Romig News
August 11, 2024
We are super excited to see you this week!
School begins this Thursday for 6th and 7th graders, and on Friday, our 8th graders join them. We are super excited to meet you all. Please see some important information below to help set you up for success.
Student schedules will go live in Student Connect on the 12th. Please be aware that some changes may occur during the first weeks of school as we accommodate student requests and balance class sizes. This process also involves addressing students who have moved but have yet to inform us.
We understand that schedule changes can be stressful, and we want to ensure you know we'll consider these decisions carefully. Our priority is to create a balanced and supportive learning environment for everyone.
School is from 9:30-4:00
When can I come in and see school
Unfortunately, we cannot allow access to the school this year before the start of the school day due to construction in multiple parts of the building. The good news is the first two days of the school year are all about getting comfortable with school and finding out all the things you need.
Only 6th and 7th on August 15th
Please note that on Thursday, 15th, we will have a special schedule for 6th and 7th-grade students only.
- Start and End in Advisory: All students will begin and end the day in their Advisory classes.
- Schedule Distribution:
- 6th Grade: Students will report to the MPR (Multi-Purpose Room) to receive their schedules.
- 7th Grade: Students will report to the gym for schedule distribution.
After receiving their schedules, students will remain in the MPR or gym until 9:15 AM, after which they may proceed to their regular classes. Staff will be in the halls to help students find classes, and a map will be printed on the back of the schedule.
8th graders DO NOT attend on August 15th
6th, 7th and 8th Grade on August 16th
On Friday, August 16th, we will have all three grades in school. 8th graders will have their first day of orientation, and 6th/7th graders will still be getting to know one another and their classes. Remember, 8th graders do not come on the 15th.
Late Start Mondays
This is a reminder that we will have late start Mondays again this year for adult professional development. The class will begin at 10:30 on Mondays. Students will have advisory from 10:30 - 11:05.
For the 2024/2025 school year, school start times will look like this:
PLC Monday ONLY Schedule Start Time / Release Time
Elementary School 9:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m.
High School 9:45 a.m. 3:15 p.m.
Middle School 10:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday-Friday ONLY Schedule Start Time / Release Time
Elementary School 8:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m.
High School 8:45 a.m. 3:15 p.m.
Middle School 9:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m.
Bell Schedule
Please look closely at the bell schedule; there have been some adjustments.
When will I get my locker info
Lockers will not be issued during the first week of school. New locks have been ordered and are expected to arrive the following week.
What to Bring: For the first few days, please bring only the essentials:
- Chromebook (we will issue this if you do not have one)
- Binder with paper
- Something to write with
- Lunch
As soon as the new locks arrive, we will issue lockers and provide time for students to practice opening them.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we prepare everything.
Cell Phone Policy - Off and Away All Day
The team at Romig Middle School has studied a review of information that reveals the negative emotional and academic impact of cell phone presence during academic instruction. As a result, we have slightly revised our 2024/2025 student cell phone policy. Students will be required to turn off and lock cell phones away in their lockers from 9:30-4:00. This will include no electronics in the lunchroom. Our team is committed to providing a school culture that is focused on educating our students, and it is clear that cell phones/devices are an ever-present distraction from that goal. Linked are some of the articles and research that have persuaded our team Please review and discuss with your student.
We know that many of our returning 8th graders will have feelings about the change in the cell phone policy. In reality, this is not a change. Phones have always been expected to be off and away during the school day. However, research shows that even having a phone in a backpack, purse, or pocket limits potential learning and leads to distractions. Please support our team as we strive to provide the very best academic and social experience for your students.
Remember, OFF & AWAY during the school day! For more information https://www.asdk12.org/site/default.aspx?PageType=3&DomainID=74&ModuleInstanceID=18084&ViewID=6446EE88-D30C-497E-9316-3F8874B3E108&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=87781&PageID=141
Bussing Info
Your bus info will be on parent/student connect. The buses drop students off behind Romig in the West/Romig bus lot. Romig is only able to see bus information if you can. If you have questions about bussing, please call ASD transportation at 907-742-1200.
Student arrival and pickup:
- Morning Arrival: Students may enter the building as early as 8:30 AM and sit in the MPR (Multipurpose Room).
- Library Access: Due to shared space with West and adjusted schedules, access to the library will be limited.
- Afternoon Pickup: Students should be picked up no later than 4:15 PM if they are not in and after-school activity. If space permits, the library can be utilized until 4:30 PM.
Traffic- Be Aware
Traffic is complicated at Romig to say the least. Please be aware...
#1 Expectation - Be kind and patient
-Both the front and back gates between Romig and West will be permanently closed 24/7. This is necessary for the safety of our students going to the buses and the relocatables. This will be a big adjustment for both our West and Romig families and the neighborhood.
-Drop off and Pick Up can be congested. Please utilize the large loop of the front lot and pull all the way forward past the front doors for both.
-The left lane of for through traffic, not for a quick pick up or drop off.
-Most traffic has cleared out within 10 min after the bell and pick up is much easier then.
-6th graders will be released 5 min. early while we practice releasing students for the first few weeks.
We are getting ready for you!
Anchorage School District FIRST DAY 2024
ASD is staggering the first day of school in August 2024 to support students in a new school environment - sixth-graders in middle school and ninth-graders in the Freshman Academy. All neighborhood and comprehensive schools will follow the staggered first-day schedule. Classes will begin at the new school start times, which are 9:30 a.m. for middle school and 8:45 a.m. for high school.
By providing students in grades 6-7 and 9 a day at school with smaller student populations, schools can prioritize onboarding activities and supports.
This will include:
- Assisting students with classroom navigation
- Team building activities
- Discussions on successful academic practices and clear behavior expectations
- Additional activities appropriate to grade level
Due to the staggered start date where all school staff will be on hand to support students, middle and high schools will not hold optional orientations or camps for students prior to the first day of school.
Intramural activities are done within the school. Students do not compete against other schools.
Interscholastic activities are district wide and students compete against other middle schools during the season. Most practices will be M-F 4:15-5:45.
· Students must have a current physical on file at school in order to participate in interscholastic and
intramural activities. Parents must sign a participation form for each sport.
· A $110 fee will be charged per interscholastic sport. However, a family cap will be implemented once the students in a family have paid $220 to participate in activities including any combination of middle and high school activities. Students who qualify for free or reduced lunch, may request a waiver of fees by completing an Activities Waiver Form.
· Interscholastic Activities are $110.
· The completed “Middle School Activity Participation Form”, “Health Examination Form”,
“Sports Fee Remittance Form”, and fees must be handed in together to Ms. Shani before the student will be allowed to practice. If forms are turned in to the office after noon, the student will begin practice on the next practice day.
1. BOYS BASKETBALL: Aug. 19th Paperwork due August 19th
2. CROSS COUNTRY RUNNING: Aug 19th - Paperwork due August 19th
Note: Coed = both boys and girls participate together
Students must have a current physical to participate in interscholastic and intramural activities. Parents must sign a participation form for each sport. All forms will be available at Activation/Registration or in the school office.