SLCA Newsletter: The Eagle Edition
December 2, 2024
SouthLake Christian Community,
We hope everyone had a relaxing and refreshing break! As we gear up for the next few weeks, we’re excited to dive back into all the great work ahead. There’s a lot to look forward to, and with just two weeks until our next break, let’s make the most of this time together.
Attention Upper School Students
Exams are set for the week of December 16. Start preparing now to finish the semester strong.
Monday, December 16
English (9:00 - 10:30 AM)
History Exam Review (11:30- 3:30: check with your teacher)
Tuesday, December 17
History (9:00 - 10:30 AM)
Math Exam Review (11:30- 3:30: check with your teacher)
Wednesday, December 18
Math (9:00 - 10:30 AM)
Science Exam Review (11:30- 3:30: check with your teacher)
Thursday, December 19
Science (9:00 - 10:30 AM)
Spanish Exam Review (11:30- 3:30: check with your teacher)
Friday, December 20
Spanish/Make-Ups/Dual Discipline (9:00 - 10:30 AM)
Winter Book Fair: January 27-31
Your generous contributions on Giving Tuesday will play a crucial role in funding essential security enhancements, which will include the hiring of a full-time School Resource Officer. Click HERE!
SouthLake's Spring Musical Audition Details
When: December 2 - 4
Time: 3:30 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
Where: Held in First Building Library/Choir Room
Who: Open to any student in grade 7-12
Details: Sign up HERE for your audition slot.
Each student will have a 10-minute audition. Click HERE for all audition information (song, script readings, and audition expectations).
Donuts and Hot Cocoa/Juice Box until December 6
The Student Leadership Council will be offering hot cocoa and juice boxes, and donuts from now until during December 6 from 7:15-8:00 am in both the upper school building and the lower school building. All proceeds support the Senior Mission Trip. Cash accepted only.
Student Mission Fellowship
Purchase your brick today!
Create a lasting legacy at SouthLake Christian Academy with our Legacy Brick Campaign! Become a part of history by purchasing a personalized, engraved brick to be proudly displayed on our campus.Two choices exist for buying a commemorative brick paver.
We’re excited to announce the continuation of SouthLake Christian Academy’s Student Enrichment Program, After the Academics. This program has been designed to empower students to explore their interests, build new skills, and discover their potential in a dynamic and supportive environment. After the Academics offers a variety of engaging activities, from arts and STEM to athletics and leadership development, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Focused on fostering creativity, teamwork, and personal growth, this enrichment program complements academic learning while helping students thrive. Click here to learn more!
Calling All Moms, Dads, and Grandparents! Looking for a fun way to get involved? The Lunchroom is in need of 3-4 volunteers each day from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. Help us make lunchtime a smooth and enjoyable experience for our students – no experience required. All food is catered and prepackaged; your job is simply to hand out meals to the kids at their stations. Sign up to volunteer today!
It’s a great chance to meet other parents and grandparents, catch a glimpse of your child during the day, and be part of the school community. Any questions? Send an email to:
Save The Date
Daddy-Daughter Dance
Mark your calendars for the father-daughter ball scheduled on February 21st. More information to follow.
We are dedicating this section specifically to you, providing all the essential information you need to know about SouthLake Christian and its offerings for your benefit.