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Weekly Update September 16-24
Important Dates
- Tuesday, September 17 - Picture Day
- Tuesday, September 17 - Golf Zones @ High River (Gr. 10-12) Bus leaves at 8:30 am
- Tuesday, September 17 - Green Certificate Induction Meeting @ 6:30 pm
- Tuesday, September 17 - Sr. High Football vs Notre Dame Cougars (Red Deer) @ 4:30 pm
- Tuesday, September 17 - School Council Meeting @ 7:00 pm in Staff Room
- Wednesday, September 18 - SV Girls Volleyball vs. Acme (Gr 10-12) in Hanna
- Thursday, September 19 - Cross Country in Bashaw (Gr. 4-12) Bus leaves at 7:15 am
- Thursday, September 19 -Green Certificate Induction Meeting @ 12:30 pm
- Saturday, September 21 - Bantam Football in Stettler @ 10:00 am (Gr. 7-9)
- Saturday, September 21 - SV Girls Volleyball in Drumheller (Gr. 10-12)
- Monday, September 23 - No School - PD Day
- Wednesday, September 25 - SV & JV Girls Volleyball vs. Three Hills (Gr. 10-12)
- Thursday, September 26 - Cross Country in Camrose (Gr. 4-12)
- Thursday, September 26 - Sr. High Football in Breton (Gr. 10-12)
- Friday, September 27 & Saturday, September 28 - SV Girls Volleyball Home Tournament (Gr.10-12). JV Volleyball in Delia (Gr. 10 & 11)
- Saturday, September 28 - Bantam Football vs. Innisfail @ 11:00 am (Gr. 7-9)
- Monday, September 30 - No School - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
- Tuesday, October 1 - Early Dismissal @ 11:44 am
Congratulations Jr. A Volleyball Team for Winning Silver in Drumheller!
Football Home Games
Congratulations to both the Senior High Hawks for winning their Friday night game vs. West Central (Rocky Mountain House) 90-14 and the Bantam team for winning their Saturday game vs. Carstairs 66-14.
Outdoor Movie Night
The Outdoor Movie Night Committee would like to thank our 2024 sponsors for making this event a success! Thank you to Mr. Gregson and Hayden for making our sponsor sign, it was very well received. Congratulations to Charlie and Frankie Evers for winning our Logo Contest! They won VIP seats for movie night as well as a copy of "Inside Out 2"! Thank you to all the families for coming out and supporting us again this year!
This year we have 4 girls volleyball teams at J. C. Charyk:
SV - Senior Varsity (consists of Grade 10-12 students)
JV - Junior Varsity (consists of Grade 9-11 students)
Jr. A - Junior High (consists of Grade 8 & 9 students)
Jr. B - Junior High (consists of Grade 7-9)
Elementary (K-6) Hot Lunch Program Suspended
Dear Parents,
Thank you to the few volunteers who submitted the green forms or reached out to the current committee. We appreciate your initiative!!
Unfortunately, there has not been enough volunteers come forward to assist with coordinating the days for Subway, Freson Bros, or Karin Miller so the program will need to be suspended until volunteers come forward.
If anyone is interested in stepping up, we do have duties of each role written out so you can understand the expectations of the position before committing.
Day coordinators will need to commit approximately 2hrs on the day of their hot lunch. Volunteers for that day would commit approximately 1hr.
A survey requesting input on the days to offer (maybe more could participate if Hot Lunch was offered on a different day), variety of meals, price of meals, etc.
The current Committee members are happy to orient and assist new volunteers.
If you have any questions about the above Coordinator positions, please contact any of our committee members or phone/text Shyanne Jones at 403-857-9556. With your assistance the program can return to be a success!
Yours truly,
Hot Lunch Program Coordinators
School Calendar
The 2024-2025 school calendar can be found in this newsletter and can be viewed by clicking on the following link https://jcc.plrd.ab.ca/about/2024-2025-approved-division-calendar.
