writing from Room 9 below.
Keep this date free - Matariki Lunch and open afternoon - Thursday 27th June
Come and help us celebrate Matariki the Māori New Year.
Thursday 27th June by Rooms 1-4 From 1.00pm
In Māori culture, Matariki is the name of the Pleiades star cluster and the celebration of its first rising in late June or early July. This marks the beginning of the new year in the Māori lunar calendar.
This year it falls on Friday 28th June.
Every year at Stanley Avenue School we celebrate Matariki, and like to involve our school community. Following many successful gatherings, this year we have made a change to how we celebrate Matariki at Stanley Avenue School.
On Thursday 27th June we would like to invite all whānau to join us from 1.00pm.
We will be offering lunch to all students and their families, and then invite you to walk around our classrooms and look at student learning and displays about Matariki.
1.00pm Kapahaka ,Welcome, Karakia
1.15pm Lunch
Who can come: All family members are welcome to attend, including siblings and grandparents.
Lunch will include: Chicken sliders with coleslaw, sausages, bread, pikelets, jam and cream
Water and juice will also be available
Vegetarian sausages and Gluten-Free options are available if required.
Please let Mrs Finucane know if you prefer either of these options.
Please bring: To reduce our costs and our environmental waste impact, we encourage as many families as possible to bring their own cups, plates and cutlery.
We want to thank our sponsors: Inghams, Tatua, Newlight Minimart and takeaways and Duck and Cover for helping us with our lunch this year.
Ngā mihi nui-Thank you!
Oxford Pie delivery next Wednesday 26th June
Pies will be ready for pick up from Room 3 on Wednesday. We will send a message out on Hero indicating a time for collection
Thank you to everyone for your support with this fundraiser. We have raised $1600.00 Ka Pai.
Purchase your Own SAS Sports Shirt!
We have gone live on DirectGroup Uniforms with our Sports Shirts that you are able to purchase. We feel moving forward this is a great option and will save a lot of time issuing and collecting sports shirts. At this time we still have our other sports shirts for anyone that is playing and has not purchased their own yet. Check them out at:
You can purchase the sport shirts and they arrive directly to your address and they even have Afterpay so that it makes it possible to budget. We are looking forward to seeing these appearing on our sports fields.
School Bank Account details...
Uniform room is open Thursday Mornings 8.30am - 9.30am
Contact Us - Whakapā mai
Email: office@stanleyave.school.nz
Website: https://stanleyave.school.nz/
Location: Stanley Avenue School Stanley Avenue, Te Aroha 3320, New Zealand
Phone: +64 7-884 8479
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stanleyaveschool/