Chamisa Clips
February 14, 2025
President's Day, Monday, February 17
January Attendance Data Overview
Chamisa Families:
The below chart is an overview of January absences over the last 6 years. Chamisa has a 4% drop in attendance in the month of January since 2019. So far this year (as of 2/12/25), Chamisa has had 2310 school absences. For a school of 293 students, that is an average of 8 absences per student at Chamisa. Chamisa averages 19.4 absences per day this school year.
Please make sure your student, if absent, catches up on the work they miss when not at school.
January 2019: 96.8% Present at Chamisa
January 2020 96.5% Present at Chamisa
January 2021 99% Present at Chamisa (Pandemic Online)
January 2022 96.1% Present at Chamisa
January 2023 94.0% Present at Chamisa
January 2024 93.3% Present at Chamisa
January 2025 92.6% Present at Chamisa
International Play Day
Primary team celebrated International Play Day today. Classrooms featured legos, making valentine's cards, art, yarn creations, blocks, games and puzzles. What a fun morning!
Middle Team Market Day
GATE students in middle team have been hard at work developing a small business with their inventions. Today, middle team student were invited to purchase their inventions. We have some future business owners on their way!
DARE Program for 4th Grade
Corporal John Harris began the 4th grade's DARE program today.
Fifth Grade Poetry Cafe
Upcoming Events include:
Fill the Fridge for Valentines.
Please send donations of soda, tea, sparkling waters, etc. to the front office 2/10-14/25. We want to fill the lounge fridge with beverages for a special treat this month for our awesome teachers and staff
PTO Valentines Store
Buy your valentine a chocolate candy bar $2 or a 3D printed Rose $5. We will be outside the school every afternoon the week of February 10-14, including Friday, February 14! These are great last minute gifts! All proceeds go to Chamisa PTO fundraising for spring field trips.
FEBRUARY 21, 6pm
Movie is free; bring the whole family!!
Concessions available as a PTO fundraiser $1 popcorn and $2 chocolate and $2 drinks
Interested in filling a PTO position for the 2025-2026 school year? PTO is looking for parents to fill the President, VP and Secretary roles. Contact pto.chamisa@gmail.com with questions.
Please join us at the next PTO meeting, Wednesday, March 12.
Multicultural Fair
Please click on the following link for more information on the Multi-Cultural Fair. The Fair will be held Monday, May 5th at Pinon Elementary. Read on for more information.
Please come to the art show to see the art of 69 students from Chamisa. Click on the following link for a list of students whose work will be display at the art show.
Chamisa has a new Head Custodian!!
Please Welcome our new Head Custodian to Chamisa!!
Matthew Marquez or Mr. Matt! Matt is taking over the duties from Jorge Aragon who retired at the end of January. We are really excited to have Matt in our Chamisa family. If you see him around school, please say hello and welcome Matt into the Chamisa community.
Chamisa's Calendar
Mon, Feb 17: Presidents' Day - No School
Fri, Feb 21: PTO Movie Night 6-9pm
Mon, March 3: LAPS Registration begins for SY 2025-2026
Thurs, March 6: Math Literacy Night
Thurs, March 6: Chamisa Speech Contest
Tues, March 11: First & Second Grade Musical, 8:45
Wed, March 12: Chamisa PTO Meeting, 7:00 pm library
Thurs & Fri, March 13 & 14: Parent/Teacher conferences, no school for students
Mon-Fri, March 17-21: Spring Break, no school
Mon, March 24: Students return to school
Wed, March 26: Spring School Pictures