Cross Town Bus
Cross town busing will be offered again this year for students. A bus will pick up students at the old primary school site (bus stop on the corner of 5th Ave and 1st street East). Please meet at the bus stop by 8:20 am for transportation to J. C. Charyk Hanna School. Buses will transport students back to the same location after school. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Registration Form
Registration forms were sent home with students on the first day of school. Please read the registration form carefully, make any changes necessary, sign (page 3) and return it back to your child’s homeroom teacher (grades K-9) or the office (grades 10-12) along with FOIP, and Offsite Consent forms as soon as possible. A reminder to parents that the school requires a copy of each student’s birth certificate as verification of student’s eligibility to be registered in school if that has not already been provided. Parents please sign the registration form (page 3) and ensure that any new home or cell phone numbers and an up to date email address are provided. Invoices for junior high ($25/term) and senior high ($50 per option class) options fees will be included in this package and are due on Friday, November 1. Cheques can be made payable to Prairie Land or you can use our new School Cash Online.
School Pictures
School Pictures will be taken by Lifetouch on Tuesday, September 17 for all students. Retakes will be held on Wednesday, October 30.
School Council Meeting
There will be a School Council Meeting on Tuesday, September 17 at 7:00 pm in the Staff Room. All parents/guardians are encouraged to attend.
Green Certificate
One of the first steps to starting the Green Certificate Program is an induction meeting which serves as an information session for students, trainers, parents, and schools. There are 2 induction meetings, each individual must register for a meeting that works for their schedule. The meeting will take place on Zoom. The session will start with an overview of the program and will allow for a Q&A session at the end of the meeting. The session usually takes 15-30 minutes. The induction meeting is mandatory for new participants to the program, if you have already attended an induction meeting you do not need to attend again. New students will also need to fill out a registration form (attached).
AGR3000 is a prerequisite for Green Certificate, grade 10 students will have the opportunity to complete this course in CALM class.
I have attached important information and forms for your reference and use:
- GCP information sheet
- 2 versions of the GCP registration forms (a print off version and a fillable pdf. version)
- The Green Certificate Test Schedule for the 2024-2025 school year (For the Central Region)
Each participant can choose to register on the date that works best for them:
Tuesday, September 17th @ 6:30pm REGISTER HERE
Thursday, September 19th @ 12:30pm REGISTER HERE
Terry Fox Run
J.C. Charyk Hanna School is getting ready for the 2024 Terry Fox School Run! We’re super excited to take part in this annual tradition that supports cancer research while building school spirit. Please support our student’s fundraising efforts and donate today at: https://schools.terryfox.ca/JCCharykHanna #terryfoxschoolrun #nomatterwhat @theterryfoxfoundation
Castle Rock Study Guides
J. C. Charyk Hanna School students can get Castle Rock study guides at a school discount between 2024-09-03 and 2024-09-17! These resources are aligned to the 2024-25 Alberta curriculum in Math, Science, English Language Arts and Social Studies. Order here: https://schoolorders.solaro.com/5844
Course Selection & Program Planning
Mr. Wales and Mrs. Forsyth are available for conversations regarding course selection and program planning throughout the school year. Set up a meeting by emailing dana.forsyth@plrd.ab.ca or ryan.wales@plrd.ab.ca or calling 403-854-3642 and we will answer any questions.
Career Coaching Your Teen
A Guide for Parents Did you know that parents are the greatest influence on their teens career choice? Check out the attached resource to help guide your child: https://alis.alberta.ca/media/698505/careercoach.pdf. Contact Mrs. Forsyth for more information at dana.forsyth@plrd.ab.ca
RhPAP High School Event on Friday, November 8
We are excited to be hosting a Rural High School Health Care Event at the Hanna Hospital on November 8th for students who are interested in working in the healthcare field. Space is limited so talk to Mrs. Forsyth to sign up for the event.
