End of the Year News!
The Sky's the Limit!
We want your Field Day pictures!
We are making a fun end of the year slideshow with everyone's pictures.
5th Grade "Clap Out" Video
5th Grade Hero Ceremony Video
All Students Need to Register for 2020-2021!
As of today, we have 179 students registered. Thanks if you got it done. If you haven't yet, you still have time to get it done before Mr. Jarot register's his own children for their school. :) The gentle reminders will continue!
Returning Student Registration for 2020-2021 has moved to an online format that will open on April 27. In years past, parents completed the necessary paperwork in paper format. This year, all acknowledgments and authorizations are contained in a single electronic, online registration form that will be easily accessible from most electronic devices (computer, Chromebook, and Smartphones).
Beginning April 27, parents can sign into the Returning Student Online Registration form using their Home Access Center (HAC) credentials, select individual students, and complete their registration. The form will be located in the Parents/Community menu of the District website.
Registration fees for elementary and middle school will be available in Pushcoin beginning April 27, and billed to reflect the early bird discount of $10.00 if paid by May 22. High School fees will be available in June. For families who may qualify for a fee waiver, and are not directly certified by the state, a 2020-2021 district fee waiver application will be available on the District 303 website in July, accessible from the Parent/Community menu.
The school fees waiver will ONLY be a PAPER application since there is financial documentation required for income verification. Important to note, there will be no reduced fees next year. A family can only qualify for a free waiver of fees. The application will be located on the district website in July. Questions regarding school fee waivers - Sharon Wlezien at 331-228-5417
Only one application needs to be completed for each household. Please include ALL family members that live in the household (even those not attending a school). In July, ONLINE applications will be posted on the district website. In addition, paper applications will be available at the schools and the Administration Building as in years past. Unlike the school fees, families can qualify for Reduced. Questions regarding FOOD WAIVERS - Patti Townsend 331-228-6529
A few things to note:
● Free/Reduced applications will be sent by mail during July to each household who previously qualified for the program.
● Families directly certified by the State of Illinois for the 2020-2021 school year will receive FREE FOOD and their FEES will be WAIVED.
○ If your family is qualified by the state, do NOT need to complete either application.
○ You will receive an approval letter in the mail.
Summer Food For All Families
As we move into the summer months, District 303 is extending our grab and go meal service at each of our 6 locations. As part of this communication, you will find an updated schedule of days when meals will be available for any student in the district who needs them.
From now until May 29, we will operate on the same schedule that we have used throughout the spring. However, we will not be serving meals on Monday, May 25 in observance of Memorial Day.
Beginning on June 1, we will operate on Mondays and Thursdays only. Students will receive three meals on Mondays and two meals on Thursdays. Please refer to the list below for specific locations and times of service.
Anderson Elementary School, 35W071 Villa Marie Rd.
9:00 - 11:00 a.m. - Monday and Thursday
Thompson Middle School, 705 W. Main Street
9:00 - 11:00 a.m. - Monday and Thursday
Wasco Elementary School, 4N782 School Street, Wasco
10:00 - 10:45 a.m - Monday and Thursday
A District 303 bus will deliver meals to the front of the school.
Cumberland Green Cooperative (1798 Cumberland Green-Office Lot near court #1)
11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Monday and Thursday
A District bus will deliver meals to the office parking lot at 1798 Cumberland.
Prairie Point Apartments, 1820 Wessel Court
10:00 - 10:30 a.m.- Monday and Thursday
A District 303 bus will deliver meals to the park facing the road at the front entrance (Entrance nearest to Randall Road).
The Crossings, 1690 Covington
10:40 - 11:10 a.m. - Monday and Thursday.
A District 303 bus will deliver meals to the area near the clubhouse.
St. Charles Place, 15th Street and Indiana
11:20 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Monday and Thursday
A District 303 bus will deliver meals to an area in front of the apartment complex.
As we progress through the summer, we will send families additional information and reminders about the district’s meal service program.
2-1-1 is here for you!
Anderson Elementary School
Email: nathan.jarot@d303.org
Website: https://anderson.d303.org/
Location: 35W071 Villa Maria Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3300