Alaska Native Cultural Charter
October 2023
Important Dates
Oct. 2 - Regular School Day**
Oct. 9 - Indigenous People's Day - NO SCHOOL
Oct. 10 - Picture Day
Oct. 10 - Indigenous People's Day Family Night 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Oct. 10 - 13 - Indigenous People's Day Spirit Week
Oct. 15 - 18 - 7th & 8th Grade attending AFN Elders & Youth Conference
Oct. 17 - School Cimiq (leadership) Team Meeting 4:00 - 5:30 pm - Join us to give input!
Oct. 19 - Great Alaska Shakeout (Earthquake Preparedness Drill)
Oct. 19 - Last School Day of First Quarter
Oct. 20 - State-released Grading Day - NO SCHOOL
Oct. 24 - Coffee & Content 8:15 - 8:45 am
Oct. 25 - First Quarter Student Showcase
Oct. 25 - Full School Day (Other ASD Schools: 1/2 day)
Oct 26 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL (Other ASD Schools: 1/2 day)
Oct. 27 - State-released Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL
Oct. 31 - Halloween
Nov. 3 - Remote Learning Day - NO IN-PERSON SCHOOL
Nov. 10 - State-released Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL
Nov. 23 & 24 - Thanksgiving Holiday - NO SCHOOL
**Please Note: Our printed calendars show October 2 as a Remote Learning Day. The remote learning day has been rescheduled for November 3. October 2 will be a regular school day!
October Update
On October 10, our class day schedule will be adjusted in order to decrease disruptions and maximize learning. These adjustments will modify when students have recess, lunch, specials, and WIN ("What I Need" small-group instruction). While our new schedule will better suit our new building and be more developmentally appropriate, any change in routine can be challenging for students. You may notice an increase in fatigue for the first few weeks of the new schedule.
Also beginning October 10, all students may enter the MPR between 8:15 - 8:40 am for breakfast. We will begin our Yuuyaraq Gathering at 8:45 am in the gym. Our school start / tardy time will remain 9:00 am.
New after-school offerings! We are excited to announce that our 21st Century Program will begin on Monday, October 30! 21st Century is an after-school program that provides academic enrichment in math, reading, and robotics. Our program will run 3:30 - 5:30 pm Monday - Thursday. Participation in the program is based on teacher recommendation and family application. More information will be sent home soon!
With the start of 21st Century on October 30, our after-school tutoring program that runs until 4:10 pm will end effective Friday, October 27. Beginning October 30, all students who are not enrolled in 21st Century will need to be picked up at 3:30 pm (unless they have specific arrangements for another after-school activity).
Lastly, stay tuned for more information about JNYO, NYO, Basketball, Badminton, Yup'ik Choir, and Battle of the Books! Badminton Club permission slips are available for students in grades 3-8 and permission slips to participate in NYO will be sent home with 7th and 8th graders this week!
Indigenous People's Family Night
Following our day off on October 9 in recognition of Indigenous People's Day, come join us on October 10 from 5:30 - 7:00 pm for a fun-filled evening! There will be storytelling, a cake walk, akutuq, and more!
Yup'ik Word(s) of the Week
Pingnatugyaraq (Ways of working hard)
Calirpagyaraq (Ways of working hard)
Family connection: Ask your student to share the Yup'ik Word of the Week. Practice the pronunciation together. Ask them what lessons they've learned at school related to the word.
Family reflection: What are some ways you work hard now as an adult or as a parent? What is something you had to work hard at as a kid? Share these stories with your student. Let your student know the ways in which you see them working hard now.
Family exploration: With your student, learn about some of the ways that your Elders or ancestors worked hard. How has pingnatugyaraq changed from their generation to now? How has calirpagyaraq remained the same? What are some ways you see people in the community working hard?
Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduling
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, October 26, from 8:30 am - 7:00 pm. If you need to arrange a conference on a different day, please contact your student's teacher.
The online Conference Scheduler will be open to families Monday, October 10, through Tuesday, October 24.
Parents and guardians will be able to access the online conference scheduler in various ways:
- ASD home page via the web slider
- ASD Mobile App
- ParentConnection/Quick Links
If you do not have internet access, please call the front office at 742-1370 to schedule your conference with your student's teacher(s).
Alaska Reads Act: K-3 Reading Instruction and Supports
Earlier this school year, our K-5 students took a reading assessment called mCLASS DIBELS 8. This assessment gauges student reading proficiency levels. All K-5 parents will receive a report of their child's results. This is called the mClass Home Connect Report. Additionally, parents of students in grades 1-3 who scored "below" or "well below" in reading proficiency will receive an additional letter that outlines the next steps we will take together to help improve reading skills.
Please view the below video from ASD to learn more about the changes to our K-3 reading program.
Baby Raven Reads
Enroll your child today! Baby Raven Reads Enrollment Form
ANCCS Ride Share Group
ANCCS has a Ride Share group! To join, find Alaska Native Cultural Charter School on Facebook. Scroll through our pinned posts to find the "ANCCS Ride Share" group. Click "Join Group." This is a private group for parents and guardians of ANCCS to connect and arrange temporary or longterm carpools. ANCCS is not responsible for organizing the rides.
Attendance Matters
Students who miss 10% of the school year are considered chronically absent. Research shows that chronic absences negatively impact a student’s academic performance and development. Did you know that missing two school days per month adds up to missing 10% of school?
The below graph shows the percentage (78.81%) of ANCCS students who have attended school 90-100% of the days, the percentage (14.5%) of ANCCS students who have attended school 80-90% of the days, the percentage (3.72%) that have attended 70-80% of the days, and the percentage (1.86%) that have attended 60-70% of the days.