Upcoming Important Dates
- Monday, October 7 - Little Caesars Pizza Order Forms Due
- Friday, October 11 - Grade 10-12 Awards Ceremony
- Monday, October 14 - No School - Thanksgiving Day
- Friday, October 25 - Little Caesars Pizza Pick-up 3:00-5:00 pm in Theatre
- Wednesday, October 30 - Picture Retakes
- Tuesday, November 5 - Early Dismissal @ 2:35 pm
- Friday, November 8 - Remembrance Day Ceremony
- Friday, November 8 - Rural High School Health Care Event
- Monday, November 11-Friday, November 15 - No School
Upcoming Sports
- Tuesday, October 1 - Sr. High Football in Camrose OLMP Royals (Gr. 10-12)
- Wednesday, October 2 - Cross Country Zones @ Strathcona Tweedsmuir School, South of Calgary (Gr. 7-12)
- Wednesday, October 2 - SV Girls Volleyball in Drumheller (Gr. 10-12)
- Thursday, October 3 - Cross Country in Brownfield/Burma Hills (Gr. 4-12)
- Thursday, October 3 - Sr. High Football in Red Deer vs. Notre Dame Cougars @ 7:30 pm (Gr. 10-12)
- Friday, October 4 and Saturday, October 5 - SV Girls Volleyball in Consort (Gr. 10-12)
- Saturday, October 5 - Jr. A Volleyball in Three Hills (Gr. 7-9)
- Monday, October 7 - SV Girls Volleyball in Trochu (Gr. 10-12)
- Wednesday, October 9 - SV Girls Volleyball @ PCA (Three Hills) (Grade 10-12)
- Thursday, October 10 - Cross Country in New Norway (Grade 4-12)
- Friday, October 11 - Sr. High Football vs. Edson (Grade 10-12) @ 1:00 pm
- Saturday, October 12 - Bantam Football vs Strathmore @ 11:00 am (Grade 7-9)
- Wednesday, October 16 - SV/JV Volleyball in ACME (Grade 10-12)
- Friday, October 18 - Sr. High Football in Hinton
- Friday, October 18 & Saturday, October 19 - Jr. A Girls Volleyball in Strathmore (Grade 8/9)
- Friday, October 18 & Saturday, October 19 - JV Girls Volleyball in Stettler (Grade 9-11)
- Saturday, October 19 - Cross Country Provincials (Qualified Grade 7-12)
- Saturday, October 19 - Bantam Football in Drumheller
- Saturday, October 19 - Jr. B Girls Volleyball in Strathmore (Grade 7-9)
- Wednesday, October 23 - Sr. High Football in Rocky Mountain House (Grade 10-12)
- Wednesday, October 23 - SV Girls Volleyball in Three Hills (Grade 10-12)
- Saturday, October 26 - Jr. A. Volleyball in Strathmore (Grade 8/9)
- Saturday, October 26 - Jr. B Volleyball in Three Hills (Grade 7-9)
- Wednesday, October 30 - SV/JV Girls Volleyball vs. Drumheller (Grade 10-12)
Parent Parking - Student Drop Off/Pick Up Zones
To ensure that students are dropped off and picked up in a safe manner, please see the map below to show appropriate drop off locations for students. We ask that if you are using a parking lot, please park appropriately and walk your child to the doors to ensure they get into the building safely. There is a dedicated drop off zone on the north side of 7th Avenue West. We are asking you not to park on the south side of 7th Avenue West as it impedes traffic flow on that street. If you are parking / dropping off in the bus loop (between 9:00 am - 2:30 pm or after 3:30 pm), ensure you are only parking on the sidewalk side of the loop.
Hanna Gymnastics Club
The Hanna Gymnastics Club is looking for 3 students to assist with the set up and 3-5 students that would like to assist with clean up. The club runs Monday and Wednesday and these are labour intensive positions so we ask that you be able to lift 40lbs and preference will be given to students in grades 9-12. They are paid positions and we will discuss the positions with any interested individuals. Please contact hannagymnastics7@gmail.com if you are interested in helping out.
J. C. Charyk Hanna School Clothing Store
J. C. Charyk Hanna School
Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything!
Phone: 403-854-3642
Email: jccharykschool@plrd.ab.ca
Website: https://jcc.plrd.ab.ca/
Address: Box 1270 Hanna, Alberta T0J 1P0
801 4th Street W. Hanna