Peek at the Week
A brief summary of important campus information.
Week of September 30, 2024
October is here!
Thank you to all the parents that attended our annual Parent Carousel! It was great to see your support and interest for your student. If you were unable to attend, feel free to call or email staff to gain feedback on your student. As we approach the October Intersession (October 14-18), there will be no high school classes, but please be reminded that college courses are still in session. Students taking college courses must continue to attend class. Attendance for college courses is equally important as the limit had traditionally been 3 absences and then students are at risk to be dropped with loss of credit. Friday, October 11 is also a student holiday with a scheduled teacher professional develpment day. Students needing added support, attendance intervention, and/or enrichment will be invited to attend the October Intersession. Information is noted below for reference. Feel free to review upcoming dates that are approaching.
Please note that school pictures are scheduled for Grades 9-11 students tomorrow, Friday, October 4. We expect to have all students present.
It is always our goal to keep families and students continuously informed. If ever you need additional information or have questions about any items you view, please feel free to contact the school office.
Dr. T. Rodriguez, Proud Principal/Director of Early College HS
Calendar Dates
Celebrate the kick off of Breast Cancer Awareness month by wearing PINK on Thursday, October 3. Every thursday will be "Think PINK" in the month of October to honor all those families and friends that know someone with this medical diagnosis.
Homecoming Tickets on Sale!
Mark your calendar for Homecoming to celebrate "A Whimsical Wonderland Tea Party" on Friday, November 8. Tickets are on sale now! Please review the attachment below for details.
National Custodian Appreciation Day!
We are very fortunate to have a great custodial team that helps take care of our campus. These ladies are essential members of our school. We celebrated on Wednesday, October 2, to recognize both Carolina Rivas (corina.rivas@ccisd.us) and Carolina Carrasco (carolina.carrasco@ccisd.us) for their hard work and dedicaiton. Feel free to express your gratitude as you see them or you can email them any time with acknowledgment for their work.
Testing Update
TSI2 Testing Coming!
Please review the attachment below to view the upcoming dates for TSI. As a reminder, TSI scores are utilized to determine student eligability for interested college courses.
Class Rank Dates
Report Cards - 1st Six Weeks
1st Six Weeks Report Cards are posted in the Home Access Center (BLUE button below for more details) next week. If you have any trouble with access, please contact the school office or Mr. Porter, IT Specialist, for assistance at 512-689-3821 or gilbert.porter@ccisd.us. This will be the same location that progress reports were viewed for the third six weeks. As a reminder, paper progress reports and report cards are no longer mailed out by the district/campus.
Bond 2024
Election Day is coming up! On behalf of the District Administration, below is a brief fact sheet that will provide a summary of items that will be part of the Bond 2024 Plan.
On-Time Attendance - 97% Daily Goal!
As part of our established CHS Attendance League competition, one grade level will be declared winners for having the best attendance each six weeks. The winning grade level will receive acknowledement with an established celebration. Congratulations to Grade 10 students for winning the first six weeks attendance contest!
As a reminder, students with persistent absences and/or tardies are required by law to make-up time to recover class minutes. If a student has an attendance or academic concern, it will be necessary for the student to stay on designated Fridays till 4 pm. According to the law, high school students must be in EACH class 90% of the time to receive a documented grade or earn credit. Students that do not meet this state requirement run risk of retaking the course and loosing credit. It is our goal to help students avoid this consequence as this could delay graduation.
Dress Code - No Crop Shirts
Dress Code will continue to be enforced as per the District guidelines. Students that exhibit continued concern will be required to call home to seek assistance with additional garments. As a reminder, no house slippers, pajamas, or crop shirts. Stomach area may not be visible or seen at any time. To check if appropriate, students should raise both arms above their head and shirt/top should not rise up exposing the stomach area. As a solution, camisoles or undershirts can be utilized to cover the mid/stomach area.
PTSA Membership Continues!
Our PTSA Membership drive is ongoing and we would like to encourage all households to participate, including your student. There are PTA envelopes at the school office or you may purchase online at www.joinpta.org (link is noted on the button below). Your membership cards will be mailed directly to your household with opportunities for various discounts.
We welcome parent representation (for each grade level) to serve on our PTSA Executive Board. If interested, please email me at tracie.rodriguez@ccisd.us with your first/last name, student's name/grade level, and contact information so I can contact you with more details.
Extracurricular Activities
Student Leadership Clubs
Students leadership clubs have begun on Fridays, the last hour of the day. A menu of clubs will be provided to students to make a selection of their choice this week. If students would like to propose a new club or change clubs, students are encouraged to email the administration.
UIL Competition Meetings
Students have begun preparing for a variety of UIL Academic Competitions. Afterschool meetings will continue to be scheduled for students that have interest or plan to participate in these type of events. Most meetings are limited to 30-45 minutes afterschool for designated teams (i.e., Challenge Team, Math Team, Science Team, Destination Imagination Team, Robotics Team, etc.). We are so proud of our students' interest and intentions in pursing their passions.
High School Heros Program
We are pleased to see great interest from students wanting an educational professional experience in leading young people by joining the TAFE organization. Junior Achievement is partnershing with our TAFE organization and students with interest in eduation to seek training to present to elementary students on important topics. Training for these students have been scheduled for Friday, October 4 from 8:30 to 2:00 pm at DMC - Coles Building, Room 227.