Snail Mail
An e-newsletter from Snail Lake Kindergarten Center
December 6, 2024
December 17 - 19- Gingerbread Houses
December 20 - School Spirit Day: Pajama Day
December 23 - January 1 - NO SCHOOL WINTER BREAK
January 3 - School Spirit 'We are Snail Lake'
Gingerbread House Event
December 17, 18, or 19, your student’s class will be having their gingerbread house event in our cafeteria. Teachers have sent out further information on this event including an RSVP for one parent to attend with each child that includes a background check. At this time, we have a large number of parents who have not yet completed the background check or RSVP's to the event. Please review this link to RSVP.
Winter Weather Reminders
Did you know?
The total number of lunches served to students last school year was a record-breaking 1,313,545 lunches! This represents an impressive 13.8% increase from the previous school year.
Community Ed Activitites registration opens Monday, Dec. 9
Registration for winter/spring Community Education activities opens Monday, Dec. 9, at 9 a.m. Flip through the electronic catalog now and register starting Monday at
Head Lice Information
We wanted to share a friendly reminder that head lice is unfortunately relatively common among elementary-aged students. We are not seeing a current increase in cases at this time, but we want to offer some reminders you can share with your children about how they can help prevent the spread. Encourage avoidance of direct head-to-head contact Discourage the sharing of hats, combs, brushes, headbands, etc. Frequently (weekly) check your child’s head for head lice For more information about how to identify, prevent and treat head lice,, you can check out these links: Thank you for your partnership!
Box Tops for Education
Snail Lake Kindergarten Center participates in Box Tops for Education. We would appreciate your support in earning funds for our school.
To get started:
- Download the app from your app store
- Complete Set Up and begin scanning receipts
It's a quick and easy way to help support our school!
In addition, this month's Box Tops monthly challenge asks participants to link their Wal-Mart account. Everyone who connects their accounts for the first time, now through 11/30, will earn 50 Bonus Box Tops ($5) for our school. We really appreciate your support!
News from the Library
Water and books don’t mix. Make sure your child stores their water bottle in the outside pocket of their backpack to keep their books and folder dry.
Questions? Contact the library at
Kowalski's Groceries for Good Causes
Snail Lake Kindergarten Center is a participant in the Groceries for Good Causes program at the Kowalskis in Shoreview. The Groceries for Good Causes program allows shoppers to choose which neighborhood organizations matter most to them. Simply drop your grocery receipt in one of the bins to "vote" for the organization you'd like to support, and Kowalski's will donate a percentage of their quarterly charitable giving budget based on the number of receipts in each box.
Snail Lake PTO News
Gifts for Others
Gifts for Others is a program facilitated by PTA volunteers to support families with the Turtle Lake Community who are experiencing extreme financial stress during the holiday season. The list of children in need has almost doubled from last year and there are many items still on our list.
We have extended the drop off deadline to Monday, December 9. Drop off is at Turtle Lake Elementary School (before the end of the school day on Monday, Dec 9) or two addresses listed on the sign-up sheet.
Children are in need of hats, gloves/mittens, coats, snow pants, and clothing. Please donate!
Purchase an item from the SignUp Genius. Be sure to scroll down the page for the available items.
Make a monetary donation: Cash, Check (made out to Turtle Lake PTA) or electronically through GiveBacks (Click Here to Donate.)
Culture & Heritage Night
Join us for our 2nd Culture & Heritage Night on January 10, 2025!
When: Friday, January 10, 6:00-7:30pm
Where: Turtle Lake Elementary Gym
What: Family friendly, open house style event celebrating the diverse backgrounds of our Turtle Lake community. We hope to see you there!
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Yog xa tau kev pab thiab hais ua lus Hmoob thov hu rau Bao Thao: 651-272-0972. Haddi aad ubaahantahay faahfaahin dheerad-ah ama turjamaad, fadlan kala soo xidid Zeynah Abdulrazak lambaraka 651-262-4577. Para asistencia o preguntas en Español por favor contacte a Angel Toro: 651-724-2854 o Carmen Bender: 612-494-3895.