Fall in Love with Falcon Friday
January 10th, 2025

Fall in Love with Falcon Friday
Newsletter Highlight this week...
🌟 Falcon Zone Staff and Family Testimonials
🌟 Pathways at FHS
🌟 SPED at FMS and FHS
🌟 FMS Team Landing Pages
🌟 Work Based Learning, Choice and Success Program at FMS
Our hope is that this weekly newsletter is informative and answers any questions you may have!
~Cari Muresan
Falcon Zone Community Liaison
Looking for Past Newsletters? Find them HERE!
Falcon Zone Staff Testimonials
I am a Falcon Zone graduate, FMS teacher, and parent of two boys in the Falcon Zone. When I started at FMS, I had the honor of teaching alongside people who were fundamental in my own middle school and high school years. Now, I have the privilege of working alongside students that I taught! Two of them are now staff members at BRES! School of choice has allowed me to choice my boys into the Falcon Zone. We have loved BRES and now my oldest is enjoying his time at FMS. I love the families that I get to work with in the Falcon Zone!
As a staff member and a parent of a past middle schooler at Falcon Middle School, I can honeslty say that FMS is a wonderful school. When my son started 8th grade, he was apathetic at best, he put in little effort, slept through his classes, just didn't care. However the staff at FMS really care about the students and he thrived in the second semester, receiving the presidential award for most improved student. The staff tries hard to build relationships and to figure out what makes the students tick. There is so much negative press about FMS, but I can honestly say, I never saw any of it with my own student.
FZ Staff Member
Falcon Zone Family Testimonials
Clingempeel Family
"As a parent of a junior at Falcon High School, I am continually impressed by the exceptional leadership and dedication that permeates this institution. The administration genuinely cares for both the students and teachers, fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and supported.
Our son has thrived academically and socially during his time at Falcon. He has built meaningful relationships with his teachers and peers, connections that we believe will last well beyond high school. The teachers at Falcon go above and beyond, showing a genuine interest in their students' well-being, both inside and outside the classroom.
Falcon High offers a diverse range of elective courses, including automotive, business, engineering, health science, and many more. This variety allows students to explore potential career paths and discover their passions. Our son found his calling after taking several medical classes, which has inspired him to pursue a future in healthcare.
In addition to academics, Falcon provides numerous clubs, sports, and extracurricular activities that encourage students to engage and find their place within the school community. The opportunities for involvement are endless, and our son has enjoyed participating in various activities that have enriched his high school experience.
We are incredibly grateful for the nurturing environment at Falcon High School. It has truly become a second home for our family, and we couldn't be happier with the education and support our son is receiving. We love Falcon High!"
Cano Family
"After spending half of his freshman year in D20, we decided to return to our home school, Falcon HS. Our son has loved it ever since, especially the baseball program and interacting with teachers and administrators. It's a close knit family, from administrators to teachers. We've rarely had an issue, but when we have, it's been taken care of promptly with compassion and understanding. It's evident the administrators and teachers put the needs of the students first, and genuinely care about them as people. The baseball program has been incredibly fulfilling. Creating lifetime friendships and having great coaches who encourage success in the classroom and on the field by developing strong work ethic in both arenas. Historical in putting Falcon HS on the map with state tournament success and having one of the highest team GPAs. We're sad it's ending but very happy with how the last 4 years have gone. We highly recommend FHS!"
Schleper Fmaily
Pathways at FHS
BIOMEDICAL - Medical Forensics, Biomedical Innovations, Human Body Systems, Principles of Biomedical Science
ENGINEERING - Aerospace Engineering, CivilEngineering, Introduction to Engineering, Principles of Engineering
COMPUTER SCIENCE - Intro to PC Applications, Computer Science Essentials, Cybersecurity
DIGITAL MEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS - Foundations of Design, Multimedia Arts and Digital Communication, Audio/Video Production, Print Media,Work-based Learning, Concurrent Enrollment, Apprenticeship
AGRICULTURE - Intro to Agriculture, Animal Science, Equine Science,Veterinary Science, Horticulture, Landscaping, Ag Business
MEDICAL - Introduction to Health Care, Medical Terminology, Pathophysiology, Nurse Aide Health Care Skills, Nurse Aide Clinical Experience, Emergency Medical Responder, EMT Fundamentals, Sports Medicine
AUTOMOTIVE - Introduction to Automative Services, Maintenance and Light Repair, Automotive ServiceTechnology, AST Comprehensive, Concurrent Enrollment, Work-basedLearning
BUSINESS - Broadcasting, Event Marketing, Leadership, Personal Finance, Principles of Marketing, Business Entrepreneurship
SPACE FORCE JROTC - Milestones in Aviation History, Science of Flight and Leadership, Survival and Life Skills, Management of the Cadet Corps
MULTIMEDIA ARTS - Graphic Design & Illustration, Commercial Photography, 2D Art, 3D Art, Print Making, AP 2D Art, AP 3D Art
The IEP functions consistently across all school levels. It is developed based on the specific needs of the student, utilizing data to inform these decisions. Ideally, by the time a student reaches high school, they should receive their services within the classroom setting, minimizing the need to be pulled from classes. However, some students may require additional support that necessitates removal from class. These decisions are made by the IEP team during the IEP meeting. Accommodations are also tailored to individual needs and are determined by the IEP team during these meetings.
