News and events
October 3rd, 2024

October 3, 2024
School News!
NO SCHOOL! Friday, October 4th and Monday, October 7th
Parent Teacher Conferences Started today!
If you need to sign up for a conference you may email your child's teacher directly or call our office at 763-506-2900.
Book Fair
During conferences, our book fair will be running. Here is the link to the details.
Title 1 Informational Meetings - All Parents Invited
Our Title 1 Teachers will be holding informational meetings on each conference evening. The meetings are at 5PM each night in the Explorations Room #105.
School T-shirts: If you want to purchase spiritwear/grade level t-shirts, they can be found here: Spiritwear Link
A huge thank you to everyone who volunteered to make the Jefferson Jaunt a success! Your hard work and dedication truly made a difference. Here are some upcoming opportunities:
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities:
PTO Meeting - Tuesday, October 8th, at 7:15pm in the Media Center. Everyone is welcome!
Hearing & Vision Screening Volunteer Sign - Up
Fall Book Fair Volunteer Sign - Up
Enrichment Programs (see options below)
Seeking volunteers who are interested in leading any of the following enrichment programs. Online training is available and required. Please contact Dijana Sivac if you are interested
The program was developed to help kindergarten thru second grade students develop lifelong literacy and math skills. The volunteer program is comprised of a variety of activities that volunteers can practice with students one-on-one in the classroom while reinforcing the skills that classroom teachers have already introduced to kindergarteners through lesson plans, including: Reading aloud, tracing the alphabet, sorting and finding letters, listening to sounds, and counting and building number recognition. This program occurs during the school day.
Volunteers provide children with additional opportunities to foster a love of reading outside of the classroom by introducing various genres of literature, extending students' writing connections, and promoting higher level thinking skills. Like a book club! This occurs outside of school hours, usually before school.
The purpose of Math PLUS is to provide additional, on-going mathematical experiences for students in grades K-5. Students participate in math activities that reinforce problem solving, logic and reasoning, and communicating mathematical findings. This makes math learning fun! This occurs outside of school hours, usually before school.
For more information on getting involved at Jefferson, please contact:
Dijana Sivac
Volunteer Services Coordinator
Upcoming Dates
Book Fair - October 3-11
P.T.O. Meeting October 8th 7:15PM - Jefferson Media Center
Anti-Bullying Survey
The Anoka-Hennepin School District is administering the annual Student Anti-Bullying survey to
a sample of classrooms in grades 4, 6, 8 and 10 between October 8th and November 15th.
The survey asks students about bullying behaviors they may have experienced or witnessed at
school. The results are used to help identify and address areas of concern to make the school
environment safe and welcoming for all students.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Mark Hansen, Principal.
This e-newsletter is published by Jefferson Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.