The Yeti Report
April 2024
In This Issue
- Dates to Remember
- Student Celebrations
- State Testing Info
- Careers in Gear
- College and Scholarship
- Photography Class
- Family Engagement Survey
- Contact Your Counselor
- Notes from Principal Savage
Dates to Remember
- April 25: End of Hex 5
- April 25: Careers in Gear
- Apirl 26: No school - grading day
- May 27: No school - Memorial Day
- May 31: MOA Graduation
Student Celebrations
Congratulations to our Term 2 Academic Excellence winners! These students are being recognized for their outstanding performances in class:
Abigail L. - Alexander R. - Alexandrea K. - Ariana R. - Austin S. - Ava M. - Bezabh S. - Blayten B. - Brevin T. - Cameron H. - Derian D. S. - Deven B. - Dylan R. - Ethan G. - Gracie P. - Isaiah R. - Jacob K. -Jadon A. - Jason B. - Jayden C. - Jazmine A. - Jerrah P. - Jonathan G. - Julian L. - Kale H. - Karmella E. - Keala M. - Kieran L. - Lanah C. - Liam L. - Lillie W. - Logan D. - Logan H. - Marty T. - Maya P. - Michael P. - Michael R. - Monte S. - Natalee R. - Natalie R. - Nova S. - Olive S. - Rebeccah A. S. - Rylan T. - Saphyre S. - Sierra H. - Sophia M. - Teagan B. - Vanessa S. - Wesley U.
State Testing Info
Oregon’s Statewide Assessment is coming up for students in grades 3-8 and 11, and works to provide students, families, and educators a measure of academic growth. These assessments are designed to allow your child to apply and demonstrate their knowledge in a variety of contexts. This helps our school evaluate our systems and identify areas of strength and improvement for our curriculum. Since the pandemic, we have had very limited opportunity to establish a baseline for our student’s abilities and needs, and the results of the Statewide Assessment allow us to develop this knowledge. Having this broad-range data is crucial to our understanding of what educational approaches are working, and where additional resources are needed.
For more information, visit:
Careers in Gear
Careers in Gear is a career expo for students looking for jobs and careers that interest them! If you are unsure what career you are interested in or want more information about a career field that interests you, this is the event for you! View the student packet here to learn more about the event!
Please fill out this engagement form so we know how many people are interested in going to Careers in Gear.
College and Scholarship
This is the time to be applying to/looking into scholarships and colleges! Look over these resources to see if any would be helpful for you!
Scholarship info
● Fill out the FAFSA if you want to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid.
● Fill out the ORSAA if you are an Oregon resident that has undocumented status, DACA status, TPS, or a U-visa.
● Apply for Oregon Promise if you plan on going to any Oregon community college.
● Find scholarships based on your specific situation.
College application info
● For help applying to colleges:
● To request your MOA transcript:
Photography Class
Take a look at what our photography students have been working on! They are diving into the Elements of Art and used their awesome photography skills to illustrate their learning.
Family Engagement Survey
We want to host some fun, in-person social events to get peers together and to bond as a school and we need your help! Please fill out this survey so we can find out what our families are interested in.
Contact Your Counselor
If you would like to set up a time to chat with our school counselor, Ms. Eva, about academics, college/career preparation, mental health support, or anything else, please use this link to schedule a 15-minute Zoom meeting:
If you would like to set up a longer appointment or come in-person, please give her a call at 541-842-3263.
Notes from Principal Savage
Greetings, MOA Families!
The need for more tissues and the chorus of sneezes and sniffles tells me that Spring is definitely in the air! We have had some gorgeous Spring teaser-days, and the sun is calling us away from our tasks more often. As we well know, our work is not done yet! Now is the time to really support our students and their motivation. They are starting to see the light of summer quickly approaching, but it is still far enough off that we need to really focus to keep our eyes on what is educationally important! Spring is also a great time to host some family activities at school. Please complete this short feedback form to help us know what activities you’d like to see offered for our families.
I want to express my gratitude for the families that completed the YouthTruth family survey. We increased our family participation by 15% this year! The information we gain from YouthTruth is vital as we plan on how to best serve our students and utilize our resources next year. Thank you so much for contributing your time, thoughts, and efforts!
Please do not forget that all students in grades 3-11 need to exchange their old Chromebooks for new ones. Old Chromebooks will be disabled by the IT department in early April. Chromebooks can be exchanged at our office (1321 Center Drive) between 8:00-4:00 on school days.
Seniors that are contemplating continuing their education after graduation need to be certain they have filled out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). You can visit for more information and to complete the application. Please reach out to our counselor, Eva Bartlett, for support!
High school students: PLEASE be sure that you are accessing your social studies class in the Imagine Learning Virtual Portal (ILVP). Your social studies class (that is scheduled in your Zero Period) has a Canvas page with the link and instructions for accessing your content.
I want to give a shout out to all of our elementary and middle school students that completed their iReady mid-year assessments. Authentic completion of these assessments help our teachers better understand the learning needs of our students!
As always, thank you all for being a part of Medford Online Academy. Your participation in your students’ learning will have a lasting impact on your student!
Natosha Savage
Online Learning Coordinator
Medford Online Academy