Let's work together to keep your student attending every day!
Dress for the Weather!
Nurse's Corner
Waqaa, ANCCS families!
Since cold and flu season are both right around the corner, I wanted to share the ASD guidelines on when to keep your child home if they are feeling sick. If your child requires medication to treat any of their symptoms, please complete the appropriate medication forms found at
Fever – A fever is a warning that the body is fighting an infection that could easily spread to others. A child with a temperature of 100.4 F should not be sent to school; your child should stay home until they are fever free without the use of fever-reducing medications like Tylenol.
Colds – Colds are more difficult to assess. A slightly runny nose and occasional dry cough is not enough to keep your child home. However, if your child’s nose runs constantly and/or the cough is frequent and wet, or your child is experiencing nausea or is too tired and uncomfortable to function at school, it would be best to keep the child home for a day or two.
Cough – If your child has a severe cough, rapid and/or difficulty breathing, wheezing, or the cough is accompanied by a sore throat or not feeling well, the child should stay home from school.
Diarrhea – Diarrhea is defined as an unusual amount of very liquid stools compared to the child’s normal pattern. Children should stay home until able to participate normally at school.
Ears – If your child has pain, swelling, drainage or difficulty hearing, please see your healthcare provider. Untreated ear infections can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss.
Eyes – If your child has red, itchy eyes with a clear, yellow or green drainage from the eye, it may be contagious and a sign of bacterial conjunctivitis (pinkeye). A child with pinkeye can attend school if they are able to keep from touching their eyes and show that they can properly wash hands after contact with the infected eye.
Rash – A rash might be the first sign of an illness. If your child has a rash with a fever and behavioral changes, or a rash that is oozing/open wound, or is tender with the rash worsening, your child should be evaluated by a healthcare provider.
Sore Throat – If your child has a sore throat, have the child gargle with warm salt water. If child behavior is normal and the child ate breakfast, it’s probably safe to send your child to school. If your child has difficulty swallowing, or you notice saliva building up in your child’s mouth because your child can’t swallow, please keep your child home. If you notice white spots in the back of the throat, please contact your doctor as this could be a sign of an infection.
Vomiting / Nausea – Please keep your child home if your child has vomited more than 2 times in 24 hours, has a fever or if they look or act ill.
I also wanted to update everyone with the latest ASD information regarding COVID-19. ASD does not plan to offer any form of COVID testing in the schools for 23/24 school year. If you are ill and test for COVID and are positive, you should follow current CDC guidelines for isolation. Those guidelines are on the CDC website, but also are summarized below:
· If you have a positive test, please isolate for 5 days.
· You may return to school/work with symptoms resolving on day 6.
· You should wear a mask on days 6 through 10.
Health Screenings are under way. Nurses are mandated to let guardians know of any screenings that students do not pass. We check vision, hearing, height, weight and color vision. All students in Pre-K, K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th grade as well as any students who are new to district or referred by a teacher with a concern will be screened. I am contacting parents by phone first, email if unable to reach them by phone, and paperwork sent home for families I cannot reach by phone or email. Please make sure current contact information is on file with our front office.
Additionally, if your student has outgrown any pull-on pants (sweatpants, leggings, or running pants) in good condition, the nurse's office can use them. With the weather changing, students often need a pair of clean, dry pants to change into mid-day. If I do not have the correct clothing available when kids are in need, you may get a call from me if your child gets wet or needs a change.
Alaska Spring 2023 State Testing Scores
ASD and ANCCS are waiting on student scores from our Spring 2023 State testing. The AK Science Assessment scores for grades 5 & 8 have been received by the district and should be available to schools and families soon. We currently do not have an estimated date for when we expect to receive AK Star math and reading scores for grades 3-8 from the State of Alaska.
Open House Photos
Parent Connection
Need help navigating ParentConnection? ASD is hosting a Technology Help Night at East High on Tuesday, October 3 from 5:30 - 7:00 pm. Free pizza provided!
ParentConnection is how you can input your student's attendance when they're absent, check their grades and missing assignments, and review their assessment data. Please review the attached resources or stop by the front office for help with navigating ParentConnection.
ParentConnection Quick Reference Guide
Accessing your student's assessment data on ParentConnection
Safety & Security Drills
Orange Shirt Day Family Night!
ANCCS APC – Board:
- President: Manny Acuna, parent
- Vice President: Caroline Wiseman
- Secretary: Michael Patterson, parent
- Treasurer: Roger Hamacher community
- Pamela Dupras, staff
- Elizabeth Hancock, founder
- Ronni Weddleton, community
- Justin Ovsak, community
- Vacant Seat
- Vacant Seat
ANCCS APC – Elder Council:
- Lucy Brown
- Anthony Nakazawa
- Edgar Blatchford
- Agnes Baptiste
ANCCS APC – Founders Council
- Martha Gould-Lehe
- Rosemary Savage
- Sheila Sweetsir
- Janann Kaufman
- Deborah Pungowiyi
- Elizabeth Hancock
- Virgina Juettner
- Lisa Dolcheck
- Max Dolcheck (remembered fondly for faithful service)
School Board Members
- Superintendent: Dr. Jharrett Bryantt
- President: Margo Bellamy
- Vice President: Carl Jacobs, Seat G
- Treasurer: Kelly Lessens, Seat B
- Clerk: Dora Wilson, Seat F
- Seat C: Dave Donley
- Seat D: Andy Holleman
- Seat E: Pat Higgins