Regarding the transition from middle school to high school, we strive to attend as many 8th-grade IEP meetings as possible. This allows us to understand the specific needs of incoming students and address any questions parents may have about high school. While we may not be able to attend every meeting, we remain available for parents who wish to reach out with questions.
The high school organizes an 8th-grade night, providing families with an opportunity to explore various offerings, including sports, classes, and clubs. Additionally, the special education department sets up a table for parents of students with IEPs to ask questions and gather information.
SSN at Falcon Middle School
We offer a Partners in PE class to our 8th graders where we have students pair up with athletes in the SSN Program, and students receiving Adapted PE services, to help practice sports skills. Throughout the school year we attend about 6 field trips to participate in Adapted Athletic Events against the other middle schools in the district. These include; cross country, soccer, bowling, track and field, basketball, and fishing. Falcon Middle School Adapted Athletics are the defending champions in Adapted Bowling and Adapted Basketball.
This year, as part of our December Unit, the students came up with a service project where we went around the school and delivered hot cocoa, coffee, sweet treats, and a handmade gift from our students to all the staff members to help spread holiday cheer! We also cook every week to help students practice life skills.
Team Landing Pages at Falcon Middle
What is a Landing Page?
In a middle school context, a landing page serves as a dedicated online space where students can easily access specific information related to a particular assignment, project, or class topic, providing a focused area with clear instructions, communication, due dates, submission forms, and relevant materials all in one place, minimizing confusion and ensuring everyone has access to the necessary details
Did you know that each team of teachers at Falcon Middle School has a Landing Page for students and their families to access!
FHS - Did You Know That.....???
- We are the only high school in the district with a Holocaust & Genocide course.
- We have multiple travel opportunities. This year, we have a trip to Europe, one to the Dominican Republic, and one to Japan!
- Love these Hands on Programs, color guard, theatre, choir, band, clay, photography, theatre set and JROTC.
- Our Space Force JROTC program is a phenomenal leadership laboratory where you learn to become a better young man or woman. This course will help you in every facet of life. We develop citizens of character.
- Really nice kids! I have always been pleased by how kind, thoughtful and respectful the students at FHS are!
- Falcon High School's Visual Arts Department just got Advanced 3D Art added to their "master schedule" for a YEAR LONG CLASS instead of it being one semester long.
- Falcon's sports teams are full of so much energy and positive vibes, it does not matter what sport you want to play they are all amazing full of great kids!
- Falcon's Art Department has won a few awards for the "Scholastic Art Competition" which is a competition against all the schools in Colorado. The students who win in this competition get their artwork displayed in Denver at the Art Museum!!!
- Falcon's Art Department also has won many awards in the "District 49 Art Competition" which is a competition between all the D49 schools! We are always looking for kids who want to win and show off their amazing art skills!
- Curriculum Choice- Falcon High School offers many options and encourages students to explore different topic areas to "find a good fit". College prep- general education and classes; Career and Technical Education (CTE)-Biomedical Pathway; Academy of Health Sciences; Agricultural Education; Concurrent Enrollment.
- The staff at Falcon High School is exceptionally open, welcoming, and inclusive. Falcon High School is a collaborative environment. Staff works together, supported by an outstanding leadership team encouraging teamwork and innovation. Falcon High's positive atmosphere boosts the overall experience for everyone that carries over to our students.
- FHS - The band program at Falcon High School is fantastic! Mr. Yager is a phenomenal teacher and band director. He did a great job leading the Falcon Fighting Regiment to the Colorado State Quarter Finals. It was quite the accomplishment!
- There's a weekly Art Club!
FMS - Did You Know That.....???
- Explore blocks where the kids rotate through a series of elective classes to see what interests them most! Everyone gets to experience a wide variety of things and might find something they like that they didn't know they were interested in.
- One of the unique programs at Falcon Middle School is our full-length plays and musicals! These productions offer students the chance to be part of something truly special. Whether they’re acting on stage, designing sets, running lights, or working behind the scenes, students get hands-on experience in bringing a production to life. Participating in theater helps students build confidence, improve public speaking skills, and develop teamwork. It’s also a fantastic way for students to make good friends—working together to put on a show creates strong bonds and lasting memories. Plus, our productions celebrate everyone’s unique talents, giving every student an opportunity to shine in their own way.
- Firebird Nation News is a live daily news show produced by students that helps inform the school of what is going on around campus. All students who show interest in either being an anchor or weather person can have their turn being on air.
- JS2S helps welcome and keep up with our military and new students. WEB helps welcome our new 6th grade students and checks in with them throughout the year. SOS shares lessons with all students in Advisory throughout the year.
- 6th Graders can have lockers that they can access when they are at FMS main. When students are at the Annex at BRES, there are cubbies in each classroom for students to store their things.
- Students in all reading classes visit the library on a two-week rotation. Our librarian plans a variety of engaging activities to address library skills and improve literacy. Students also have a "power pass" to the Pikes Peak Library District, for which they can check out digital copies of books from the comfort of their ChromeBooks.
FMS Work Based Learning, Choice and Success Program
For more information or questions, please contact Deanna Siemsen at deanna.siemsen@d49.org.