Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School November 19th, 2020
Thanksgiving Litany
November 20th
Reminder that we do not have school on Wednesday, November 25th-Friday, November 27th. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!!
Tree of Thanks
Thanksgiving-A lifestyle, not just a Holiday. Check out the link below
Trimester Ending
Grades can be an important measure of how a student is progressing, but they are not the only measure. I know that all of our teachers are more interested in each student doing their best, than the grade at the end of term. Our primary goal as a Catholic school is not only to have your child earn good grades; we want them to grow into men and women of faith and virtue, prepared to enter the next stage of their lives. We hope that they come to school ready to learn because they wonder about the beautiful gift of creation that God has given us, and they are in awe of the love that Jesus shows us each day.
The Catholic Church has always taught that parents are the primary educators of their children. Our school serves to assist you in the role, and by working together, we can have the greatest impact. I encourage you to check up on your child in a way that fits their needs. For a younger child, they may need more assistance, while an older child may need to practice taking initiative. Some students may be able to work independently, while others will need more support - even in the same classroom. Each student is unique, and each is a beautiful child of God.
Each week a new theme will be focused on. The four themes for Advent are: joy, hope, peace, and love. Classes will have activities to do talking about the theme and have an advent wreath in their rooms.
The whole school will be doing an Advent Kindness Calendar, reminding the students of the importance of being kind. We will have a bulletin board created and the daily deed will be announced over the announcements.
A scratch-off Kindness Calendar is being sent home with the oldest child in the family. This will help families prepare for Christmas. Please scratch off a snowflake and do the deed. Please take some pictures of your family doing the different activities and send them via email to holytrinityschool@htschool.net or principal@htschool.net. Thank you!
Because of the times we are living in right now, we are asking for our service project to go through your home and consider donating items to St. Vincent de Paul or GoodWill. You could also donate to the Food Pantry or make a donation to your favorite charity.
Matthew Kelly, along with Dynamic Catholic, have a daily prayer/reflection for Advent called, Best Advent Ever. If you are interested in this, look it up and sign up for emails. You will get daily emails with short videos and reflections. Consider keeping a journal of your own during Advent with your thoughts and reflections for the day. This is an awesome program!
Calendar of Cash Winners
November 9 - Aiden Kanngieser
November 10 - Gwenn Petri
November 11 - Kristie Piwoni
November 12 - Joe Stephan
November 13 - Arlene Paulus
Mask Wearing
Thanksgiving Dinner
A Note from Mrs. Longden
Community and relationships are an important part of our families, our school, and even each one of us as human persons. Even our Christian understanding of God is relational. God is a trinity of persons, and he created us to love and to be loved. Our personal relationship with Jesus is incredibly important, but Jesus also left us a church to feed our natural need for community. Unfortunately the COVID pandemic has made it much more difficult for us to interact in meaningful ways.
As many of you know, I'm a big fan of the Star Wars movies. From the last movie, I was particularly struck by the intriguing suggestion that evil wants us to feel alone. Many things in our society encourage loneliness and isolation. Seeing the movie made me think about the importance of our community here at Holy Trinity. Being part of a community isn't always easy. Other people don't always do things the way we would, there may be disagreements, and we come up against the imperfections of others. However, being in a community helps us to grow and become better people. Jesus organized his followers and established a church for a reason. We learn from the book of Proverbs, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: principal@htschool.net
Website: www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St. Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262) 626-2603